ECOSOC. Greenspan? Treaties. "Supremacy" Of The Constitution. Which Constitution? International Documents. Sovereigns Or Corporations? Reset. Come Share My Confusion.
Cypherpunks/Bitcoin/Gold/Ayn Rand.
“The Devil Really Is In The Details”. He has to hide somewhere. I cannot emphasize enough that all of these underlined links are very important to your understanding of these events.
As I get deeper into a lot this international, political and financial research, you start to see certain words, phrases and legalese that are not part of our normal lexicon of language. Any time you get those damn lawyers involved they tend to complicate things, usually for their benefit. One of the other things you get very comfortable with is a phrase that drives me forward in doing this research. Just when I think I have enough information to understand the subject matter I’m researching, I always remind myself “it’s not what you know, it’s what you don’t know” that may still be the most important part of this equation.
Guys, I think I owe you all an apology. I try to make each of my articles a stand alone piece of writing and information, and if there are references I don’t include, I will give links or mention my previous works where you can find the relevant information. I hope you guys pick up on what I have seen when you read my articles and I always forget that I am reading hundreds and thousands of pages that you never get to see and distilling that down for you. I may have read something that informs my article and you guys may understand the significance but not have that entire puzzle piece to add into the mix. That’s my apology and now a little scolding right back at you. I keep referencing my other articles on these global financial matters because “One Thing Leads To Another” to steal a great line from the Fixx. I get questions about exactly how this ties in with that and why is this so important, all the time. I will point out a few things that I’m betting most of you missed or maybe you aren’t interpreting the way I am.
I still believe that everything that we are seeing happen in this insane world needs to run through a couple of filters of either the “Corporation” or the “Republic” and their 2 Constitutions. The problem is this. For decades the “Corporation” has had control of the country and they created as much chaos as they could to confuse the public and wrestle control away from the masses in the name of “Homeland Security”, safety, economics, health and anything else they could lie to us about. Unfortunately, to maintain the illusion that 99.9% of the public still believes, the good guys have assumed control of much of that chaos until such time as it needs to be revealed. “The Great Awakening” is not a switch, but a series of well timed and orchestrated events to awaken the sleeping masses as to the reality of their enslavement. It’s doubly painful for those of us who woke up a long time ago when we have to sit through this lengthy process with the sheeple. I still have conversations daily with people who are so brainwashed it’s not even funny.
So, I started asking myself some question looking for clarity in my own mind and all I did was confuse myself even further. It all comes down to a couple of things legally and having those dual “Constitutions” that should govern our world, at least in the USA. What supersedes what? Which set of rules are things interpreted through? That’s when I found a few things that really blew my mind. I’m not sitting in front of a Constitutional Lawyer or The Supreme Court and getting their actual interpretation, but there are arguments out there on both sides of this dilemma that have relevance and historical precedent. At least that’s what it appears. Throw in that information along with over 775 treaties that I have found mention of that we have been a part of over the last few hundred years and the smoke was coming out of both ears. As always, I’m trying to follow the money and see how that is influencing our entire world. Having said all that, we know the Republic was set up to take care of itself and be a sovereign entity, the corporation was set up to eventually be part of a one world global government.
Time to hop in “The Wayback Machine” and let’s take a little trip through history. I will present a few documents with references that will back-up my conclusions and you can all decide if a rubber room awaits or I might actually be on to something. It keeps getting harder to connect these dots and not sound like a raving lunatic. In doing this research, you can’t separate the legal, financial, international, equity, debt ,“Corporate”, “Republic”, aspects of all of this stuff and their ramifications and implications on all the other pieces with our limited knowledge of what is happening in front of our eyes and behind the scenes. We don’t have enough piece to know “The Plan” that was put in place. Here are the 42 “Q” Drops that mention “Trust The Plan”.
Part #1: Historical Context.
