Nazi Hydra & Money. NATO, The United Nations, The World Economic Forum, The World Health Organization, The World Bank, BIS And The Deep State/Globalist Organizations Of Control.
How America Became The Fourth Reich. Whitewashing Their Past To Steal Your Future. (Follow The Money)
I have a question for all of you. Remember Bernie Madoff? Would you put someone like Bernie Madoff in charge of the banking system for the world, knowing what you now know about his propensity for theft?
“Bernard Lawrence Madoff (April 29, 1938 – April 14, 2021) was an American financial criminal and financier who was the admitted mastermind of the largest known Ponzi scheme in history, worth an estimated $65 billion. He was at one time chairman of the Nasdaq stock exchange. Madoff's firm had two basic units: a stock brokerage and an asset management business; the Ponzi scheme was centered in the asset management business.”
I do take offense at that description above from Wikipedia, because we all know the greatest Ponzi scheme in history is the “Central Banking System”. I always try to “Follow The Money” and see what evil that system has perpetrated on the world for these articles. Money is power, and that is what these evil Globalists crave more than anything.
If you’re going to put them in charge, give them access to security, account information, bank transfer schedules, the computer infrastructure and everything else, why not just offer them an armored delivery truck with their own personal security guards and let them back it up to the vault and take what they want? Hopefully, that shows you the absolute insanity of letting the “fox guard the hen house.”
So, why would you put a group of individuals that were part of the control structure for one of the most evil, malevolent organizations in the history of the planet, the Nazis, in charge of some of the supposed most benevolent organizations on the planet, like the United Nations, NATO & the EU, and expect everything to go well? Unless there was an agenda behind it, you wouldn’t.
I have to ask, is this not the state of affairs in this U.S. at this very moment? The MSM is the propaganda arm of the NAZI/Deep State in America.
I’ve tried to tie some things together for all of you and show you how things are not always as they appear. Certain ideologies and philosophies are the driving force behind our world whether we like it or not. We get the illusion they try to sell us in front of the camera and then there is a far greater evil taking place behind the scenes. Let’s pull the curtain back again on some of that evil and put a couple of more puzzle pieces into the big picture.
So I’ll start with the current snake oil salesmen and work my way backwards. The current iteration of evil we are having to deal with almost always starts with Uncle Klaus and his band of WEF cohorts, like George Soros and others, and “The Great Reset” agenda where he gets to run the world, we eat bugs, we’ll “Own Nothing And Be Happy” living in our “15 Minute Cities” and all the other blah, blah, blah. You’ve all heard him preaching his “NWO/NAZI World Order/One World Totalitarian Government” religion for a few decades now. The WEF/Wealthy Evil Facilitators (I had to show so much restraint right there) recently had their annual “Let’s Tell The Sheeple How We Plan To Make Them Miserable, Destroy Their Lives And Kill Their Families” meeting this year in Davos. The same old agenda. They need to control the world, the money, the food and water, the military, the businesses, space, communications, population, vaccines, media and anything else that involves being a human being on this planet because we’re all too stupid to function without them. At least they are very thorough with their psychopathic control insanity.
Let’s get into the good, the bad and the ugly of this current tale of woe. (We’ll use the current meaning and not the ancient Egyptian one.)
Keep in mind the timeline of events and their context on a global scale. The Bretton Woods Agreement and that funding was in 1944 and the United Nations Charter was signed in 1945. The Globalists now had control of the money and an agreement with many nations on the planet to abide by a central authority in the United Nations. All the makings of a “New World Order” that they would control.
As I mention in the title of this article, there are many participants in this NWO/NAZI World Order/New World Order agenda. All of these Globalist organizations that, unfortunately for all of us, have been illicitly funded from all of this global wealth I keep writing about and this massive amount of gold underpinning the world’s economies. This wealth was always meant to be used for the good of humanity and not for the control of humanity. The intended purposes of The United Nations and all of these satellite organizations was about cooperation and prosperity and it has turned into control and graft at every level of their endeavors.
I have told you about a number of these things in articles like “Operation Paperclip”, “The Tavistock Institute & The CIA”, “Captain America/Hidden Truth From Hollywood” and a few others. I don’t think many of you know and understand how deeply the NAZI ideology and the men behind that ideology were embedded in the control structure of the planet after WWII. We all know about Werner von Braun and his position and influence with NASA, but here are a few other coincidences you were probably unaware of.
