Two Bibles/President & Commander In Chief. How Many Employees? The Ones That Matter. Importance Of 22. Behind The Scenes And In Front Of The Camera. The Illusion Of Reality.
Logistics. Honest Abe & Honest Donald. Allegiance to whom and for how long?
Again, this article stems from a conversation with someone who said the following. “I read a bunch of your articles and they sort of make sense to me. What I really wish is that you could explain it a little differently because I get it, but I don’t get it.” I don’t get it either, I just type a lot, so here goes.
For some of you, this may be your first exposure to my Substack and this delusional reality I am writing about. There is a method to my madness and this is a glimpse of that very detailed thought process. (I did acknowledge the “Madness” aspect of this. LOL)
I’ll start off with this:
I have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about here. OK, well I have some idea what I’m talking about here but I am trying to fill in the blanks, and believe me there are a lot of blanks. I am going to say a lot in this next paragraph to set up the rest of this article. You may cuss me at any time if you vehemently disagree with my attempts at finding lucidity. (If only the subtext of that second definition could happen.)
I believe, with all my heart, that the world is going through the transition of “The Great Awakening” that I have referenced extensively. That awakening and the transition involves every country on the planet, society at large, the global financial system, the international control structure and the transition of the U.S. from a fraudulent “Corporation” back to a “Republic”. I am also quite certain that other countries and structures are changing for their citizens as the Deep State loses more and more of their evil grip on the planet. For those plans to manifest themselves there have to be a number of things put in place that have been there for some time and other things that are constantly changing during this transition period. I am very comfortable stating that I know these things are happening because I see the ramifications on a daily basis. Old systems and ways of doing things are falling by the wayside and not being replaced. A new counterpart will be activated, as we progress to our new future, at some point when it is needed. I don’t believe any of that can be disputed. Keep these thoughts in mind as I try to paint another portion of “The Plan” for you to make this all come to fruition.
“If I'm wrong, it's a helluva lot of coincidences.” I’m sure my checklist isn’t complete, but you should get my point.
There are those who say that since the “Corporation” is still apparently in effect that there are no employees of the “Republic Of The United States Of America”. I would have to respectfully disagree. I believe there is at least one who is an employee of the “Republic Of The United States Of America” and there are obviously more. For now, let’s talk about that one employee that has been there and working tirelessly since he started years ago. I believe his name is Donald John Trump and I don’t just mean he is doing what is best for the country by his actions, I believe he is still an actual employee and has all of the responsibility that designation has with it. I know, there comes a point where you all go “OK Anthony, there’s out in left field and there’s so far out in left field you’re in the farmer’s field 17 miles down the road. LOL (I just couldn’t help myself)"
Let’s take a little trip through time and discuss a few things that you may or may not be aware of. It’s time for a little “Q”&A session. (I know there is another double entendre if you really think about it.)
I don’t know that there is necessarily an order for this information, hopefully by the end it will all make more sense. (Says the crazy guy running the keyboard on his 3rd pot of coffee today.)
Who was the 16th President Of The United States Of America? Which President does President Donald Trump like to compare himself with? The man I am referring to would be none other than Honest Abe/President Abraham Lincoln. I hate to reference 99.9% of the MSM for anything but sometimes you need a prop. Here is a somewhat informative piece about this matter from (The Hill):
Trump has more in common with Lincoln than you might think.
This should be fun. If, as many of us believe, President Trump was recruited by a group of Military White Hats and others, asked to run for President and oversee the “Q” operation as “Q+”, wouldn’t it stand to reason that he might also be using a double entendre here when he made a public declaration and talked about being a “Wartime” President and fighting the “Invisible Enemy” of the Deep State who was also responsible for the release of Covid? Would that not also mean he was “Called Into Actual Service Of The United States” as mentioned in the “Presidential Power And Commander In Chief Clause” of the U.S. Constitution? Could, in the service of those aforementioned duties, he would have used those very broad powers to have instituted “Devolution” so he could maintain the security and defense of the United States and put himself in an unprecedented role as a CIC/Commander in Chief for the full duration of the duality I will continue to discuss below? Read, listen, watch and you decide the answer.