Let’s get some foundational information out of the way upfront. I was wondering how many actual domestic and international treaties we have been, and are currently involved with. The largest number I can find is over 775. That brings me to something I had never heard of called “The Treaties and Other International Acts Series (TIAS)”. TIAS covers 1981-2023. Before that there are other lists that go back a long way. Please take the time to at least glance at this link and these next few documents to get a feel for the magnitude of what is happening. Here is a link to the Wikipedia page for the “Treaty Series” going back from the “League Of Nations” before the “United Nations”.
Here is a link to a 570 page PDF document from the U.S. Department Of State.
United States Department of State: Treaties in Force. A List of Treaties and Other International Agreements of the United States in Force on January 1, 2020.
If you want to go deeper, here are some Treaty Documents for you:
Congress.GOV/779 Treaty Documents
I’ve shown you all of that to bring up a point and go on to the next puzzle piece I will show you. If you take all of the many website and documents in their aggregate, it looks like there have been almost a quarter of a million (Yes, that’s 250,000) International Treaties worldwide that have to be interpreted legally and in respect too each other when dealing with laws and financial matters. Many of those treaties and other binding international agreements have standing that goes back thousands of years to documents and stuff like “The Code Of Hammurabi” from over 3,700 years ago and more recently “The Magna Carta”, if we can say 1215 was recent. LOL. Here are a few links to webpages that cuss and discuss these documents. Many of these documents have religious, legal and societal ramifications that have involved the entire planet. Bear in mind, I am giving you these links to this trove of information for context only. You may agree or disagree with the author’s opinions of the articles but the historical documents and their relevance is not in question.
Code of Hammurabi.
History Channel/Code of Hammurabi.
Here is an interpretation of those 282 Laws from an article done by:
Yale Law School/Code of Hammurabi.
And here is the Wikipedia page for the MAGNA CARTA:
Magna Carta Libertatum/Great Charter Of Freedoms.
Part #2: Questions
When writing, I have to ask myself a lot of when, why and what changed questions. As civilizations evolve through time, things change. When a corrupt Deep State/Globalist/Banking Cabal of individuals hijack entire nations and their legal and banking systems by subtly changing documents to hide their theft and treason, it is very hard to catch them. Having said that, I asked myself a few questions that brought about my conclusions in this article.
#1. Which set of laws are currently being interpreted to move us forward and re-establish this country? The original “Constitution Of The Republic” or the “Constitution Of The Corporation”?
#2. Do any International Treaties or Laws supersede either of those “Constitutions”?
#3. What ramifications do those legal interpretations have on the takedown of the Deep State/Banking Cabal on a global scale?
#4. What have “Q”/Trump/BRICS/The White Hats put in pace to facilitate that takedown and when and where were those fail-safes put in place?
#5. Along with Trump, Putin, Xi, The BRICS, what other players may be involved that we may or may not know about?
Let’s get into the answers to some of these questions.
#1 & #2. Are there possibly laws, treaties and other legal and financial documents that supersede those 2 “Constitutions”? There are many opinions and some legal precedents and here are a few articles that delve into that and the supposed supremacy of “The Constitution”.
Supremacy Clause.
Which Supersedes The Other, Laws Or Treaties?
Can Treaties Override The Constitution? An Issue Posed By Bond v. United States.
International Law vs Treaty vs International Agreement.
Here is one page of a 39 page document entitled: “International Law and Agreements: Their Effect upon U.S. Law”, that you can check out by clicking the page and it will take you to the link for the entire document if you wish to read the entire opinion.
It would appear, in some instances our Constitution may be interpreted through some of these historical legal documents and treaties that have been in place for millennia.
#3. While I believe that the Deep State/Banking Cabal have used many of these laws and treaties to their benefit over the centuries, we know for a fact that when President Trump got into office he had his staff scour every Executive Order, PEAD, Law Statute and other legal documents to use in defense of the country and to seize back control from the Deep State. I speculate and wonder if it also did not involve knowing about all of these other international and historical documents, especially the ones about finance, because you have to “Drain The Swamp” of funding and kill the “Central Bank/Money Monster” that has devoured everything in sight since it’s inception.
