More Proof. "The Exchequer Files"/The United States Crown Corporation/Another Bank. For Those Who Don't Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #8.
Things Are Not Always As They Appear To Be.
Isn’t it crazy how a few hundred letters and symbols come together to form thousands and thousands of words, in multiple languages, and how easily we can make another person understand the meanings with just a few combinations? Truly magical. I will give you clues to follow through on your own research if you are paying attention. It is how I found a lot of these documents.
I sure hope you guys believe me when I tell you I do a lot of research and reading to do a little writing. Countless hours. I honestly think I even do it in my sleep sometimes. I woke up twice this week with ideas I immediately had to get up and write down before the thoughts left my mind. Those thoughts, and the findings of that research, turned into this article and one more that hopefully will be finished soon.
Long ago, in what seemed like another lifetime, I had a very good friend who told me to keep these articles short and to the point so people would stay interested and follow through on the videos and links that I include. I promised her I would do that and they just keep getting bigger and more complex as I get deeper into the subject matter. Rest assured, I keep them as short as I can and still try to link the current puzzle pieces I’ve located with enough information to make sense. So, let’s get into this chaos again.
I’ve mentioned in many articles that I believe something is just not right with all of the daily soap operas we are constantly subjected to on the MSM and the Corporate News channels. I do believe, As “Q” has told us all, “You are watching a movie”. This plot gets more sublime and convoluted everyday. (By the way, I had someone tell my they thought parts of my articles were insulting when I put definitions from the dictionary when I use certain words and phrases. In no way am I trying to act like you don’t know what these words mean. I’m sure most of us can use them in sentences. Sometimes it’s those multiple definitions that I try and hit home as to the meanings I am trying to convey. Nothing more)
For these events that appear to be bizarre on so many levels, that are still unfolding right before our eyes, there has to be a reason. While they may seem random, I believe that many are not. Most people have already left that crazy “Q” conspiracy in their rear view mirrors long ago. That would be a mistake. The “Q” drops were given to us for the times we are living through. As a treasure map of information and some sanity to understand “The Movie” we are being forced to see, over and over again, until we get the message. Keep in mind the context of time and when this “Q” drop was disseminated and the reference to protecting “The Financial System Of The United States”. Not everything is about the money, but the involvement of finance in “The Plan” has always been there. Think of how many funds are still being sent overseas. Are they being tracked and traced? You tell me? Rats going after the cheese?
There is the ongoing conversation with many people, writers, bloggers, videographers, journalists and those crazy conspiracy guys like myself who continue to argue the existence of a “Corporation Of The United States” vs “The Republic Of The United States”. If you’re still on the fence, you need to get over the fact that you believed the lie, (We all did for a while) and realize that our country was hijacked by an evil “Corporation”. I have so much documentation on this, it’s not funny. Just like my beliefs in “Q” are no longer a “What If” scenario in my mind, there is no doubt that there existed, and to some extent there still exists, a corporate entity that has run this country into the ground, for various financial and political reasons, for over a century. One of the many reasons it takes me some time to compile these articles is that I have to be very diligent in reading these many hundreds of pages for the little clues that hide inside all of these places.
In one of the letters that “The King” had written to President Trump in 2018, on page 13 of 15 he references the events of 9/11 and what he believes happened. There is much information, disinformation and misinformation about those tragic events. For the sake of argument, and the fact that I believe what I have read here, I need for you to focus on a statement and 24 of those letter and word combinations I referenced when I started this article.
“As the CEO of The United States Corporation of the British Crown, your full cooperation with me is urgent to make America Great Again!”
Regardless of your beliefs about how, why and what transpired on that tragic day, and who was involved, understand the implications of that one statement. The “Corporate Entity” of the United States was officially acknowledged in a letter from The King Of Maharlika to President Donald John Trump. I personally didn’t need any more confirmation, but that may help some of you that have been on the fence. (Believe or don’t believe, that is on you.) Also understand the significance of “Corporation Of The British Crown” as that should help you in your research into all of this financial chicanery we see going on everywhere.
On to the next interesting tidbit I found that I believe is of great significance. Once again, a very important date in the year when those ASBLP accounts were all certified and verified involving all of these gold holdings worldwide was 2012. All of the plans that were supposed to be started included some business dealings with the American Indian Sovereign Nations and their interests. I don’t know about any of you, while I understand the sovereignty of the America Indian Nations, I did not know of their involvement with the King and his Gold. I have photos of the meeting that happened in NY. I also found the mention of this very interesting in the context of everything else in this particular letter from “The King” to President Trump in 2018. Please refer to the last 3 lines at the bottom of the page and the invitation for the above mentioned meeting.