“Q”, Trump and the Military knew that the mandate for the Federal Reserve had expired in 2013 and was existing on extensions and extenuating circumstances. The Federal Reserve and all of that FIAT money was the reason the country was hijacked by the “Corporation” in the first place. IMHO. I also believe, as many other do, that he was asked to run for President to oversee the bankruptcy of the “U.S. Corporation” and the re-establishment of the “Republic Of The United States Of America”. The corporate bankruptcy papers were filled right before Trump left office. The answer will be forthcoming. The bankruptcy of the “Corporation” does not affect the use of the “Federal Reserve Notes’ that are the world’s reserve currency as assigned by the “Bretton Woods” agreements and backed up by assets and the OITC/UNOITC mentioned in my previous article. That 32 trillion dollars of debt the United States has accrued has nothing to do with the “Federal Reserve Notes” used as that reserve currency. It is just the currency we agreed to use in this country. It’s very complicated and getting more so by the day until this dichotomy is finally separated.
President Trump was not the first, nor the only, President to be sworn in with two Bibles. Most of you will not believe this because you have been raised watching it on TV, but it is not a Constitutional requirement for a President to be sworn in with their hand on a Bible. Other books or no book at all are also permitted.
Oath Of Office Of The President Of The United States
Legally, the day the approval was submitted for the “Bankruptcy of the Corporation Of United States”, the process started. Ask yourself this question, “Do you really want that bankruptcy discharged until all of the affairs are settled in the best way to move forward with the Republic?” Life goes on, your credit cards still work, we still have gas to run our cars, Social Security is still getting paid monthly and our life still functions on a reasonably normal level. (Except for the additional chaos in D.C./Dead Corporation/Dumb City/Disaster Central, you get my meaning) Events will continue to play out and unfold on the “White Hat’s” timetable.
If you guys have learned nothing about President Trump, you have to admit he is a very calculating individual. His words and actions are all very well thought out and executed, even when it doesn’t readily make sense why he said or did what he just did. He has a multi-tiered agenda that he, and those working with him, execute with an unbelievable precision. For us to believe in even the possibility of “Devolution” and the resurrection of the “Republic” there has to be a foundation and support structure to back up that belief system. Let’s get a little deeper into what I believe that would have to entail for the reality we all hope will come to pass. I am basing my thoughts on a few premises that need to be in place to explain this fractured reality we are experiencing. In no particular order.
For us to believe that there ever was a hijacking of the “Republic” in the first place, and the establishing of a “Corporation” that usurped the powers of said “Republic”, there has to be a basis for those original thoughts. That is a whole other, very lengthy, conversation that has many parts that may or may not support both sides of that argument. I for one believe it did happen, just not how and when most people think it did. Yes, the “Organic Act of 1871” is a real document, purposely put in place by the Deep State, that established that 10 miles of Washington D.C. as a separate legal entity. That part is real and depending on the legal interpretation of that document, it transferred many powers to the ruling politicians and the entity that was incorporated for that purpose. The Federal Reserve was established by some holiday high jinx in one of the greatest magic tricks of all time when on Dec. 23, 1913, President Woodrow Wilson signed the “Federal Reserve Act” into law. This is where most people get that 1871 date as the wrong date for actual establishment of the “U.S. Corporation” that took over the country. Why wait 42 years after the 1871 date to set up your bank to steal the world? All of the legal pieces had to be in place before the banking transition was established and the actual entity of the “Corporation” to oversee all of their devious actions came later in 1925 after the Federal Reserve was in place and running, and right before the orchestration of “The Great Depression” so that the “Corporation” could steal as much wealth and power as possible during that calamity. I have copies of the corporate documents that have been acknowledged by some people a lot further up the food chain than me as accurate. You know, lawyers, bankers and that group of learned individuals. Those events were not some insignificant series of events that took place overnight. It took years for their evil plan to be brought to fruition. “It’s not like they could just show up in Washington D.C. and say “I have this great idea that my friends in the Jekyll Island club and I came up with to take over the country and make you all slaves. Will you guys sign off on this so we can get started? “ (I’m quite certain there was a lot of money that changed hands to facilitate the sale of the country to the Deep State and the FED)
Would it not also stand to reason, that for us to reverse that unfortunate series of events, it would also take time and planning and an unbelievable group of individuals to shepherd that decades long process behind the scenes and free us all from that insanity?
