New IMS/International Monetary System. QFS/Quantum Financial System.
Treaties, Accords, Alliances. Regulations. So Much That's Above Our Pay Grade.
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I ingest a lot of information on a daily basis. I have a voracious information appetite. I listen to multiple financial calls daily with analysts and insiders, people as far up the food chain as I can validate. I try to source the most accurate information that is out there. I don’t think you guys would believe me if I told you how many times in a day I hit the search button looking for info.
Many of you email and contact me wanting more of that information. I see comments on various boards where my articles get posted. Especially my financial articles. I have located a ton of stuff that backs up the conclusions that I come too in my writings. There’s no way to pass it all along. I literally read hundreds and hundreds of documents and websites every few days, along with watching hours and hours of video looking for data to assimilate into these articles. The many reasons I keep writing about gold and the new Quantum Financial System/QFS is because they are what the economic future of the planet will be based upon. I mentioned in a few articles that along with official reports, audits, laws, regulations and other things, that there are what are best described as “Working Papers”. Sort of a broad overview to give the participants an idea where things are headed. Some of these financial plans have been in the works for decades. The world economy is not some small rowboat that can change direction quickly. It’s like the Titanic and it can’t avoid those icebergs without a little forethought and a whole lot of planning. This is where things get interesting. Lets look at both sides of the coin. The need for secrecy and the need for clarity.
In most of my original articles I tried to set the tone for all of you about a few things. I constantly mention our political world is being heavily influenced by “The Art Of War” as this battle between good and evil continues to play out. I also mentioned “The Meanings Of Words”. Words are very important. The subtle nuances between similar words can change the entire meaning. Let’s start at the beginning. You know like the beginning of the year in January. That brings us to this fellow. Do you know who he is?
That, my friends, is “Janus” for those of you who do not know.
“In ancient Roman religion and myth, Janus (/ˈdʒeɪnəs/ JAY-nəs; Latin: Ianvs [ˈi̯aːnʊs]) is the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways,[2] passages, frames, and endings. He is usually depicted as having two faces. The month of January is named for Janus (Ianuarius).”
For the sake of this article let us focus on the beginnings, duality, transitions and endings portion of that description. I have used another word in a few of my articles that also applies. That word is “Dichotomy”. We could also say that the duality mentioned above could be construed as a dichotomy as well.
Let’s talk about the Global Central Banking System and the many control mechanisms that are a part of that system involving the IMF, World Bank, United Nations, The Committee Of 300, the BIS and all of these other organizations. They are, and always have been, quietly working to enslave humanity in the background at the behest of our Evil Global Overlords.
From the very beginning back in 1913 when the nefarious Federal Reserve was birthed into being, they had a problem (besides the obvious fact that they were evil, swindling thieves) that they have always tried to hide from governments and the public. They have always been our Janus. A two-faced liar that never had our best interests anywhere in their monetary equations. They need for everyone to believe that we can’t live without them and all of the good they can do for the country, while simultaneously figuring out a way to hide their original intent of stealing all of the wealth from the citizens as well as the planet with their satellite affiliates in every country. They do that through inflation, interest, financing both sides of wars, feeding the Military Industrial Complex, grant money for all of those Big Pharma companies, funding the WEF, BIS, IMF, World Bank and all of those other Deep State participants I mentioned earlier with their fake, FIAT money that pull out of their A__ whenever Congress gives them a call. Remember the very definition of what FIAT means. By decree. It just means if they say it’s real, we have to believe them. It reminds me of that old saying “What good is a promise from a liar?”
In the last 110 years or so the U.S. dollar has lost almost all of it’s value and purchasing power. That was by design. That interest and inflation goes straight into the coffers of the bank.
To keep this Fiat Dollar/Global Reserve Currency illusion going, we have gone through two Bretton Woods agreements with a third standing in the wings.
Bretton Woods 3: Is the Dollar Dominance Over?
Yes, I believe the dollar dominance is over and all of the lies they told the world to form the original Bretton Woods agreement about there not being enough gold, have been proven wrong. There is plenty of gold, as I have shown you in multiple articles, and the world is sick and tired of the Deep State/Globalist Banksters stealing all of the real assets of this world with their fake FIAT currency. There is another, very large piece of this puzzle that most of us know nothing about, that has to be included in every financial change that is being instituted right now. That is all of the treaties, accords, regulations and alliances have to incorporate, or update, all of the legal terms of those documents to function in the new QFS system. Many of these documents are decades, even centuries old. Some of those documents are based on the value of gold and other assets. All 209 of the countries mentioned below have to come to agreements on what their countries and their assets are worth and have agreed to plug that into the new system. Those assets have to be quantified, verified and re-certified and in most cases moved to a different secure location away from the thieving Central Banksters.
As you read the 23 page document below, here are a few thoughts to ponder if you have not read my previous articles and put a few of these pieces together in your mind. In no particular order. Someone went to a lot of trouble to put this document together and reference many things that we are just now finding out years later have been instigated. Lots of behind the scenes information only someone in the banking industry would know.