#4 & #5. Let me tie some things together for you. There were many clues in the articles I have already written if you stand back and apply them to the larger picture of “The Plan” IMHO. Let’s establish a little timeline and a series of events for you that might be relevant.
I feel I have already established the “Gold” connection and what is going on behind the scenes for all of you. Lets’ see if we can put 2 and 2 together and come up with 17, shall we.
Alan & Bix: “Wishes & Rainbows”, “Road To Roota” & The “Calutrons”.
Let’s start off with a name many of you may recognize. The 13th Chairman Of The Federal Reserve, Mr. Alan Greenspan. Alan has his 98th Birthday coming up on March 6th, 2024. Just one of his many accomplishments. He was in office at that capacity from August 11, 1987 – January 31, 2006. He and one other Fed Chair Bill Martin both served 18+ years. Longer than any others.
Another person I will mention here is Bix Weir of “Road To Roota” fame. Bix came to my attention years ago when I read how he found the Silver used in the Calutrons from WWII in an article from Bix entitled: “The Great Silver Mystery… Revealed!” (Please take that link for the story.) Bix is a financial analyst and a big proponent of Gold, Silver, Bitcoin & Crypto Currencies.
The story of Alan & Bix and how they crossed paths is integral to this article and understanding events. Here is that interview. Please read the brief article for context and you can go back and listen to all of the accompanying audio/video interviews later at your leisure. Alan Greenspan has been involved in financial decisions effecting this country long before he became Fed Chair. Talk about “The Smartest Guy In The Room”. He personifies that statement.
Here is the link to my previous article with some additional information about who Alan is and why he’s so important: "Wishes & Rainbows" Rainbow Currency Anyone?
Back to “The Plan”. This plan to save the country would have to be a multi-decade long series of events to seize back control of every aspect of the country. We know Alan Greenspan has been around and involved in U.S. finance for over 5 decades. Multiple individuals would have to assist in taking down the Deep State. I believe Alan Greenspan is one of those individuals and the events in that interview above are very important. Alan put some events in motion that would have long term ramifications that brought us here. More on Bix & Alan toward the end.
Let’s go forward in time a little to 2012. I have written about “Operation Stillpoint/To Take Down The United States” and how then President Obama and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner basically stopped the “Global Currency Reset”, that the world so desperately needed, from happening at the behest of the Queen/The Deep State Banksters and the Globalists. They did not want the world to be free from the Central Banking System they controlled. I have also mentioned in many articles that all of this gold that has been used against humanity was lent to the banks for the good of humanity and not our enslavement. Various players including the previously mentioned “King Of Maharlika”, Ray C. Dam of the OITC & the Military Minds behind “Q” had decided it was time to take back control of the wealth of the world. Here’s where I believe the timelines and events started to come together in a massive push to complete this plan. Please stay with me here.
On June 16, 2015 the good guys fired a warning shot across the bow of the Deep State when Donald John Trump announced his run for the Presidency. If you are reading this, you have got to believe that “Q”, Trump, The King Of Maharlika and all the Alliance members had all been in contact about the extent of what they were about to undertake. “The Plan” has been orchestrated with the Military precision needed to see it completed. In anticipation of that upcoming Presidency and the removal of the Soros installed puppet Obama, a series of events were put into motion. I need to make a statement here. I have heard from multiple individuals, further up the food chain than me, that then President Barrack Obama made a statement when asked why would he not allow the “Global Currency Reset” to happen? He said “Not On My Watch”. I believe that was one of the many reasons why BRICS was fast tracked and their ascendancy has been a major piece of this financial puzzle. Having said that, here is a document, from the many thousands of pages of documents I have located, that is an invitation from said “King Of Maharlika” and an event that was planned 3 months before the 2016 election where I believe The King and the White Hats knew President Trump would be elected President and they would continue with “The Plan”. This document has so many clues. There are references to why I believe the ICC/International Chamber Of Commerce, which I have written about recently, is so important. There is the mention of a “Global Monetary Reset”. There is mention of the “New Bilateral/Trilateral” agreement which we know was delayed until President Trump signed it in 2017. The part of ECOSOC #55 which we will get into below the graphic and so much more.