Let’s follow the money for a moment. There had to be a funding source in place to facilitate this decades long plan of action, don’t you agree? Much of what has been done, and is being done, behind the scenes does not need to have a traceable paper trail for the security and safety of the plan to succeed. That would require a lot of capital, slush funds, bank accounts in multiple countries and on multiple continents, dummy corporations, signatories on these financial accounts, a legal team, strategists, offices, employees and a million other things that would all come together over decades to make this plan a reality. I have to say this to hit home a point. Everyone from “Q”, the Anons, the Military and anyone else that believes these events are happening refer to this as “The Plan”. Make no mistake, this is a decades long Military Operation that has been game-theoried to death by the Military minds behind this operation, a quantum computer system and a bevy of lawyers and bankers to insure the plan is executed properly. All of this money came from somewhere. The DOD/Department Of Defense has a “Black Budget” that money disappears into all of the time. They are all kind of like superheroes with dual identities that they use to take care of their day jobs and at night they get together and free the planet from evil, while no one’s watching. If all of that makes any kind of sense at all, we have to ask ourselves these questions. What if the very definition of that outcome is the “Illusion” we are all witnessing to cover the transition that is taking place behind the scenes?
How many employees does the “Republic” already have on the payroll and where are they being paid from? This could all be coming from the “Corporation” and these people are just in some compartmentalized world that is so secret no one knows it exists except the participants and the command structure. I think that is quite probable to a certain extent. Having said that, there are those major expenses that could not be run through the normal channels that would need to be funded and hidden. A certain amount of this has been facilitated through the legacy SWIFT banking system over the decades. Come on, think about it. The Military, Politicians, Countries, Corporations all move massive amounts of money through the system and certain “Shadow Banks” all the time. Those million dollar transactions never get tagged or investigated because of the source. I’m sure if questions arise there is a cover-story.
Also, are any of us naive enough to believe that the Supreme Court is unaware of this “Bankruptcy” filing for the “Corporation” and how they have to interpret the laws of the land? Most of them were all hired under the “Corporation”. Which “Constitution” are they interpreting and has that changed since the bankruptcy? Where do their allegiances lie? The Deep State tentacles are still wrapped around the World to varying degrees until they are eradicated.
If the “Corporation” is bankrupt, as many of us believe, what laws do you keep? Which ones do you not renew that would best support the “Republic”? What is the time frame for this transition? We don’t want to assume the fraudulent debts and problems that were amassed in our name by said “Corporation” and yet the country still has to function and we still have international obligations that need to be dealt with. Transferring everything in its entirety would be just like putting a new CEO in the chair of a corrupt company. If the corporation is a dead entity, that has opportunities that can solve a lot of problems. That is one reason this will still take some time to complete this transition. You go back through the millions and millions of pages of laws and statutes and only transfer the ones that aid in the establishment of the “Republic” and the new “QFS”. How that will all happen and the actual time frame is pure speculation on anyone’s part. It’s a process that is continuing behind the scenes.
Now we get to the main reason for my particular speculation in this article. “Why Two Bibles”? I don’t believe this was all just happenstance. I believe it was a very calculated move on his part to legally convey his responsibilities and actions. Stay with me a little longer and this should all get tied up in a nice bow for you.
President Trump has always used certain words and phrases and he keeps hitting home their importance. Doing things legally, Constitutionally, the right way and others. This transition and the taking back of this country have to withstand any future attempt to invalidate the power and control that is being re-established over the “Republic Of The United States Of America” and her citizens.
In my mind (Or what’s left of it) there are a limited number of ways this could play out and I’m pretty sure that Trump, the “Q” team, “Project Looking Glass” and that quantum computer thought of all of them and they put contingencies in place. Here are some of those contingency plans. IMHO.
They would have 2 consecutive terms to accomplish everything. When Congress & The Deep State tied his hands and released COVID it delayed many things. I also believe the team was aware of how the 2020 election would go. In the 1st term he would get control of the Fed (Accomplished) and file the “Corporation Bankruptcy” (Accomplished). 1st term under the aegis of the “Corporation” and the 2nd term under the “Republic”. The first term happened and then everything got derailed. Next option.
