Documents: The Global Debt Facility. Brought To You By Central Bank FIAT Currency. Fannie & Freddie.
There Is A Solution. Walk Away.
I don’t have any idea where to begin with this article or how to convey this information to you other than to just say a couple of things and let you do your own research. You need a degree from the “Bankers College Of How To Hide/Shuffle/Steal/Obfuscate Money & Wealth From The Public” and I missed class that day. The fact that these documents, laws, financial vehicles and programs even exist shows the absolute insanity they will submit the world to in their greed to steal and hide every ounce of wealth on the planet and repackage debt to cover all of their past shenanigans and sell it back to their financial slaves in the global stock markets, currency markets, equities markets, commodities markets and any other market they can create. The fact that the “Global Debt Facility” even exists, and has grown so large, tells you everything you need to know. The fact that those quadrillions of dollars of “derivatives” from every sector of the financial markets even exist, is just one more ramification of them “Kicking The Can Down The Road” a little longer to never have to come to terms with this insanity.
I will throw out this disclaimer upfront. This information is so far above my financial knowledge, as well as my paygrade, it’s not even funny. I’m a decent researcher and I get concepts very quickly, but understanding this collection of language lies is a little beyond my purview. I do however remember hearing and reading many of these terms and sentences in the context of all of this financial research I have been doing for months. Some have told me I have an uncanny knack of finding that nugget of information that is hidden amongst the lies that brings it all out into the public eye. So here goes.
That aforementioned research has brought many revelations to light, at least in my little pea-brain. One of those terms is “The Global Debt Facility” and all that name entails. There is so much misinformation on the internet about this term that it is very hard to establish it’s origins with the proper context. That being said, here is a 2022 document from a supposed U.S. Government agency called Freddie Mac, which I am sure you are all familiar with through Real Estate Loan Programs and a sister organization called Fannie Mae.
Fannie Mae vs Freddie Mac: What’s the difference?
Here is a PDF document from a 2022 Freddie Mac Circular that was distributed for the savvy investor to partake of the carrion from The Global Debt Facility. There are more disclaimers in this document than a Washington politician uses in a statement he makes to the public about whether or not he may or may not have lied on some legal document he signed in the past or will possibly sign in the future. Whew! what a sentence. I’m sure I missed some punctuation or something.
February 10, 2022: Freddie Mac-Global Debt Facility:
The key phrase I garnered from this page was “Government Sponsored Enterprise Chartered By Congress”. Remember that statement for later.
We’ve been hearing for the last few months and years about the U.S. Government, The Federal Reserve and all of their ancillary agencies no longer even using money anymore and it’s just on a “Ledger System”. That last statement is an oversimplification, but it makes the point. That sounds a lot like “The Fed Book-Entry System” listed in this Document. You can’t exchange these “Fed Book-Entry Securities for Definitive Debt Securities”. I don’t know about you, but that sounds to me like you can’t trade this fake FIAT debt for any other real asset backed debt to me. Notice that last paragraph too. Other Federal Reserve Banks and “The Depository Trust Company”. Hmmm.
What Is the Depository Trust Company (DTC) in Banking?
Banks and Loan facilities hide inside “Banks and Loan facilities” to hide the paper trail of derivatives and debt. (I meant to say that) Fake contracts created instantaneously to cover whatever “Book-Entry” debt they just created between themselves and the latest sucker or willing participant in the “Global Debt Enslavement Scheme”. Lastly, Freddie Mac is the “Fiscal Agent” or perpetrator of said financial crimes for “The Federal Bank Of New York” on behalf of the Global Federal Reserve Network in conjunction with another of their willing participant, corrupt partners “Citibank Of London”. I guess that’s what “Government Sponsored Enterprise Chartered By Congress” means. Sounds nefarious and it is.
Funds are used from the previously mentioned “Global Collateral Accounts” that unfortunately have been tied to these “Global Debt Facility” accounts and used for the wrong purposes. Keep that sentence in mind along with this Freddie Mac document which validates the very existence of those “Global Collateral Accounts” that have been hijacked.
