For those Who Don't Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #4. All those "Dam" Files You Wanted, So Maybe You Will Believe Me Now. LOL. OITC/UNOITC. Who Controls All Those Assets & Money?
World's Reserve Currency & What That Entails.
Once Upon A Time………There are those who will say this is a “Fairy Tale”.
Just another peak behind the curtain of World Finance. Did you ever wonder where the money comes from when you want to buy a ……….?
Before we go any further, I need for you all to understand something. That something is the “Context Of Time”. By that, I mean in this ever changing world that we are both fortunately, and unfortunately, living through, what was true at one point a day, a week, a year or even decades ago, may not be true at all today, or may still be partially true. As many things that were meant to be private get exposed, they are modified, moved and changed in a manner to once again obfuscate things. That is most certainly the case in almost all of this historical financial information that I have researched and brought to the table. In many cases it is impossible to verify the 100% accuracy of something that happened decades ago, I do consider the source material, the writer and the accuracy of what can be confirmed, and in my mind if I feel it relevant enough to include in my writings, I will pull back the curtain for all of you and let you at least see how I came to my conclusions. You may agree or disagree, but at least know that I am being as diligent as possible with the resources I have to work with and that previously mentioned “Context Of Time”.
Over the last few years, long before I had the inspiration for this “Satori Secrets Substack”, I was amassing as much information as I could find about a variety of subjects. I have hundreds of thousands of documents, photos and complete articles and even a few entire websites downloaded because of the relevant information. Much of it I sorted and tagged for future reference. A lot of it was not tagged, due to time constraints. So, when I find a current piece that triggers a file in my brain, I either have to try and find it online again or go back through those files and folders and try and locate stuff. Believe me when I say, it is very frustrating to know it’s there somewhere in those terabytes of data, and you just can’t find it.
There have been a number of great journalists, writers, researchers and websites over the last few decades that have risked a lot to expose the evil Globalists, Banksters and the Elite who think they are entitled to run this planet. Many journalists have been murdered in their quest for truth. Many businesses have been shut down for publishing information the power players did not want made public. The exposure of their evil shenanigans is one of their biggest fears, especially since it is happening more and more each passing day. All of that bought and paid for philanthropy that makes them look so good on the evening news almost always has nefarious underpinnings that made the philanthropy possible. I guess the phrase I’m really looking for is “Skeletons In The Closet”. I have a theory why wealthy people need so many mansions and all of those properties they lord over the little people. They just need more closet space for all of those skeletons. You have to hide the bodies somewhere.
If I have shown you nothing, I have shown you the hidden layers of financial control that exists on a global scale. This financial control exists above nations and many other global entities. Someone somewhere controls the purse strings. Remember that power structure pyramid I have used in a couple of my articles? There is a section there for World Financial Control. How, when, why & where that control came into being will be discussed below.
99.9% of this information has been scrubbed from the internet. After taking hundreds of dead links, you finally find an active one that has documents and pertinent information. I collect as many documents as I can and try to correlate the data with what I can confirm through multiple sources and historical information. That’s what takes so long in putting these articles together for you. For every few pages you get to read about, I have to try and corroborate hundreds, even thousands to paint a brief picture of a very complicated series of events. I use these historical articles to go on my own little treasure hunt to find out more info about many subjects and how they tie-in to our modern reality.
There is a hierarchy to everything from families, to countries, to businesses and to banking everywhere. Layers and layers of control, paperwork and supposed accountability. The global financial system has many hierarchies. Some are known and some are hidden. Many of the world’s assets are the same way. Their is a hierarchy of their use and importance. I’m sure some of you are aware of the phrase Tier 1, Tier 2, & Tier 3 capital. Take those underlined links from to understand each and their significance to your world. Those 3 tiers are just the tip of the iceberg about these different layers of capital and what they are used for in world finance.
I will be using a few terms here that many of you may or may not be familiar with. I am right with you on your confusion. Much of what I am finding is new to me as well. Something that has recently peaked my curiosity is a statement or two about on ledger and off ledger banking transactions. Before I get any deeper into this, I need to introduce you to an individual and a job description that you know nothing about. Below this introduction I will continue with my writings. This is quite extensive but necessary for the puzzle pieces to make sense.
This will be your introduction for those previously mentioned “Dam” files and the subject of those files, Ray C. Dam and the OITC/UNOITC job he has held for almost 30 years. I thought it rather appropriate that tomorrow is the 29th anniversary of his election to this position. More on their significance after the article on Ray. It was about this time, in my writings, I started another pot of coffee and I highly suggest you do too. You want to be fully alert so when the pieces of your mind are blown apart you have the forethought to re-assemble them properly. Once again, keep in mind that context of time. This article was written and disseminated back in 2009 and Ray is still hard at work keeping the Globalist wolves at bay. Even though he does have to dine with them occasionally. You will see many mentions of the subjects I have written about in my articles. That is because, as I continue to say, it is all connected in ways you cannot possibly imagine. Without further ado, lets get into those damn files, I mean those “Dam” files. Shall we?
