Minority Report. Pre-Crime Is Real. (Hidden Truth From Hollywood Series # 7) Philip K. Dick Was Right Again. Digital Surveillance. Predictive A.I. Apple VR. "Project Stargate" & The CIA.
Surveillance Capitalism. What's Worse Than Dystopian? Pre-Crime is.
Before we get started, I will use Pre-Crime and Precrime interchangeably throughout this article. Different spellings facilitate related graphics and information. If you want to bust my chops go ahead and get it over with. I’m good with it. LOL.
This will be another trip down the rabbit hole into the mind of one of the greatest geniuses of the twentieth century, Philip K. Dick, and more of his prescient views into our modern reality. I’ve been watching over the last few years as governments, corporations, global organizations and others have been laying the groundwork to make this our own private dystopian nightmare for their benefit. This will be my second “Hidden Truth From Hollywood” series based on the works of Philip K. Dick. The first was “Paycheck” linked below. There is enough research about what is going on in regards to this information, that I could literally write a dozen articles. I’m picking a few pieces that I hope you find useful and informative. We do have options, but they are dwindling quickly, as most people are still feeding this matrix of information harvesting willingly with Social Media.
Here is the trailer for the 2002 Stephen Spielberg/Tom Cruise Movie “Minority Report”. I can’t believe it’s been 22 years already. After reading this article, if you haven’t already seen this movie, I highly recommend you treat yourself to this slice of Sci-Fi magic. It’s good to take the old brain cells out and scramble them up a bit from time to time.
History of “The Minority Report”. The story first appeared in an issue of the “Fantastic Universe” science fiction magazine in 1956. Yes, that’s almost 70 years ago, predicting our modern world. Here’s a brief look at the story and the movie from Wikipedia/Minority Report. If you click the graphic below, it will take you to an online copy of the original story for you to read.
I have to be honest here, when this originally came out, one of the reasons I went to see the movie was the car. The Lexus 2054 was drop dead gorgeous.
Certain movies have such cultural impact, they change the way we perceive our world and what is and is not possible or probable. This is one of those movies that started the whole world talking about the moral and legal ramifications of these kinds of scenarios involving Pre-Crime. What the Pre-Cogs do is basically no different than “Remote Viewing”. Targeted focusing on certain parameters to see into the timestream of future events. We know that the former Soviet Union, the CIA and others were heavily involved in psychic research 50 years ago. One of the many declassified CIA projects was “Project Stargate”. One thing we must continue to ask ourselves is this; Was information about “Project Stargate” finally declassified because enough of it had been made public and it could no longer be hidden? Did the CIA acknowledge the project so they could front run any information about the results? As with many things the government and the CIA have done, they will get a project up and running and when information starts leaking about their activities, they will just shuffle it off to some clandestine location, change the name and tell Congress it’s shut down and de-funded, only to be absorbed into one of the many other “Black Budget” programs that Congress rubber-stamps every year.
STARGATE [Controlled Remote Viewing]
I discussed some of these possibilities about “Remote Viewing” and how they may actually be tying into our current reality in a previous article entitled: Through The “Looking Glass.” That article, and much of what is being revealed from the “Q” drops, is being validated more and more everyday as the “Deep State” continues to disintegrate and implode from the weight of their lies and corruption.
As I mentioned earlier, the cultural impact of “Minority Report” and the legal ramifications were finally being openly discussed on many fronts. Over the last couple of decades, since the movie was released, the discussions have gotten more and more heated.
From the philosophicaldisquisitions.blogspot.com article entitled:
Philosophical Disquisitions/The Ethics of Prepunishment (Part One)
A 2013 article from decryptedmatrix.com entitled
Pre-Crime Software Moves One Step Closer to Reality.