Here is a statement from the OITC/”Office Of International Treasury Control” associated to both of these accounts.
“From 1944/5 - 1994/5 The Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission (TTTGC) was organized and implemented, by the Nations of the World, with a Term period of Fifty (50) years. During this term period the Commission held the Mandate, Rights and Authorities over The Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility. (Note: This Commission should not be confused with the Trilateral Commission that exists today). Following the expiry of the 50 year term, the Nations of the World, disappointed with the biased way The Combined International Collateral Accounts had been utilized within the 50 years, agreed not to extend the term of the TTTGC, but instead appointed a single independent person to the position of International Treasury Controller with full rights, authority, and legal ownership of the Combined International Collateral Accounts.”
Here is another document from the IMF that makes a statement that also backs up this information. That 1950 date is not by accident. That is when the original “Bilateral Minesfield” agreement was signed and these thieves starting using that gold to enslave the planet.
2021 Update of the IMF Global Debt Database
2021 Global Debt 226 Trillion. What about this number even remotely says it will ever be resolved? It can’t. It’s a slave system for the planet that is owed to the Central Banks because they have used these funds for their own wicked schemes instead of their intended purposes.
The Central Banks and their masters always knew it would be impossible to untangle this international/legal/financial/corporate spider-web of debt and control they instilled into the Real Estate Markets, Banking & Stock Markets, Pension Funds, Retirement Funds and every other financial instrument worldwide. They never cared as long as they got their percentages, usually off the top, and the whole system could fall apart and leave the world holding the worthless bag of nothing we all believed had value. Great Plan, until you get caught and the people wake up.
I’ve shown you paperwork in other articles.
🇵🇭️EMBARGO ACT. 1807
(1952)., Malacañang Palace
We let the document speak, as this is one powerful mandate / directive from WORLD LEADERS OF THE ALLIED NATIONS, with the blessings and coordination of the U.S. Treasury, U.S. Federal, World Metal Organization, International Security Council and Trusteeship Council, to protect the Asset-Commodities, Properties, Precious Metals, Gems, Flat - Trust Deposits globally of the Successor Heir / Owner & Sole Signatory under the code of "KORAN" by TVM-LSM-666.
(1982) Cancun, Mexico.
Item 5 stated: The State shall promote social justice, to ensure the dignity, welfare, security, for the sole holder of the trust asset vested by the rights of ownership, under the rules of law established by the international court of justice under Olmstead U.S. 277 – U.S. 438. Those who violated the Mutual Agreement is punishable in the International Court of Justice Paris, France and subject for closure and operation embargo under Law of Bailment.
Bailment: Definition, How It Works, Types, and When It Ends.
Countries, Banks, Presidents, Rulers, Legislative Bodies in all countries, International Courts and Legal entities have all been a part of this evil plot to enslave humanity. To this day they are still blocking these funds from being used for their original intended purposes.
It would be cheaper to give every man, woman and child, every country, every corporation a set amount of money to start fresh and walk away from this quagmire of global debt that is mainly still under the control of the Central Banking systems and their masters. Let the Central Bank infrastructure collapse in on itself from all of that debt and let the planet be free again. Hmmm. Is that even possible? Haven’t we seen that plan somewhere? Is part of it happening right now?
Please refer to my previous articles where I tie all of this information together for you in great detail.
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#1”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#2”
“JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement”
“The Royal Kingdom Of Maharlika”
“Dragon Family Gold And The U.S. Federal Reserve”
“Swissindo World Trust International”
The bottom line is this. The resources are there, The laws are in place. Until the World Courts, Governments, Leaders & Politicians in all countries, Treasuries Worldwide and anyone in a position of power that can influence seeing justice served, and the original laws being upheld, need to grow a backbone and stand up to the Globalist Central Bank Regime and the entire world can be free. The only alternative is to give the Globalist Central Banks their comeuppance and “Walk Away” and leave them holding the bag and rebuild the world outside their control. Is that in the works? Maybe. Things are happening that will………….
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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