Hey Obama, Where's That 3 Trillion Dollars? Ask Jamie Dimon, Maybe He Can Tell You. 70 Page Letter To VP Mike Pence. When Trump Says "We Have It All", Believe Him.
"Follow The Money Series"
I ended my last article with a statement. Always Remember “There Is No Expiration Date On The Truth”. I think many of the “Bad” players on the World Stage are getting ready to confront that reality.
I want you all to know I did my best to limit my sarcasm.
I found this information a few months ago while researching all of this gold and financial history I have been writing about. I started and stopped this article many times for various reasons. If you noticed, I have literally gone after, and exposed, at least the top one third of that evil pyramid of power controlling this planet. The Queen, The Committee Of 300, The Black Nobility and others have all played their parts. I have already discussed a half a dozen or so Presidents in many of my articles and now it’s time for Mr. “O” to get his 15 minutes of fame. Like the evil Bush Family, the Obama/Biden tandem has been, and will be, the subject of future articles. Trust me when I say there is no lack of corruption to be exposed. It’s everywhere. Having said that, I was inspired to finish this article by reading some recent Telegram posts, regarding said individual, that have come out from BioClandestine. I wholeheartedly agree with his conclusions. Bravo. He Followed the money too.
The pure arrogance of his statement “My administration was scandal free” just shows the contempt and irreverence he has for the citizens of this Country and the World. As always, Ben Knew. I guess if you get away with it once, you want to keep your skillset honed. You know, keep that laundromat open 24 hours a day.
That was a lot of stuff I’m sure most of you have at least heard about. Now let’s get into some details I bet you don’t know. It’s time to “Follow The Money”
I will play the role of “Captain Obvious” here with this next statement. Is it really that hard to believe that a corrupt President Of The United States and members of Congress would try to steal money and send it overseas to be “Laundered” and returned to all of those hidden bank accounts these individuals have cloistered away for a rainy day? i.e. just like what is happening with Ukraine. I believe that has been going on for decades, even centuries, by those in the corridors of power worldwide.
We know that President Trump had already been in contact with the King Of Maharlika because in 2017 he renewed the Bilateral/Trilateral Minesfield agreement for the usage of all that gold, as I previously mentioned. It would appear from this letter, to then Vice-President Mike Pence in 2018, that the King believed that the Trump administration could be trusted to rectify some past wrongs perpetrated by his predecessor. I will give you some relevant excerpts from that 70 page letter sent to VP Pence exposing what the King believed to be was the counterfeiting of 3 trillion dollars instigated by the not so dynamic duo of then President Barack Obama and his equally evil cohort Jamie Dimon, of JP Morgan Chase fame. Who better to help hide all of this illicit money than someone who just happens to control one of the largest banks on the planet? Can you say “Obfuscate That Paper Trail” boys and girls. I also applaud the King for recognizing the biggest crook on the planet and his own personal “demon”. Where the hell did that 3 trillion dollars go and what nefarious purposes was it used for? Nothing good for us, I’m quite sure.
Once again, I will state the obvious, who are we to dispute what the owner of the Maharlikan gold is stating in this letter. I have the entire letter as well as dozens of other communications I have referenced in articles along with hundreds of pages historical documents verifying the provenance of this wealth. I did find something else quite odd. What is up with using these Energy companies like this one and Burisma in the Ukraine and others to launder money? Maybe because they have massive international money transfers happening all the time. Just a thought.
I also believe this is just one of the many reasons that President Trump brought the Federal Reserve into the Treasury to curtail all of this illegal money printing.
Are any of us so naive to believe there is even a remote possibility that once those “Federal Reserve Note” printing presses get fired up that there is any real knowledge of how much Monopoly Money was printed? China and other countries have copies of our printing plates and have had for decades. This is one of the reasons that the world no longer has faith in the USD. Think about the irony of that previous statement. China has been printing U.S. Dollars for decades. China counterfeits everything, literally. After getting their use out of our money for all of this time, they knew that going asset backed was the only solution. Thus, the formation of the BRICS and their adoption of asset backed currencies.
At this point, I would like to give a dishonorable mention to former Fed President/Treasury Secretary and evil facilitator Timothy Geithner for his part in this and many other questionable and criminal treasonous activities. I have his signature on documents showing how he withheld and misused all of this gold and these assets for years. May his reservation at GITMO be forthcoming as well.
Evil doesn’t have a color, a race or a gender. It’s a just a mindset to be corrupt, inhumane, self serving, narcissistic, genocidal, maniacal and soulless in everything you do to other human beings on this planet.
