"The Exchequer." The Hierarchy Of Money On Planet Earth. The Global Financial Structure That Will Back Up NESARA/GESARA & The QFS. Importance Of BRICS. The Most Important Financial Document Ever.
Layers And Layers Of Control. For Those Who Don't Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #7.
After almost a year and a half of writing this Substack, this may be my Pièce de résistance. You decide.
You ever have one of those things on your “To Do” list that you know is a monumental task, that’s going to take everything out of you, and you just keep putting it off until it becomes imperative to complete it? This is that task for me. So many pieces have coalesced in my mind, but formatting that into an article and tying all those pieces together is quite the endeavor sometimes. As always, I will be referencing my previous works as well as other information trying to paint this picture of global financial control or as I mentioned in the header “The Hierarchy Of Money On Planet Earth”. If there ever was an article to wake up some of your skeptical friends, this would be it. (I have to give a shout-out to some of my recent subscribers and supporters. You guys know who you are. Thanks for the Coffee and Subscriptions. I’m very close to retiring from the crazy world of slave labor and becoming a full-time writer. Hopefully, I can share more writings if I only have the time. Please subscribe, share and support my work in any way you can.) With all of that being said, let’s delve into this monster.
I hope you have all given yourselves somewhat of a financial foundation by digesting some of my previous articles. You can’t understand what I am about to show without the background about a few things. Things like the original 1944 “Bretton Woods Agreement”, the "Bilateral Minesfield Breathrough Successor Agreement" & "The New 20 Year Bilateral-Trilateral Minesfield Successor Agreement", the “Worldwide Gold Deposits in the ASBLP Accounts” and a few other articles I have written and indexed below. These are the underpinnings of the entire global financial system.
At the bottom of one of the documents that “The King” had written about implementing the “ECOSOC’ plans and directives, was a statement.
That got me looking for those 35 entities. I found that information on one of these letters from 2018. There are a lot of clues and a whole lot of good and bad in those 35 entities. Here is that list and I will give my take after you get a chance to see the list.
I have shown you that the Maharlikan Gold are the assets that have been the funding for everything from the United Nations, The BIS, The World Bank and many of these global organizations. Immediately, on seeing this list and who might have any control or say on how these funds are used, the hackles on the back of my neck stood up and I became frustrated. I have written about many of these groups like the “Evil CIA”, the “Committee Of 300”, the “Queen”, the “Vatican”, “World Bank” and many other players. But when I saw the “BILDERBERG Organizations (Plural)”, the “WHO” and a couple of others, I had to ask myself a whole other batch of questions. All of these are basically big clubs of the so called “Elite” of the planet making decisions that affect the rest of us and our families. What level are they participating with these funds, might be the real question? These groups control world stock markets, real estate markets, currency markets and many other mechanisms of global finance. Companies like Blackrock, State Street and others do the bidding of these groups to influence businesses and markets worldwide. More on what I believe that participation is in a future article. Just be aware that they are around and heavily involved with these funds.
Back in Bretton Woods, and even before, there was a control structure in place. It was solidified when U.S. Federal Reserve Notes became the World’s Reserve Currency. That hierarchy was established and exists to this day. I have written extensively about the “Black Eagle Trust”, the “Golden Lilly” and many of these other financial pieces of this puzzle. This “Governance” diagram is from 2017 and the history of those ASBLP/Umbrella accounts. Remember, as we get deeper into this article, who sits at the top of that diagram.
Remember when I showed you all of those letters “The King” sent out to everyone saying he wanted the “ECOSOC” plans to be initiated in 2018? I told you that the gist of most of those letters showed the accounts holding all of that wealth and that “The King” wanted these governments, banks and agencies to fulfill their promise that was given when these funds were allowed to be used for extended periods of time. The “Queen” received one of those letters as I showed you.
In the body of that letter were the many accounts she was in control of. Here is that document. Pay attention to two very important pieces. #1 Notice that no one is allowed to even mention or see the accounts for The Bank Of England, Lloyds Of London & Rothschild & Sons. All they have beside those accounts are a symbol. The symbol for “Infinity”. #2 After noticing that, I need for you to pay attention to bank #27/HSBC and that amount of $400 followed by 27 Zeros. I did mention those little quadrillion numbers in previous articles were chump change. Also keep in mind that these were just the funds that “The Queen Of England” was in direct control of. There were multiple letters to other Kings And Queens all over the world as well as many Presidents, Banks and Countries regarding their funds. “The Queen” did control the majority of the world’s wealth. Since her passing, who does now? Maybe someone else who was given that control.
Have I got your attention yet? Lots more to come. Let’s get our heads around some numbers. In 2023 the GDP for the entire planet was around 105 Trillion Dollars. Remember that’s for one year. After a lot of research, I could not find a consensus on exactly what the entire derivatives market is for the whole world. I will say this, the numbers vary from between 1.5 quadrillion on the low end to around 4 quadrillion on the upper end. I did not find a number any higher than that anywhere. I bring up these numbers just to show that there is so much wealth that has been withheld from the world it is sickening. There is enough money to pay off all debt worldwide and build or rebuild the infrastructure of every country on the planet a million times over. (That is not an exaggerated statement.) They could also implement some kind of UBI/Universal Basic Income in perpetuity to raise the standard of living for everyone on the planet with just the interest from these funds. They just don’t think we are worth it. They want the world to starve and die off as they all prosper and take advantage of the excess they control. Thank you Visual Capitalist. You continue to be one of the most amazing websites on the internet.