More interesting thoughts from this deepsense.ai article entitled:
Crime forecasting – ‘Minority Report’ realized
Another from the SyFy.com website entitled:
Predicting crime: The science behind 'Minority Report'
How invasive will humanity allow governments to get before we all say “No More”? It may be too late already. Governments and private companies worldwide agreed to allow companies like “Google” to mine your personal data since day one so they could get access to it. It has always been illegal, immoral and downright unethical, but it’s part of their business model that Politicians worldwide have allowed, and you consent too by your apathy and your participation. Those website EULAs/End User License Agreements that we all willingly click “OK” to get past, are nothing but a “Get Out Of Jail Free Card” for big tech and governments to legally/illegally spy on all of us. The actions of that spying turn into “Profiling” and that is where the legal quagmire gets deeper. For decades, the NSA has harvested and stored every type of electronic communication and data worldwide for future use against the citizens of this planet, be they criminal or not.
From the Vancouver, Canada PD and the Vancouver City News 2017 article entitled:
Program helps VPD predict property crimes.
One of my major reasons for writing this article was this video clip from Europe in the last couple of days. Very disturbing. People are being arrested in the UK for planning or suspected of planning a rally for human rights, civil liberty and cultural preservation.
From most of my research for this article, this brilliant bit of writing is one of my favorites. It goes deep into the legal and societal issues and is being discussed in colleges, boardrooms and law firms worldwide. It has some Spanish and it’s mostly in English from the scielo.org.co website entitled:
Minority Report: the Road to a Deterministic Theory for the Philosophy of Criminal Law.
For those of you who have not yet seen it, I want to introduce you all to a phenomenal 2017 documentary from Monika Hielscher, Matthias Heeder and Gravitas Ventures called Pre-Crime. Here is the trailer and the full documentary. It’s almost more important, to you personally, to watch instead of watching Minority Report. One is brilliant entertainment and one is a slap across the face of this dystopian reality we are in. I suggest both, and I’m pretty sure you won’t be disappointed with either.
Pre-Crime Trailer:
Pre-Crime Full Documentary:
We are living in an age of “Surveillance Capitalism” and it is becoming more and more invasive. Data Brokers want your data at any cost. So do companies, governments, police and criminals. Your digital identity is almost worth more than your physical presence. Shoshana Zuboff wrote an excellent book called “The Age Of Surveillance Capitalism”. I could not find a copy online for you to read, but below this graphic is a great VPRO documentary with her discussing “Surveillance Capitalism” and her take on things. A passage from the book:
As you watch the “Pre-Crime” documentary, the “Surveillance Capitalism” documentary and read some of these articles, a few things should jump out at you right off the bat. They have quantified, with dollar amounts, how important violent crimes and your life are and aren’t to them and society at large. Do any of us believe that all of this data is not being sent to government agencies at the federal, state and local levels, banks, insurance companies and anyone who will have a say in your finances, ability to purchase food, travel, buy a house and any other other personal choices you make on a daily basis? This is no different than China’s social credit score that is put together by an algorithm. Unlike China, who wants to scare their citizens through the fear of losing these abilities for a bad score, what is happening in the U.S. and many other countries is happening covertly in the background and being denied by the government until they choose to make it public and mandatory, or let it be known that they will use your actions against you in some future scenario like your own personal “Minority Report.” As this gets more ubiquitous in our daily lives, we need to pay more and more attention to what is happening and limit what we can. Privacy is becoming non-existent. There are words and phrases that we should be watching for and paying attention too. Words like Pre-Crime, Deterministic Theory, Crime-Forecasting, Predictive Policing, Profiling, Algorithms, Data-Mining and quite a few others.
I’m not getting preachy here, but if you don’t unplug from the system on some level, you are asking for the consequences. I have never had any social media accounts anywhere. No Facebook, no X/Twitter, no Truth Social, no TikTok, none of it. I keep a Telegram account for accessing feeds and information, but and I never post information. I use VPNs and forward phone numbers to disposable cellphones. There are ways to minimize your footprints on the internet. Yes, we all have credit and debit cards that have addresses and phone numbers associated to them. I don’t give them anything but a minimum amount of data on me, my habits and my world.
