ICC, UCC And All Of Those Things Above Our Paygrade. Transitions. Money, Equity, Debt, Finance, Banking, International Letters Of Credit. The Largest NGO In The World.
Documents Tell The Tale.
I’ll let you know upfront that we’ll be talking about the most powerful NGO/Non-Governmental Organization for business in the world. Over 45 million people in over 170 countries making decisions that affect you and every living being on the planet in ways you cannot even imagine.
I don’t think we will ever know all of the gears that keep the international finance machine running. The hidden control mechanisms of finance, legislation and power that have been put in place over the decades and the centuries are so vast and all encompassing it truly boggles the mind.
The Deep State and all of their puppets have figured out ways to control and influence every singles aspect of your life. They have had centuries to put all of the NGOs/IGOs and other mechanisms in place so that even if they lose a little control over here, they gain it back over there. Layer upon layer of your sovereignty as a human being pealed away day by day. Before I started on my own personal journey of Satori a few years ago, my world view about the powers of countries and governments was so naive, as I’m sure many of you have been as well. Governments are barely above us on the foodchain and they have many bosses and handlers manipulating every move they make. Look no further than here in the U.S. and this nightmare we are living through at the moment.
Ever since I first mentioned the UCC I have a lot of you who still comment that it can’t be that important because you never heard about it before, even though I’ve shown you documents to the contrary. There is a lot more to be uncovered about this subject, but for now I have another document that should further cement the importance of the UCC and a couple of other things you also probably didn’t know. Me neither, until I found this.
I had started 3 or 4 different articles about the subjects I will try and bring together here and then I found a document that kind of ties them all together. I’ve already written about the UCC/Uniform Commercial Code and the power it has in a couple of different articles. You take that and add that previously mentioned organization with over 45 million members and you. get another layer of this control structure. That other organization is a name I’m sure most of you are familiar with, at least your local branch, but I’m betting not the scope of the entire international organization and its powers. I’m talking about the ICC/International Chamber Of Commerce.
I stumbled upon this letter from 2016 along with a bunch of other documentation while researching all of this financial stuff I’ve been writing about for you. I don’t know if this particular document needs to be renewed every so often or if this was the start of something or just part of doing business. I don’t know if this is part of the duties of the ”Secretary Of State” and their international trips and communications with foreign countries. Here is what I do know. The two men in power as the President & Secretary Of State, that signed this document, are as dirty, corrupt and evil as they come. Kerry is still around selling his bullshit on climate and everything else and there was that small matter of that “3 Trillion dollars” I mentioned before that Mr. O. And Jamie Demon made appear and apparently disappear. When I tell you guys I have found documents and information, I really don’t think you understand the magnitude of my research and the time it is taking to sift through this material. That is why I continually hit home the point that many times my articles are just the appetizer of information and all of the accompanying links and material are the main course. Now, let’s get a little deeper into this mess and let me show why I believe the Importance of the UCC, ICC and these International Letters Of Credit should matter to you.
Here is a link to the ICC/International Chamber Of Commerce Website.
After reading this next paragraph from their Wikipedia/ICC page, that’s when the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I realized that we were dealing with just one more tentacle of the evil Deep State masquerading as a friend to humanity. Another necessary entity that has been corrupted by the bad guys for their purposes.
Here is the link for the entire document on the Congress.gov website. I am only showing you the above portion so you see the significance of the UCC/ICC connection to everything that happens both domestically and internationally.
I fully understand the need for having these international documents and agreements so everyone is on the same page when these international discussions happen. My question, along with my reason for researching these subjects, is how much the powers and authority these two organizations have over our daily lives in ways we do not understand, that are affecting all of us right now? My conclusion is that they are one of the major pieces to global finance, international treaties, global security and commerce and so much more. All of this should become more prescient when I ask my question to all of you in the last paragraph of this article.