I was aware of many of these names through all kinds of research. However, until I started going through these financial documents I did not grasp how much power was wielded by a few of these players. Here’s where I need you to keep a few thoughts in mind as you assimilate this information. The Military Industrial Complex and the CIA that Presidents Eisenhower & Kennedy both warned us about many times, were totally infiltrated and controlled by the WWII Paperclip NAZIS. They both knew it. You have Hallstein & Heusinger in charge of basically the entire “European” world at the time. The same world that was supposedly just freed from NAZI occupation. How ironic is that? Do you grasp what really went on? You have Hallstein forming all the European States/The EU European Union into the start of a one European government ( A mini One World Government for Europe to keep the ball rolling on that NAZI/NWO agenda), and Huesinger in charge of defending that agenda through military influence and the backing of most of the countries who fought against Hitler in WWII. He could also take retribution on countries like Russia who assisted in taking down his boss. Is that NATO agenda still going on in Ukraine and Russia today? I’m sure you have all heard about the Ukrainian NAZIs.
So after WWII we still had influential players on the world stage with their NAZI ideologies and agendas in very powerful roles at these supposed benevolent organizations. I’m going to show you a few documents concerning Kurt Waldheim and his role as Secretary General Of The United Nations from January of 1972 to December of 1981. These documents are part of the trove of information that was disseminated from the man with the gold (The King) that I write so much about. The fact that he was involved at any level with all of this wealth is disturbing on so many levels.
Can you really picture Hitler henchman, Kurt Waldheim, turning over a new leaf and becoming someone’s nice uncle? The propaganda machine was in full swing to even write this drivel for him.
I’m sure you have all heard of the “Trilateral Commission”. Note what number that I.D. badge has on it. He might be important in the grand scheme of things.
Note, The King Has his own U.S. Treasury & Federal Reserve System I.D.
When all of these funds were originally turned over to the Bretton Woods crew, I honestly believe the Royal Family Clan believed that setting up and funding all of these global organizations would benefit humanity on multiple levels. The plans were good, the infrastructure was put in place and the funding was facilitated. The one thing I don’t think anyone took into account was the greed and evil intent of the few power brokers who could control these funds. You know who I’m talking about, “The Globalists”. The evil crew at the top that installed Hitler and his NAZI agenda and funded both sides of the war to get control of the game board knowing they had all of this funding in place. There are financial agreements going back hundreds of years before Bretton Woods to use this gold for other purposes. In the Jim Marrs/Fourth Reich video below, Jim will tell you about a lot of this funding, these plans and who helped facilitate that evil on the world. I think you’ll all be surprised if you have not looked into the details before. Hitler was a puppet that was used until he couldn’t become the “One World Government” they wanted to control and they threw him away and continued on with their plans.
To continue on with Kurt Waldheim and his influence on global events, after he served as Secretary General Of The U.N. he was elected President of Austria from July of 1986 to July of 1992, even though his NAZI ties and history had been well established and documented. A brief excerpt from the article below.
“On April 27, 1987, the United States declared Austrian President Kurt Waldheim to be persona non grata, meaning that although Waldheim was the head of state of a free nation he would not be allowed entry to the United States.”
Former Nazi Selected as Secretary General of the United Nations, Later Elected President of Austria!
This Globalist/Deep State/NAZI/New World Order agenda was in full swing for decades after WWII. As I previously mentioned, in the early 60s they started taking control of the global food structure with the “Codex Alimentarius”. Money, power, political control and control of the food for the planet. Pieces of that puzzle were falling into place and with Waldheim at the controls of the U.N. for a decade, those plans grew. Remember, the U.N. is its own hydra of agencies and systems of control.
United Nations Systems.
Do any of us really believe all of these individuals had a crisis of conscience and all of a sudden became decent human beings? I for one do not. These individuals had pure evil in their hearts. Can people change? Yes. Did they change. Not on your life. They all became chameleons to survive. The Queen, The Vatican through the Ratlines, The United States through “Operation Paperclip” and many other countries sought to control the WWII NAZIs and their technologies. They allowed these agents of evil full access to our entire world. They helped them whitewash their past to install them everywhere. I believe our own government thought the technologies and information the NAZI scientists had obtained ahead of the Allies was worth the risk. Those in the corridors of power and the Globalists in the United States Government put these new NAZI puppets in positions to become the backbone for the Military Industrial Complex that has grown into one of the most powerful entities on the planet. Fueled by all of that FIAT money and those Congressional Black Budgets.
For “The Plan” that President Trump, Putin, Xi, BRICS, “Q” and the white hats are working on to come to fruition, the Deep State has to be taken out. The Swamp is deep and wide. There are so many layers and tentacles that are wrapped around the planet it will take some tome to eradicate all of them. Getting control of the FED was a major part of that take down. The destruction of the MSM that is happening before our eyes and the rise of alternative media is another major piece that is happening quickly. Many of these NAZI/Deep State players maintained their positions and power for decades influencing global politics, banking and world peace. (Or lack thereof) Their ideologies are ingrained in every aspect of society. The world is fighting against Uncle Klaus and his Central Bank Digital Currency agenda. You don’t need a one world government if you have a one world currency that you control. You can control the people through money, that’s what they have done for millennia. This is who we are all fighting. Progress is happening, but what a monumental task it must be in dismantling all of this evil.