As more and more of the Barry & Michael/Obama show from that $12 Million dollar vineyard estate plays out, and the Killary/Bill Bodycount show is on every channel, and the Biden Crime Family Chronicles and what is hiding in the Bush’s are in constant reruns, this multi-decade level of corruption, murder, extortion, genocide, influence peddling, money laundering and planned destruction of America may well become the greatest True-Crime Saga in the history of this country. More so than the Mafia, The Robber Barons of old and the countless scandals that came before and after them. History will remember them for the murderers, liars and thieves that they have been. They can join that evil club of the ”Merchants Of Death” that have plagued this planet for millennia.
My only regret is that they got to live out the many decades of the lives they have stolen from America and its citizens. One day soon, I believe justice will be served and the Treason/Grim Reaper will come knocking on the door of every one of these “Conspirators Of Evil”. Gitmo is calling, I hear the phones ringing now.
They made us, as American citizens, participants in this worldwide scheme, albeit unknowingly and unwittingly for most of us, but we were participants by our apathy, if nothing else. We allowed this evil to grow and fester right under our noses by getting lax in our discernment. A lot of the signs were always there but we were brainwashed by the boob tube into submission.
Words have emotions attached to them. The context of certain words is impacted by other words around them in that sentence or thought. Words, like everything in this world, can be used for good or bad depending on their usage. Some of my articles have said a cuss word or two and there have been a few video links and clips with a few F-Bombs. I never was one to be politically correct and we certainly don’t live in some perfect sanitized world. Far from it. Like every writer, I try to convey emotions with the proper language. Anger, love, hate, sincerity, pain, understanding and a thousand other emotions have a literary equivalent in a word or some combination of words. It’s hard to disassociate the programed memories we have had embedded in our collective psyche from all forms of media. They have painted a false tapestry of history that I am trying to expose. I mentioned in doing research for “The Finders” article I recently wrote, that I had to literally take a few days off from dealing with all of the horrible things I learned through my research. I brought you some pieces in that article, but believe me when I say it was as sanitized as I could make it and still try and get my point across. I cannot convey and emphasize to all of you the absolute disdain and disgust I feel when writing about some of the these subjects and these insidious examples of humanity. When you collude to do the things they have done to all of us, there is only one way to describe them. Apologies to all, but clear your minds of the false stereotypes, that have been sold to us by the MSM for decades, and see them for the “Pure F___ing Evil” that they are and realize they deserve to remembered and treated as such.
The World is going through this process of “The Great Awakening” right now to lift the veil that has been covering our eyes and our senses to the realities of the levels of corruption controlling this planet. I have been trying to do my part so that, hopefully, I will be remembered in the good company of those who tried to share truth and uncover the lies that have held us all hostage for so long.
Believe it or not, finding the origins of the some of the famous quotes we have all heard is one of the hardest things I research. Memes are a dime a dozen on the internet and finding the factual ones vs the useful ones is an ongoing effort. Here is a little history lesson on that subject.
Some believe the origins of the words I will use below stem from some passages in the Bible.
“If you do nothing in a difficult time,
your strength is limited.
Rescue those being taken off to death,
and save those stumbling toward slaughter.
If you say, “But we didn’t know about this,”
won’t He who weighs hearts consider it?
Won’t He who protects your life know?
Won’t He repay a person according to his work?”
Then, it is generally accepted that in the 1800s British Statesman Edmund Burke coined his version that has also been attributed to many other people, but his is the most referenced version.
Call it divine retribution, karma, or whatever you want. It’s time for the scales of justice to be balanced again in this country and around the world. For that to happen, this evil has to be eradicated in the corridors of power in Washington D.C. The time comes for all of us to pay the Piper.
I pray that “Justitia”, or as many of you know her, “Lady Justice”, is swift with her retribution on the minions of evil that I have mentioned here. Now that their crimes are being exposed and acknowledged, humanity deserves to see justice served.
I’ll leave you once again with a few of my previous articles, some referenced here, to give you more of that historical context that brought us to this place in time. After reading my articles you can never again say “You Didn’t Know”.
“What Was Supposed To Happen In 2012 With World Finance & Banks”
“Swissindo World Trust International”
The “QFS”/Quantum Computing And The Financial System
“The Committee Of 300/The Company You Keep”
“The Inner Sanctum/Serco-The Queen & Her Evil Empire”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#1”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#2/The Gold”
“JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement”
“The Royal Kingdom Of Maharlika”
“Not That 13, The Real 13/The Black Nobillity”
I hope you all appreciate the depths of the research I go through as I “Follow The Money”.
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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