I have to mention something here for the thousandth time. That is context. Without the context in your mind of many of my previous articles and what I have shown you, these pieces may not jump out at you like they have me. Without some inkling of all of those “Q” drops, I don’t think you have the necessary tools to completely get the scope of these events. I jump around in the historical timeline because I am still sifting through thousands and thousands of pages of documents, photos, websites and various information trying to associate this information with what I have read in the “Q” drops, the “Devolution” information, the Historical financial documents and all of the current chaos and filter them through “The Art Of War” and try and remember and associate the relevant pieces for these articles. I try to give you enough information in each article to let it be a standalone piece of information, but that is getting harder and harder with so much happening. I continue to beg your indulgence and your participation as we all get an education.
My last little piece of evidence is a doozy. I have hundreds of receipts, many I have already shown you, for all kinds of money transfers, SKRs, agreements, wire transfers and many other financial transactions that have occurred worldwide over the last 100 years or so. You haven’t even seen a small percentage of what I have. This is one of the most recent I have located. This is for another $675 Billion Dollars.
I saved this one for last and I hope you recognize the significance of all the parts of this document. I will give you my take and you can see if you agree. Sometimes the obvious is hidden in plain sight. Bear in mind, this document is from May 11th, 2022. Over 2 years after President Trump vacated 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for Mar-a-Lago. (The Winter White House with it’s own SCIF) So why was his signature still needed, unless?………..
Think about this. This document was sent to “The United States Armed Forces Of The United States Of America” Directive: Chain Of Command. (Who is at the top of the Chain Of Command?) Would that not mean that the Military’s involvement in keeping the country functioning under some COG/Continuity Of Government plans were in place and their participation was needed to facilitate the transfer of these funds? Considering what this document is about, if we were not under some form of military control from our CIC/Commander In Chief, don’t you think that someone from the U.S. Treasury or Federal Reserve should have been a part of this? Notice whose signatures are on the other document above. Where is Treasury Secretary Yellen’s signature? I have her signature on documents from years ago in both of her capacities as Secretary Of The Treasury and as the Chairman Of The Federal Reserve. Where is Jerome Powell’s signature? I also have other documents he has signed as Chairman Of The Federal Reserve. One could also infer that the Supreme Court is aware of what is happening since the “Chief Justice” also signed this document. After seeing what appears to either be incompetence or treasonous activity, I continue to struggle with their level of participation in this transition from a “Corporation” back to a “Constitutional Republic”. I am also aware of the Military involvement in other financial matters and global banking transitions that are happening worldwide, especially in the Middle East. I am Interpreting these documents through the eyes of a researcher and a writer and not a Lawyer or a Constitutional Scholar. It’s all way above my pay grade, but the implications are staggering on many levels.
There is the presence of one person that runs through all of these documents. Be it as “The President”. “The CIC/Commander In Chief”, “The Exchequer” or some combination of those designations, and we all know who that is. In one, or all of those capacities simultaneously, someone is overseeing the destruction of the Globalist/New World Order agenda while keeping the world as sane as possible through this transition and these tumultuous times.
As our modern version of Rome burns, who is playing the fiddle in the background? I’m quite certain Nero is not the one conducting this orchestra of chaos. Was that story from the chronicles of history even possible, or are we watching a scripted play or maybe a modern day version of that called a movie, as someone has referenced in those infamous “Drops”? Enjoy The Show.
Did Nero Really Fiddle While Rome Burned?
If I was a betting person and I were to wager on who the director of this movie would be, I would have to say it is the “Exchequer”. Somebody has to sign the checks. Remember, you never see the director, but when you get to the end of the movie you always marvel at the script, the special effects and all of those amazing actors. LOL.
In these very troubled times, may you all find some solace in the “Q” drops. When you truly come to understand their meanings, it is a great comfort when you have a foundation in the belief in “The Plan” to see you through these very difficult times. It’s like having a pair of 3-D glasses that can show you the hidden meanings in the chaos of the storm if you will only trade those MSM/Tainted Propaganda Specs for the truth. Kind of like in that brilliant Science Fiction Movie “They Live”.
I have written many financial and other articles, some of which I have referenced here. I am including these links because along with that money comes the power to make these changes on a worldwide basis, and I believe they are all pieces of a global puzzle of control that is needed to free the planet.
“The Exchequer. The Hierarchy Of Money On Planet Earth”
“A King, A Queen And A President. Puzzle Pieces Of Freedom”
“GCR/Global Currency Reset. Preparations For QFS/NESARA/GESARA.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #6”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #5”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #4.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #3.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#2/The Gold”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#1”
“The Uniform Commercial Code/The UCC Connection.”
“The New IMS/International Monetary System”
GL-1/Global Layer One Asset Tokenization.
“What Was Supposed To Happen In 2012”
“Swissindo World Trust International”
Gold. Trump & Jackson. I Prefer Specie To Currency
The “QFS”/Quantum Computing And The Financial System
“The Committee Of 300/The Company You Keep”
“The Inner Sanctum/Serco-The Queen & Her Evil Empire”
“JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement”
“The Royal Kingdom Of Maharlika”
“Not That 13, The Real 13/The Black Nobillity”
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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