209 countries signed the “Paris Accords” in 2016 and agreed to the transition and the new IMS/International Monetary System. ( A little food for thought here. While the financial regulations were needed for this transition, I believe that a lot of the highly erroneous climate mandates will be modified as more and more data is being revealed daily that the information and assumptions used were bogus. IMHO)
In 2017, after the world agreed to a new banking system, President Trump signed the new “Bilateral/Trilateral” agreement for an additional 20 years from 2017-2037 to have use of all of that previously mentioned gold that will be part of the liquidity in the new QFS for the entire world.
For this transition period, Fiat currencies converted into asset backed currencies through a “Reconciliation” process. All working on DLT/Distributed Ledger Technology.
Now we come to a key phrase that is one of the most powerful sentences ever written, in any document, throughout the history of the entire world. A sentence, that if correct, gives each of us more power over our futures than we have ever had before. Four little words that can change everything.
“Account Holders Become Sovereigns.”
Over the millennia and the centuries they have whittled away our rights as Sovereign human beings so that they control every aspect of our lives. As a Sovereign being, we would again have many of those “Inalienable Rights” to “Life, Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness” as were intended by the Founding Fathers in “The Declaration Of Independence.” I also believe that many other countries would be legally bound to extend those rights to their citizens as well. Maybe I’m just dreaming, or maybe all of this jumble of letters, words and sentences mean nothing, other than the ramblings of a fool. A fool like Janus speaking to his alter ego, his other face. Maybe I can find the rest of that deck of Tarot Cards and finally see the future. LOL.
That evil Klaus and his WEF minions, along with all of the globalist puppets that have been installed in governments worldwide, rushed to get CBDCs adopted so countries would lose control of assets and future contracts. If they had pulled that off, it would take that much longer to unwind if they had been given that control. They always make it sound like they are fixing a problem or providing a solution, when in fact they are taking us deeper into the abyss.
I do not claim to have all of the information available from sources behind the scenes. I honestly don’t think the truth today will be true a week from now with as much information that changes on a daily basis. I do believe we are witnessing a multi-year, multi-decade timeline of events culminating in a new future for the planet. The integration of all of these assets, systems, disparate blockchains, ISO 20022 regulations, Basel Accords, new guidelines/digital banking laws/cross-border payment systems and a million other pieces have taken time to facilitate and make sure it is done properly. I believe all of these nuances of the banking world have been a constantly moving, constantly evolving, target of financial freedom that the good guys have been trying to hit for the safety and security of the entire human race. Timing is in flux because the Deep State/Central Banks throw up roadblocks and the Alliance leaders and countries incorporate new strategies to sidestep those roadblocks and move on toward the completion of this banking transition.
Not only are we living in the Janus/dichotomy between the Corporation and the Republic, we are also living through a banking dichotomy of the old legacy banking system and the new QFS system. In either case, both are still functioning behind the scenes through this transition.
This document was written in 2020. Getting a peak behind the curtain in the banking world at this very moment is impossible. There is so much going on that is being modified and implemented on a daily basis just to keep this quagmire of world debt afloat and still figure out a way to fully liquify all of the assets being transitioned into the QFS.
Some of these working papers come from financial participants, some from groups like the IMF and other places. I can’t source this document from the original creator, but I have heard so much of this information discussed, almost word for word on several financial calls in the last few months, that I do give it validity. This is the most concise description with graphics I can find. I do believe in 2020, at the time it was written, it was as accurate as could be with the available data. IMHO. Please keep in mind the context of time and how many changes we are seeing almost daily in the implementation of these plans.
All of those 20 except the U.S. have since announced they are asset backed.
We know, from various sources, that the new QFS has been activated and is running parallel. Unfortunately, we are still in this transition period. Hang on tight. As this struggle from dark to light intensifies behind the scenes in the banking world, take solace in a statement made by President Trump. The one man, who I believe, really knows what’s going on behind the scenes. To stop all of the devaluations we have to have revaluations and plug everything into the QFS once those values are established. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like the GCR/Global Currency Reset that has been discussed by bankers, politicians and currency investors for years is finally being implemented and controlled by the good guys. Once that playing field is leveled, the Central Banks will be well on their way to irrelevancy.
I almost forgot, I mentioned beginnings, duality, transitions and endings. I’ve shown you the first three. I hope the fourth will soon be on our doorstep.
Bear in mind, you can click on each of these images to make them larger and easier to read.
I’’ll leave you Once again, with a few of my previous articles, some referenced here, to give you more of that historical context that brought us to this place in time.
“What Was Supposed To Happen In 2012”
“Swissindo World Trust International”
The “QFS”/Quantum Computing And The Financial System
“The Committee Of 300/The Company You Keep”
“The Inner Sanctum/Serco-The Queen & Her Evil Empire”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#1”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#2/The Gold”
“JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement”
“The Royal Kingdom Of Maharlika”
“Not That 13, The Real 13/The Black Nobillity”
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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