Once again, in the 1st term he would get control of the Fed (Accomplished) and file the “Corporation Bankruptcy” (Accomplished). They would have the 1st term under the “Corporation”, knowing the 2nd term would be stolen and fraudulent, it was allowed to progress and he would run a “Shadow Government” in the wings and complete as much of “The Plan” in the background with the control he has over the DOD as CIC/Commander in Chief (He never relinquished that role or the “Nuclear Football”), the signatory and controller of the “New Bilateral/Trilateral Minesfield Agreement that was put in place in 2017”, the significant power and control he garnered over international affairs on his trip around the globe, the numerous Executive Orders and PEADS that were put in place (Reference Jon Herald/Patel Patriot & “Devolution”) and knowing the Deep State/Democrats and Biden and their plans to drain the Fed of all of its resources and usher in the need for the asset backed QFS. He is re-elected for a 2nd term and finishes “The Plan”. Being a “Wartime President” would give him the power and the latitude to make this happen.( I believe this is the paradigm that we are currently experiencing.)
Why 2 Bibles? I believe that DJT and the gang knew that at some point in his 1st term, he would file the “Corporation Bankruptcy”, thus relieving him of his duties of “President & CEO” of the corporation. He would then assume his duties as “President/Commander in Chief” of the “Republic”. That brings me to the the significance of the 2 Bibles and their alignment. Lincoln’s Bible was on the bottom as it was the bedrock for his “Dual Presidency” and the Family Bible was placed on top. He knew he would start his “Presidency” as a corporate officer and finish it as the “President Of A Country”. Lincoln was also a “Wartime President” with a divided country and traitors in every corner of his world. In 1865, Lincoln gave his 2nd Inaugural Address. Here are a couple of relevant paragraphs and a link to the entire speech. I believe President Trump knew he faced a similar problem.
Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address.
I continue to bring up Sun Tzu/The Art Of War as a pivotal filter that we know President Trump and his team uses for their actions. I also try to think in those terms when I am formulating an article in my mind referencing all of the craziness that is going on in the world. Make no mistake in your mind; We are at War. At some point, you either believe or you don’t believe. Lincoln had to heal a wounded country too. Both were very polarizing leaders. Trump was well versed in all aspects of the Presidencies of 3 men: Jackson, Lincoln & Kennedy and he is like the embodiment of the souls of those 3 individuals. He is dealing with the same massive problems of a divided nation, traitors in his midst along with a corrupt banking system and he has learned from their trials and tribulations how best to deal with those issues.
That brings me to another puzzle piece that has ramifications. “The 22nd Amendment to the Constitution”. This amendment was ratified and became law on February 27, 1951. This is the amendment that sets term-limits for the President. This law was not enacted under the original Constitution and only came into effect under the “Corporate Constitution”. Having said that, if the “Corporation” is bankrupt, is this one of those laws that would no longer be enforced if need be? If President Trump served his first term under the “Corporation” and we go back to being a “Constitutional Republic”, would he not be allowed to serve 2 terms? Here is where all of this gets so murky that it’s impossible to understand. It’s not like we can dial-up 1-800-SUPREME to interpret the Constitution and get an answer. None of us know how much, if any, of this “Corporation/Republic” dichotomy will ever truly be revealed to the masses. I think the legalities are being used in the background to facilitate an outcome on the political as well as the banking front, but I’m not convinced it will ever be made public. (Can’t you just see that class in school. We’ll call it “Everything Is A Lie/A New Interpretation”, and when you get in college there will be an actual degree called “Everything Is A Lie/A New Interpretation/Advanced Truth”. That should be worth a few credits. LOL
Earlier, I mentioned “Devolution” and the brilliant work that Jon Herald has done on that series. Please check out his website link and go deeper into what I will briefly mention below. After the stolen election was certified President Trump went on an E.O./PEAD binge and put a lot of pieces in place for this upcoming transition. Here is a brief list of the last few Executive Orders and you can take that link for more info on the PEADs that were issued at that time. A highly unusual amount of these for the ending of an administration. As with everything he has done, I believe the timing and the necessity was well thought out and executed. You decide which ones look important to you and then read Jon’s work.