What is ECOSOC? Here is the link to the United Nations Website and the proposed articles of ECOSOC implementation of articles 55-60.
United Nations Charter, Chapter IX:
International Economic and Social Cooperation Articles 55-60.
Now I’m pretty sure that if 100 trillion dollars was made available to the world for humanitarian purposes, the world should have known about that. I know it was offered, because along with many other documents I have presented to you, I also got that from the King Of Maharlika. Whether or not it was accepted, or if it was stolen, I can’t say. All I can say is that I never saw it on the news anywhere.
Let’s get back to that timeline. It’s 2017, President Trump has been elected and has taken office. We know he has re-signed the “New Bilateral/Trilateral Minesfield Successor Agreement” which I mentioned in a previous article because the King told us he had. We also know that the King had put the Central Banking Cartel on notice because of this letter that was sent on November 23, 2017. No more Central Banks, it is time for the new asset backed QFS.
We need to digress for a moment and bring up another piece of this puzzle. Many believe, as do I, that an event happened on March 9th, 1993 that eventually led to the creation of Bitcoin by the entity known as “Satoshi Nakamoto”. That event was a document by Eric Hughes entitled “A Cypherpunk’s Manifesto”. Below is that short manifesto and then I will continue the article below that.
A Cypherpunk's Manifesto
Eric Hughes
March 9, 1993
Privacy is necessary for an open society in the electronic age. Privacy is not secrecy. A private matter is something one doesn't want the whole world to know, but a secret matter is something one doesn't want anybody to know. Privacy is the power to selectively reveal oneself to the world.
If two parties have some sort of dealings, then each has a memory of their interaction. Each party can speak about their own memory of this; how could anyone prevent it? One could pass laws against it, but the freedom of speech, even more than privacy, is fundamental to an open society; we seek not to restrict any speech at all. If many parties speak together in the same forum, each can speak to all the others and aggregate together knowledge about individuals and other parties. The power of electronic communications has enabled such group speech, and it will not go away merely because we might want it to.
Since we desire privacy, we must ensure that each party to a transaction have knowledge only of that which is directly necessary for that transaction. Since any information can be spoken of, we must ensure that we reveal as little as possible. In most cases personal identity is not salient. When I purchase a magazine at a store and hand cash to the clerk, there is no need to know who I am. When I ask my electronic mail provider to send and receive messages, my provider need not know to whom I am speaking or what I am saying or what others are saying to me; my provider only need know how to get the message there and how much I owe them in fees. When my identity is revealed by the underlying mechanism of the transaction, I have no privacy. I cannot here selectively reveal myself; I must always reveal myself.
Therefore, privacy in an open society requires anonymous transaction systems. Until now, cash has been the primary such system. An anonymous transaction system is not a secret transaction system. An anonymous system empowers individuals to reveal their identity when desired and only when desired; this is the essence of privacy.
Privacy in an open society also requires cryptography. If I say something, I want it heard only by those for whom I intend it. If the content of my speech is available to the world, I have no privacy. To encrypt is to indicate the desire for privacy, and to encrypt with weak cryptography is to indicate not too much desire for privacy. Furthermore, to reveal one's identity with assurance when the default is anonymity requires the cryptographic signature.
We cannot expect governments, corporations, or other large, faceless organizations to grant us privacy out of their beneficence. It is to their advantage to speak of us, and we should expect that they will speak. To try to prevent their speech is to fight against the realities of information. Information does not just want to be free, it longs to be free. Information expands to fill the available storage space. Information is Rumor's younger, stronger cousin; Information is fleeter of foot, has more eyes, knows more, and understands less than Rumor.