For those of you who missed the previews or have not been paying attention, let’s talk about that very important video I have referenced numerous times for over a year now called “The Great Awakening From Bonfire Guy”. I keep saying, if you have not watched it you are doing a disservice to yourself. Here is a clip from that awesome video that was sent to me by one of my H&M girls. (Those two really keep me in line.) This clip is talking about President Trump and the power and control that was given him as he became the “Exchequer” for the entire planet. Please refer back to the K.O.R.A.N. Governance diagram above and who is at the top of that diagram. That diagram is historical but it was also in a document from “The King” who notified “The Queen” and the rest of the world that he had signed that new “Bilateral/Trilateral Successor Agreement” with President Donald John Trump in 2017 for 20 years. Knowing that, and listening to this brief segment, would we not believe that the moniker of “Exchequer For The Planet” was accurate? A position I believe he still holds.
That video clip for you. Pay attention to all that is said. Details matter. Bonfire Guy & Michael Tellinger lay it out perfectly. As you listen to this clip, remember what is stated in the K.O.R.A.N. Governance document above. These funds capitalize 196 Central Banks worldwide.
There are ongoing conversations currently in the financial world discussing that “Level Playing Field” or “Parity” with currencies and valuations along with establishing the actual provenance and value of these assets. Does that not sound like a “GCR/Global Currency Reset” to you? Something to fix the failing derivative based, horrific banking nightmare, that the Central Banks have thrust onto the world with their greed and indifference. Would it not also stand to reason that when “The King” sent this previously mentioned letter out to the Central Banks in 2017, that he would have the assistance of “The Exchequer” in manifesting those plans? Especially since he basically gave “The Exchequer” the power to make it happen.
Moving along. I noticed another very important piece of this financial puzzle on that list of 35. That was BRICS. As I stated earlier, I believe that document is from 2018. 6 years ago was a long time in establishing all of the financial changes the world has seen in the interim. We know the BRICS was formally established in 2009, over 15 years ago. To know that they had already advanced themselves in this hierarchy of global finance goes back to a previous document that I showed you where China was already allowed to use a lot of this gold. As I have mentioned BRICS is a major player in dismantling the old banking system. As I was finishing up this article Sunday afternoon, this came across my Telegram feed. Is this part of the plan to force the U.S. to announce our new asset backed Treasury notes and move away from the Federal Reserve notes and all of that Petrodollar control? Perhaps. Pressure has been building, both in front of the camera and behind the scenes, to make that announcement. Once that announcement is officially made, what other events will it trigger? Is it the final trigger to force the implementation of the GCR/Global Currency Reset and introduce the first stages of NESARA/GESARA? I have heard arguments on both sides of that debate. All I can say is it will definitely move things forward on the world stage in a very positive way.
A couple of years ago, “The King” put out a series of documents showing the history of this wealth and when and where these events transpired. As you can see in the 1966-1967 timeline these Summits took place when these agreements and documents were signed and this wealth was actually transferred. In my mind, that figure is so astronomical it is almost incomprehensible. Over 1 million Tons of gold for the use of 167 Nations at that time. This was 58 years ago. How much would these funds be worth in today’s dollars with interest applied? Some of the interest funds have been paid to the People and the Government of the Philippines over the decades. This is the wealth that is used to keep the global financial system operating with those billions of transactions daily. These are the funds that are also tied to the Global Debt Facility. Keep in mind the context of time and how these funds have been used, split up and stored all over the planet for decades. I have already shown you many of those receipts and documents. I can’t count that high on my fingers and toes.
For those who don’t believe, do you believe now that I have the documents to prove what I’m saying about the global financial structure and events I continue to write about? I hope so. Like I said, I have only had a chance to go through a small portion of all of these documents. I have no idea what else I will find as I continue to “Follow The Money”.
A final thought now that you have seen this amount of wealth. Nowhere, that I can find, does it say that these are all of the assets of “The King Of Maharlika”. It just says that this Five Hundred Dodecallion Dollars worth of funds were earmarked for this purpose. Contemplate that as you try and get your head around the information in this article and this massive amount of wealth. Something else to consider, I am quite certain that some of these assets are what President Trump signed off on when he signed that new “Bilateral/Trilateral Agreement” in 2017 with “The King”. I have not been able to locate a copy of that agreement to understand the scope of what it entails, even though I have shown you references to the existence of that document. I do believe “The Exchequer” has put himself and “The Republic Of The United States Of America” in a very strong position going forward. I rest my case.
The GCR/Global Currency Reset & NESARA/GESARA are coming. RU Ready? (Click the graphic to make it larger.)
Guys, I’m really tired. Not so much physically, just mentally exhausted trying to understand all of these varied puzzle pieces. I try to read a few dozen more of these documents and digest photos and numbers every couple of days until my brain hurts. I’ll be taking a few days off to recharge. Coffee can only sustain you for so long. It will give you all time to read my articles if you haven’t or re-read what you might need to get the next pieces of this global financial puzzle.
Take Care,
I have written many financial and other articles, some of which I referenced here. I am including these links because along with that money comes the power to make these changes on a worldwide basis, and I believe they are all pieces of a global puzzle of control that is needed to free the planet.
“GCR/Global Currency Reset. Preparations For QFS/NESARA/GESARA.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #6”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #5”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #4.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #3.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#2/The Gold”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#1”
“The Uniform Commercial Code/The UCC Connection.”
“The New IMS/International Monetary System”
GL-1/Global Layer One Asset Tokenization.
“What Was Supposed To Happen In 2012”
“Swissindo World Trust International”
Gold. Trump & Jackson. I Prefer Specie To Currency
The “QFS”/Quantum Computing And The Financial System
“The Committee Of 300/The Company You Keep”
“The Inner Sanctum/Serco-The Queen & Her Evil Empire”
“JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement”
“The Royal Kingdom Of Maharlika”
“Not That 13, The Real 13/The Black Nobillity”
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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