As with many of my articles, I keep telling you how connected this all is. I have told you about “The Five Eyes”, “Echelon” and many things in articles like “The Inner Sanctum” and the connections between the NAZIs and the CIA. We know about the NSA and their PRISM software. Information sharing with companies like Google/Alphabet, Apple, Amazon and major players who literally have some information on the vast majority of every human being on the planet. All of this disparate data and information is coming together and being used for scenarios like “Minority Report”.
Think about this. Data is only as good as the person or organization supplying it. Other than statistical data like height, weight, age and some fixed variables, any other data they have collected has all been assembled through their algorithms. We don’t know what the parameters of those algorithms are. They could have political, societal, financial, gender, racial, environmental, age, political affiliation and a million other biases to predetermine your “Minority Report”. Their philosophy is that they need more data to cut down on the variables. That’s why they want to know everything about you. What you eat, when you sleep, how much time you spend online, which Social Media you use, your political affiliations, your family, friends and associates, your banking and spending habits, what car you drive and everything else about you to plug that data into their predictive modeling software to let them know the probability of you exhibiting bad behavior in the future. They also need that information to propagandize you, manipulate your feelings to maximize their profits on that behavior. We are all just data and numbers to be quantified and taken advantage of by the wealthy and powerful.
As with all of the futuristic, prescient ideas coming from the mind of PKD, doesn’t the A.I. interface from Minority Report look a lot like Apple’s VR Vision Pro? If the public sector has this technology, imagine what the 3 letter agencies, the military and the governments have access too? How about criminals, with unlimited resources, that want your data?
There are literally hundreds and hundreds of other articles and videos I could have referenced here. At what point does it become overkill?
Big Bother is always watching. The question really is “are you leaving the blinds and the doors open” to let him roam free in your world and see everything?
The story and movie also spawned a short lived 2015 TV Series that lasted one season on FOX.
There were a lot of great clips from the movie I wanted to show you, but I didn’t want to spoil any of the fun and enjoyment you will have watching this film. We tend to watch these movies thinking that the technology is too far off to affect us or it won’t happen in this country. That type of naivety will get you killed in this day and age. As you will see in the “Pre-Crime” documentary, this isn’t the future, it’s your current reality. Be sure and keep an eye out for the local chapter of “The Department Of Precrime” coming to your state soon.
I just have one final thought for all of you to consider. In this world of civil unrest, banking fraud, political discord, societal upheaval and media manipulation, have any of you ever had thoughts of retribution, vigilantism, taking matters into your own hands or similar thoughts of taking control back of our world? What would your “PreCrime/Minority Report” say about you? I know I want to see evil punished and I think we are all pretty damn sick of waiting for justice and resolution to the ills of the world, that we know are perpetrated by a few powerful groups of people at the top. I’ll take the high road and just say “I hope they all have their day in court soon”. Be it military or otherwise, and I hope that Truth and Justice prevail so they get what is coming to them for their past actions, their current crimes against humanity and it stops any future evil they have planned. I really hope that little wooden ball doesn’t come rolling out with the name “Anthony Blake” etched into the surface. I have to believe I would run too. Thank you PKD for another masterpiece.
Here are the other titles in my “Hidden Truth From Hollywood” series.
What If I Told You....Captain America (Hidden Truth From Hollywood Series # 1)
What If I Told You....Star Trek (Hidden Truth From Hollywood Series # 2) Lucille Ball???
What If I Told You....The Terminator (Hidden Truth From Hollywood Series # 3) There Is A Cyberdyne. This Should Scare The Hell Out Of You. Quantum A.I. Is Here. Satellites Are In Place For Skynet.
What If I Told You....Paycheck (Hidden Truth From Hollywood Series # 4) Time Is An Illusion. Aquarius, Looking Glass & The Chronovisor. Albert Einstein, Tesla/Smart Guys.
"Soylent Green" When A Conspiracy Becomes Truth. (Hidden Truth From Hollywood Series # 5) Forever Is A Long Time. That Deck Was Stacked Against Us.
What If I Told You...."Contagion" Nothing Spreads Like Fear. (Hidden Truth From Hollywood Series # 6) Is It A Movie Plot Or Premeditated Murder As Part Of A Series Of Agendas?
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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