Another shout-out to the amazing
For those who want to read it on the website here is the link, but I have included all of the text below. You can click on each graphic to enlarge for reading.
“The History Of The Powers And Authorities Of His Excellency: Dr. Ray C. Dam.”
Underlined Links Are Active For These Documents:
The Second Plan of the Experts (1929)
The Far East Combined Depositories Agreement (1932/1945)
The Bretton Woods Agreement (1944)
The B.I.S. / Allies Agreement (1948)
The Green Hilton Agreement (1963)
The Schweitzer Conventions (1968)
The Election / Appointment of Sole Arbiter Agreements (1995)
The Washington Panel (1998)
The Treaty for Respecting the Rights (2003)
I highly suggest you take the time and familiarize yourself with all of the information on this website. I will show you some of the documentation below that pertains to this article and to give you some context on that information. I will tell you right now, there are many more things besides what I am including here that should make you go hmmmm…..
Now here is where things get interesting for many of you who have invested in Historical Assets, Bonds, Programs, Packages and other long term financial instruments that have languished behind the scenes for decades and have never come to completion. Due to the current state of affairs in the world today, we are in the middle of a financial transition of epic proportions. I have written about NESARA/GESARA, the new QFS/Quantum Financial System, The New Bilateral/Trilateral Minesfield Successor Agreement and so much more in my articles. Many of those historic financial assets, as well as many other financial instruments, are finally being reconciled and settled as part of this transition to the new QFS. I believe that the legacy SWIFT system and the Globalist control of that system and the Central Banks worldwide, is what has stopped the global implementation of NESARA/GESARA. I believe that is also why there is so much talk now of NESARA/GESARA finally being implemented. I’ll say this once again for context. Who signed the new Bilateral/Trilateral Agreement? Here is a little more information for context and some details about those aforementioned on ledger and off ledger accounts that are being monetized and used to this day. Think about those ASBLP Accounts and those 800+ pages of assets that are distributed worldwide. Think about the Maharlikan Gold. Read the first paragraph below from the website to understand some of what I’m trying to tell you here.
We know, from multiple sources, that quadrillions of dollars are being moved all over the planet in these off ledger accounts. These funds are being repositioned for use in the new QFS and to settle some of these legacy debts. The new QFS banking structure needs to start off with a clean slate, so to speak. The legacy SWIFT system and the Central Banks worldwide have so many bad contracts, so much derivative debt and irreconcilable paperwork that it can’t be fixed or sustained much longer. It is being forced into obsolescence by its owns actions. The Central Bank illusion is crumbling and the debt model is done.
Here is a section with information for those of you who may think you might be involved with some of these legacy financial instruments. Don’t shoot the messenger on this. There have been many people all over the world duped on some of this information that was never meant for the public, only for sovereigns. I have not researched them as well as some of you have and I’m not saying one way or the other what may or may not happen with these legacy assets. Nothing in this article is financial advice. It’s historical perspective about how we got here and where we might be going.
There is a disclaimer on the OITC website for a reason.
This article is by no means authoritative. It’s a just a little stimulant to get you started. I did all of this extensive research, wrote this very lengthy article and brought all of this information to show you that there are massive amounts of changes going on behind the scenes while the MSM bloviates across the airwaves about every insignificant thing they can come up with. Washington D.C. continues to provide more programming for “Comedy Central” and lets not forget our daily soap opera “As The World Burns”. Almost every bit of the chaos we see worldwide is the Deep State in the death throes of bankruptcy and irrelevancy. Buckle Up. It’s not over by a long shot, but we can start to see the destination looming on the horizon.
As I mentioned before, I have written many articles connecting the dots about the finances of the world. These are all very important puzzle pieces in this tapestry of history that I am trying to weave for all of you.
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #3.”
“The Uniform Commercial Code/The UCC Connection.”
“The New IMS/International Monetary System”
GL-1/Global Layer One Asset Tokenization.
“What Was Supposed To Happen In 2012”
“Swissindo World Trust International”
Gold. Trump & Jackson. I Prefer Specie To Currency
The “QFS”/Quantum Computing And The Financial System
“The Committee Of 300/The Company You Keep”
“The Inner Sanctum/Serco-The Queen & Her Evil Empire”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#1”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#2/The Gold”
“JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement”
“The Royal Kingdom Of Maharlika”
“Not That 13, The Real 13/The Black Nobillity”
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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Wow! So much to learn! Thank you!