We must defend our own privacy if we expect to have any. We must come together and create systems which allow anonymous transactions to take place. People have been defending their own privacy for centuries with whispers, darkness, envelopes, closed doors, secret handshakes, and couriers. The technologies of the past did not allow for strong privacy, but electronic technologies do.
We the Cypherpunks are dedicated to building anonymous systems. We are defending our privacy with cryptography, with anonymous mail forwarding systems, with digital signatures, and with electronic money.
Cypherpunks write code. We know that someone has to write software to defend privacy, and since we can't get privacy unless we all do, we're going to write it. We publish our code so that our fellow Cypherpunks may practice and play with it. Our code is free for all to use, worldwide. We don't much care if you don't approve of the software we write. We know that software can't be destroyed and that a widely dispersed system can't be shut down.
Cypherpunks deplore regulations on cryptography, for encryption is fundamentally a private act. The act of encryption, in fact, removes information from the public realm. Even laws against cryptography reach only so far as a nation's border and the arm of its violence. Cryptography will ineluctably spread over the whole globe, and with it the anonymous transactions systems that it makes possible.
For privacy to be widespread it must be part of a social contract. People must come and together deploy these systems for the common good. Privacy only extends so far as the cooperation of one's fellows in society. We the Cypherpunks seek your questions and your concerns and hope we may engage you so that we do not deceive ourselves. We will not, however, be moved out of our course because some may disagree with our goals.
The Cypherpunks are actively engaged in making the networks safer for privacy. Let us proceed together apace.
Many of you are going “what is up with Bitcoin and all of this tramping back and forth through history”.? It’s all about connecting the dots for those of you who don’t already know some of this information. I brought up Bitcoin and I want you to pay attention to this photograph from “The Road To Roota Interview” above to show you the tie-ins to the article below the photo with Alan Greenspan & Ayn Rand from entitled:
Cypherpunks, Galt’s Gulch And Bitcoin.
Now, There is speculation by many people, not just Bix Weir, that Alan Greenspan, the brilliant computer programmer, was involved with the Cypherpunks and might possibly even be Satoshi Nakamoto or one of the conglomerate of people using that pseudonym. What? It might just have been part of “The Plan” all along. “The Plan” is a multi-decade operation that had pieces put in place possibly as far back as the JFK assassination according to some. All I can say is “The Plan” has been unfolding for a few decades if you take into account “Project Looking Glass”. Here is a Road To Roota segment with Bix Weir from a few years ago discussing this.
I’m almost finished connecting the Alan Greenspan Dots for you. If you guys did your homework, like I always ask you to do, and took the links on the OITC website from my “Dam Files/OITC” article, you should have noticed a few things. It is mentioned on that website about the King Of Maharlika & Ray C. Dam knowing each other and having contact in regards to all of those gold holdings. Would you find it shocking to know that still to this day there is a “Consulting Company” with Alan Greenspan & Ray C. Dam? Coincidence? I think not.
I want to bring one more document to your attention from that previous “Dam Files/OITC” Article. There is a lot on this one page, but I want to focus on one section and the line underneath that section. This page is my reason for writing this article. I started back with the Code Of Hammurabi and the Magna Carta to show you the significance of these historic documents and how they play into the legalities of taking the world back from the Deep State/Globalists. Those documents, along with many others and the treaties mentioned below are the basis for our enslavement by the Deep State, but they will also be the way we free ourselves from that enslavement. Underneath those treaties listed below is one line that is of paramount importance. Since this is a document that is put together from information about Ray C. Dam, I think he has always known that at some point, the Central Banks would go away and the Corporations behind them would be no more. That one line is “These Treaties Were Ratified By The Sovereign Nations Of The World And Not Their Fake Corporate Government Counterparts”.
A few final thoughts and I will close this up.