Here’s where things got even more interesting as I dug a little deeper. We have the U.S. UCC vs. the International UCC. Here is a very interesting article bringing up an important point in this first paragraph from Astorweiss.com entitled:
Avoiding the International UCC
These codes and documents are hundreds, even thousands, of pages long and very thick in legalese. Too many what ifs, wherefores and when this happens for my personal reading enjoyment. Way too many lawyers involved in the creation of these documents. I’ve know a couple of international lawyers that I wouldn’t want to sit across the table from. That brings me to the entertainment portion of this article and the “Oh So Truthful” song by the master wordsmith Mr. Al Stewart and his 1988 diatribe (which I wholeheartedly agree with) on the uselessness of lawyers in general and how they tend to muck up the works. From his 1988 Album “Last Days Of The Century” here for your listening enjoyment is “Al Stewart/License To Steal.”
As I mentioned earlier, how many of these documents are submitted and transmitted around the world every day as just part of the normal day’s business? I don’t know. It’s one of the hardest parts of finding all kinds of information and not having the context to understand the full meaning and ramifications of that information. These International Lines Of Credit and how they are influenced by the UCC/ICC laws and documents that have been put in place are a larger piece of this puzzle than any of us realize. I have many signatures on international finance documents from Presidents, Treasury Secretaries, Secretaries Of State, The U.N., World Bank, BIS/Bank For International Settlements and many other domestic and global organizations all with references to the UCC. That is the main reason I know it is important on so many levels. As I have previously mentioned in many of my articles, we are in multiple transitions at this time. Politically, financially, historically, societaly and in many other ways. Are these “International Letters Of Credit” and all they involve happening “On Ledger” or “Off Ledger”? Are they just “Standy Letters Of Credit/SBLCs” like the ones mainly used in the U.S. or what exactly do they entail?
A Comprehensive Guide to Standby Letters of Credit (2021)
This major financial transition continues to unfold worldwide. We know that much of the liquidity is being drained out of the system. Just this week, “Evergrande” in China is forced to finally liquidate their remaining assets. Will that be a domino that triggers something else? Are all of these massive shocks, that the worldwide financial system keeps getting hit with, having a cumulative effect that we don’t see behind the scenes? Will the crash be a soft landing or a full meltdown like the “Great Depression”? I do know that all of this banking stuff is playing into the scramble for “Tokenization”, “Cross-Border Payments” and many other transitions I write about in my articles listed below. This is just one more piece of an endless puzzle that I am trying to bring together in my own mind and for all of you. With the lack of liquidity worldwide, are we all running on credit on some financial ledger system as we transition to the QFS? I don’t know. The same “Spidey Sense” that started tingling when I found a lot of the other financial information I located went off when I found this document. What do you think? And now for that last question I mentioned earlier. As we continue this transition from one insane reality to another, I continually ask myself similar questions.
“Since all UCC laws, both domestically and internationally, were written and adopted after the “United States Corporate” entity came into being, how would they affect the country as we return to our status as a “Republic” since we know the “Corporation” is bankrupt and going through those final liquidation and settlement phases of said bankruptcy? I don’t know the answers to those and a million other questions, even though I can see the direct consequences of those actions on a daily basis. I guess the overarching question would be “Are politicians, bankers and those in the corridors of power in D.C. Town legally obligated and loyal to the “Corporation” or the “Republic” and how would we ever know”? Which “Constitution” applies and is being enforced as we move forward and make this transition? Only time will tell.
As I mentioned before, I have written many articles connecting the dots about the finances of the world. These are all very important puzzle pieces in this tapestry of history that I am trying to weave for all of you.
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #4.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #3.”
“The Uniform Commercial Code/The UCC Connection.”
“The New IMS/International Monetary System”
GL-1/Global Layer One Asset Tokenization.
“What Was Supposed To Happen In 2012”
“Swissindo World Trust International”
Gold. Trump & Jackson. I Prefer Specie To Currency
The “QFS”/Quantum Computing And The Financial System
“The Committee Of 300/The Company You Keep”
“The Inner Sanctum/Serco-The Queen & Her Evil Empire”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#1”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#2/The Gold”
“JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement”
“The Royal Kingdom Of Maharlika”
“Not That 13, The Real 13/The Black Nobillity”
Never forget, “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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