I’m throwing out some speculation here mixed in with a lot of indisputable facts. Are these things all being allowed to happen for a greater purpose? It’s hard some days to believe that, but it is really the only thing that makes sense at this point. It may all be revealed someday, or it may never be revealed just like “Devolution”. You do not want to telegraph your intentions to the enemy. Let them be surprised when a new piece of the plan slaps them in the face and removes one more lever of power before they can react. The scope of “The Plan” and the logistics are so far beyond our comprehension it is laughable. I’m often amused by my own arrogance in believing I might have figured out some small piece of what is really going on behind the scenes. What I also find interesting is that the tables are being turned on the enemy right before our eyes. President Trump is hiding In plain sight as this plan continues to unfold all around them.
I hope you are all paying attention to this ongoing series of events. The U.N Shutting Down office in some countries because of lack of funding. The WHO, CDC, NIH, U.N all being exposed. Trump talking of de-funding these globalist organizations as soon as he’s back in office. Putin, Xi & BRICS doing their part, the new QFS being completed in the background, the destruction of many Deep State entities, massive layoffs in these fraudulent companies in the MSM and other corporations. The clean-up in Ukraine is almost complete. Israel will take a little more time. All of this corruption in Washington is being exposed on a daily basis. Yes, President Trump is still being berated in the media, but so are many of the “swamp creatures” in the corridors of power.
There are a couple of more things I wonder about concerning the “Republic”. I’m not worried about President Trump, as I do believe he has always remained an employee of the “Republic” and that is where his loyalties have always been. He has played his part on the media stage as a distraction and a lightning rod of controversy while the “Q” team and the Military have been taking care of business in the background. We know the “Q” team are also loyal to the “Republic” and always have been. Who is Congress renewing their oath of allegiance too, the “Corporation” or the “Republic”? I wonder the same thing about “The Supreme Court” and which set of laws they are interpreting now that the “Corporation” is bankrupt? Is part of that oath to keep this transition secret until it is time to be made public? Behind the scenes, has the rest of the Military re-upped their oath to the “Republic” and to their CIC? We assume way too much including that we even know what the rules of the game are. I promise the rules have changed and so has the gameboard in ways we know nothing about. I have to speculate on some things just to be able to write anything.
Back to my original thought. Why specifically did he choose Lincoln’s Bible? It was well thought out and had to be prepared beforehand. Was it just like him hanging Andrew Jackson’s portrait behind him in the Oval Office? Maybe he wanted Andrew to watch as he completed the destruction of the Central Bank. Maybe he was just paying homage for the sacrifices a couple of former Presidents made for this country. We will probably never know for sure. I have shown you what I believe.
Hopefully, the person that I started this article for gets it now.
Many people have told me I’m crazy, and I can honestly say with all conviction, they may be right. Is all of this “Two Bible” speculation just another bout of insanity? The thing about being crazy is that no matter what you do or say, that can always be your fallback position. LOL. These are some of the myriad puzzle pieces that haunt me day and night in my waking and sleeping hours. Damn, If only I were more organized.
I will leave you with a couple of thoughts from a very famous alien named Klaatu and “Q”. We should all pay attention.
I have written many financial and other articles, some of which I referenced here. I am including these links because along with that money comes the power to make these changes on a worldwide basis, and I believe they are all pieces of a global puzzle of control that is needed to free the planet.
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #4.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #3.”
“The Uniform Commercial Code/The UCC Connection.”
“The New IMS/International Monetary System”
GL-1/Global Layer One Asset Tokenization.
“What Was Supposed To Happen In 2012”
“Swissindo World Trust International”
Gold. Trump & Jackson. I Prefer Specie To Currency
The “QFS”/Quantum Computing And The Financial System
“The Committee Of 300/The Company You Keep”
“The Inner Sanctum/Serco-The Queen & Her Evil Empire”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#1”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#2/The Gold”
“JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement”
“The Royal Kingdom Of Maharlika”
“Not That 13, The Real 13/The Black Nobillity”
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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