If you don’t believe the Deep State/Political puppets in Washington D.C. aren’t scared for their lives, check this out. Trump has already taken away their slush funds and they know he will take away their bullying power too.
Congress approves Bill barring Presidents from unilaterally exiting NATO.
Through the NAZI infiltration of the “Tavistock Institute”, The CIA, The Federal Reserve Banking System, The United Nations, NATO and dozens and dozens of corporations that make up the Chemical Industry, The Pharmaceutical Industry and the Military Industrial Complex of Companies, they have continued their NWO/Nazi World Order/New World Order agenda to this day. Click on the Book to read a pdf copy of "The NAZI Hydra In America” from Glen Yeadon & John Hawkins”. The video conference for the Jim Marrs book is listed below his book. Please take the time to watch the video.
For anyone who is not familiar with Jim’s work, I have written about him in articles before. Here is an amazing conference video from 2009 where he goes over a ton of historical context and his new book “The Rise Of The Fourth Reich/The Nazification Of America.” So much truth in a couple of hours. I have written about so many things that Jim brings up in this video.
Guys, there are two more books I highly recommend if you get a chance to dig deeper into what I discuss in this article. I could not find free versions online, but If you get access to a copy, they are both well worth your time. “Operation Paperclip” from Annie Jacobsen and “The NAZIS Next Door” from Pulitzer Prize Winning Author Eric Lichtblau.
People are waking up and understanding why President Trump is talking of defunding these Globalist organizations when he returns. Do you know that back on January 18th, 2024 Wisconsin Representative Tom Tiffany and a handful of House Republicans put forth a Bill to stop giving Uncle Klaus and his evil henchmen any more money. H.R. 7047 the “Defund Davos Act” was referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Uncle Klaus is sweating bullets. Here is a great article about that entitled:
Republican Bill Seeks to Defund World Economic Forum and Block ‘Reset On Our Way of Life’.
I also don’t know if you are aware that individual States here in the U.S. are fed up with our involvement with Klaus Schwab and his NAZI/Globalist/WEF agenda. If Washington D.C., under the current political agenda, won’t protect the states from the evil globalists, they will do it themselves. Louisiana just passed a Bill to block the WEF, The United Nations & The WHO from having any say in what happens in that state. I’m also hearing that multiple states are getting ready to pass similar legislation.
Louisiana Republicans Pass Bill to Block WEF, UN, WHO from Exerting Power in the State.
All of these globalist organizations know what’s coming when someone gets back in office. All of that fake FIAT money from the Central Banks will dry up and they will go out of business, or have their influence and their size significantly reduced. The tentacles of the Deep State are everywhere.
Don’t take anything you hear on the MSM as truth. For that matter, don’t take anything I say as truth either. Question everything. Do your own research and see what conclusions you come up with. I’ve given you my take on things and how I believe they are all connected.
Here are a few more articles for reference material. These writers hit home a lot of very specific points and I referenced their work in writing parts of this article. I don’t necessarily agree with everything they say, but their opinion and information is important for the context and perspectives of these events in history. Please read and support their work below.
Nazi war criminals became high ranking commanders in NATO after WW2.
NATO and Nazism: Global hegemony in the guise of "collective defense".
Adolf Heusinger and the Hitler-NATO connection.
Seven Decades of Nazi Collaboration: America’s Dirty Little Ukraine Secret.
Kurt Waldheim; the Nazi who became the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Klaus Schwab's family history - was his dad a Nazi?
I have written many financial and other articles, some of which I have referenced here. I am including these links because along with that money comes the power to make these changes on a worldwide basis, and I believe they are all pieces of a global puzzle of control that is needed to free the planet.
“The Exchequer. The Hierarchy Of Money On Planet Earth”
“GCR/Global Currency Reset. Preparations For QFS/NESARA/GESARA.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #6”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #5”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #4.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #3.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#2/The Gold”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#1”
“The Uniform Commercial Code/The UCC Connection.”
“The New IMS/International Monetary System”
GL-1/Global Layer One Asset Tokenization.
“What Was Supposed To Happen In 2012”
“Swissindo World Trust International”
Gold. Trump & Jackson. I Prefer Specie To Currency
The “QFS”/Quantum Computing And The Financial System
“The Committee Of 300/The Company You Keep”
“The Inner Sanctum/Serco-The Queen & Her Evil Empire”
“JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement”
“The Royal Kingdom Of Maharlika”
“Not That 13, The Real 13/The Black Nobillity”
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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