Alan Greenspan has been a very vocal proponent of us going back on a gold standard. His influence on the United States, The Treasury & The Federal Reserve is incalculable in my opinion. It’s rather obvious that he has contact with another major player in Ray. C. Dam and by default, the King Of Maharlika. Is control of that gold, the OITC that controls how the finances of the world operate and possibly the greatest tool in the world for survival and destruction of the Central Banks in Bitcoin, not three of the most powerful components that “Q” and President Trump could have in their arsenal to obliterate the Deep State/Banking Cabal forever? These pieces along with the rest of the pieces that were assembled and destroyed on that trip around the world from “The Great Awakening” video shows me that there is a whole lot of power that has been wrestled away from the Committee Of 300, The 13 families of the Black Nobility, The Queen and the entire globalist power structure of the world.
Greenspan-Wishes & Rainbows-NESARA-Rainbow Currencies that are gold backed. Can any of us even envision the legal quagmire of unwinding the “Corporation” while keeping the “Republic” functional and ready in the wings? How to make sense of thousands of years worth of treaties? Bitcoin is currently worth around $52,000. Was it put in place to aid in this transition to the QFS. Currently, more than 2 trillion dollars of assets are not in the Central Banks because of Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies. The very verbiage on some of these historic documents I have found means that globalist organizations like the BIS, World Bank and others were aware of the “Corporate Entities” and how those corporations have hijacked Sovereign countries and their citizens all over the world. They are a big part of those “Corporate Lies”. Remember my original “Q” drop at the first of the article “The World Is Helping”. Putin, Xi, The BRICS and other countries are all sick and tired of the Central Banks and their control. “The Plan” is most definitely a global effort.
I have no way to check this information, but I do wonder about a few more things. We know our Federal Reserve/Central Bank mandate expired in 2013. When do the other Central Banks around the world lose their charters to print money for those countries? Has it already happened? I don’t know. The interpretation of these historical documents and treaties through the “Corporation” or the “Republic” may have different outcomes and consequences. 3 years into this D.C. shitshow and we still don’t have a firm timeline for resolution to some of these issues. I can see movement forward and I know from all of my research that so much is happening. We know who has control of the Gold.
I’ll leave you with this. I first located most of these historical documents in a week long search where I scoured the internet and hundreds of links back in February of 2023. I know these next 2 graphics are from that batch of thousands of pages. (Just so you know, I still have only had a chance to really go though about 25% of those documents in detail. There is just not enough hours in the day.) These 2 documents don’t have dates like many of the documents I have found do. As I have written about in multiple articles, I believe the QFS, ABDCs, renewed Gold Agreements and many other components are meant to take the place of the current Deep State/Central Bank System. I do believe, after reading these documents and a few other things I’ve learned, that counterparts are in place to offset CBDCs/Central Bank Digital Currencies and their control structures as part of the ECOSOC plans.
Is it straight jacket time? Do I need to up my caffeine intake so I make more sense? Are these delusions getting clearer or murkier by the minute? I know there are connections here and pieces of the puzzle. The question is, did I put them in the right place? I don’t know. You tell me. Where’s Monty Hall when you need him.
Is the Truth behind Door #1, Door #2 or Door #3? You get to decide.
I have written many financial and other articles, some of which I referenced here. I am including these links because along with that money comes the power to make these changes on a worldwide basis, and I believe they are all pieces of a global puzzle of control that is needed to free the planet.
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #4.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #3.”
“The Uniform Commercial Code/The UCC Connection.”
“The New IMS/International Monetary System”
GL-1/Global Layer One Asset Tokenization.
“What Was Supposed To Happen In 2012”
“Swissindo World Trust International”
Gold. Trump & Jackson. I Prefer Specie To Currency
The “QFS”/Quantum Computing And The Financial System
“The Committee Of 300/The Company You Keep”
“The Inner Sanctum/Serco-The Queen & Her Evil Empire”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#1”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#2/The Gold”
“JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement”
“The Royal Kingdom Of Maharlika”
“Not That 13, The Real 13/The Black Nobillity”
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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