The Massive Web Of Control. Gold/GCR For Those Who Don't Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #9. Updates/Info, Timelines & Context. Questions?
Let's Do The Math, Shall We?
I’ll take cave door #1 in the Philippines.
I’ll let you guys know right up front that this article will be a hodgepodge of information. I’m combining about half a dozen articles into one because of all of the overlapping information and thoughts when I started those drafts. It’s really hard to separate this stuff out in my head, much less put these thoughts into words that make some kind of sense. Information overload. I will do my best.
Let’s start off with some updated information and we’ll go from there: Bear in mind, I keep telling you guys that this massive banking transition is a very fluid situation that has been taking place for years.
On January 19th, 2024 I posted this article. That’s when I took this screen capture from the OITC website.
For those Who Don't Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #4. All those "Dam" Files You Wanted
Here’s a part of that screen capture from that date of January 19th, 2024:
Here is the link to “Valid Federal Assets For Redemption/Repatriation” section of the OITC website and it now has an updated message. Here is a current screen capture. I can’t say the exact date that this was updated. I check as often as I can and I believe the last time I checked was mid-April and this notification was not there then, but it is now. Isn’t that little red box very interesting in the context of all of the financial changes the world is currently experiencing and everything I have been writing about in my articles?
Take that notice a few steps further. “Redeemed And Accepted” for what? Could it be that gold and currencies are now being tokenized and moved into the “QFS” and made liquid? I believe that is a very distinct possibility. Has this notice been changed because these assets have now been given an updated asset backed value that would be part of the RV/GCR/Global Currency Reset? We shall see.
I have found more references in some documents for “The United States Corporation”. I want to posit a question for all of you. Bear some thoughts in mind. “The United States Corporation” has filed bankruptcy, (I have the documentation. It is going through the final settlement and liquidation of assets and responsibilities.) The mandate for the Federal Reserve ran out in 2013 and we know President Trump absorbed the Federal Reserve under The Treasury during his 1st term in office. That mandate has been extended and the “Entity” of the Federal Reserve still exists, but to what extent it has the same powers and controls over these assets is up for debate. This little snippet of a 15 page letter sent to the “Queen” from the “King” in April of 2018 has some interesting ramifications. We know about Bretton Woods in 1944 and setting up the USD as the world’s reserve currency backed by all of this gold and administered through the Federal Reserve Banks worldwide. We know from the research in many of my articles that the U.N., the IMF, the World Bank and this global control structure is funded by all of the Maharlikan gold. With all of the documentation I have found, I’m quite certain there is a lot more that none of us has ever seen. I have a chicken and an egg question for you. We know “The United States Corporation” was a “Crown” corporation owned and started by the “Queen”. I was always under the impression that “The United States Corporation” owned the Federal Reserve Banks, but it appears it was the other way around. Not that it matters very much considering the “Queen” owned and facilitated both entities. What do you think about this little statement from the letter?
Keep in mind in 2018 we were still a corporate entity in this country, as the bankruptcy was not filed until the end of President Trump’s first term, and we are still going through the final bankruptcy proceedings. I need for you all to think in these terms as well. “The Plan”, that the world is going through on every level, is unprecedented. The United States is not the only country going through these massive changes. Most people think of a bankruptcy as one of two ways. Either the bankrupt company goes through re-organization and stays a viable entity or the company is put out of business and it’s assets are liquidated. With all of the global ramifications of finance, treaties, power structures and a million other legal, moral and technical issues, I believe this bankruptcy is some hybrid of a reorganization and a liquidation of assets.
I realize I am jumping around in timelines in this article but it’s unavoidable. When I am going through these many thousands of pages of documents, photos and other information, there are multiple files. Believe me when I say there is no rhyme or reason to a lot of this information and it is not divided by dates or any other designation. I’m just going down through the files and when I get enough information to put an article together, I pass along what I think is relevant. Remember, it’s been almost a year since I told you guys I found these original files. I have since found 2 more stashes of the documents and many were duplicates and sorting through this stuff is a nightmare. On to the next puzzle piece.
Here again, dates and events overlap. Letters discuss upcoming events and transitions. Some of which come to pass and some do not, as far as I can tell. Getting control back of all of this gold has been an ongoing task that I have chronicled in many articles. “The Plan” and the taking back of control of the world’s banking system is a mess. Until President Trump got into office, I don’t think the “King” knew how he could wrestle control away from the “Queen” and her minions. I have shown you this paperwork that was sent out about ending the FIAT money system in late 2017.
Lawsuits were instigated and international meetings took place in the Philippines a few months before that notice was sent. What happened in those meetings? With what information I have found so far, I believe this also plays into President Trump’s trip around the world to coordinate the confiscation of these assets to get them back under the control of the good guys.
You can see from some of my previous articles that many global financial chess pieces are being moved around and re-allocated into different vaults worldwide. Many debts are finally being paid and removed from those ledger accounts. Liquidation, consolidation and tokenization appear to be happening in banks, corporations, countries and on every level in anticipation of what appears to be a massive transition to the new QFS. There was no date on this particular document. I found it when I was opening up a stash of files that I recently located through some obscure research into another matter. Many documents in this latest find were from between 2018-2022. If I were to hazard a guess, I would speculate it is from that time frame. I’m including it here because it caught my attention like a bunch of these other pages. You decide what you think. I think it is very timely and interesting. (In case you are wondering, I didn’t highlight those sections in blue. That’s how I found the document)
I mentioned to you in previous articles that there were many assets other than gold that were part of the Maharlikan Treasures. I have found a number of receipts for precious metals other than gold, in vast quantities, as well as precious stones of all kinds. I am working on a couple of other articles with pictures and descriptions of these other items but I wanted to include this receipt now. Every time I see these numbers it blows my mind. Wait until you see the last Item in this article. How were you guys in school with your ABCs?
Here’s another interesting photo. You can click on the map and make it bigger. Read every word if you can. Lots of religious metaphors and implications from the Bible. I have mentioned in previous articles where the King has mentioned King Solomon. A phrase I found particularly interesting was “950,000 tons per layer”. That’s almost a million tons per layer. How many layers were there? This is one map from all of those caves of gold in the Philippines that was there for centuries.
I’m sure you all remember that document from my article "The Exchequer." The Hierarchy Of Money On Planet Earth. The Global Financial Structure That Will Back Up NESARA/GESARA & The QFS.” That document was from the ASEAN Summit in October of 1966. That receipt was for a little over one million tons of gold and the amount was $500 with 42 zeros. I’ve shown you documents where there is 2.4 million tons of gold stored in China. These loan programs are for different time frames and for different interest rates. We also know from that same article and all of the bank accounts listed for the Queen that there were three accounts that did not have quantities of gold or dollar amounts, but they did have the symbol for infinity. I’m no expert, but I think that’s a lot. LOL. This snippet from a letter to the “Queen” mentions an even larger amount that was deposited in the 13 Federal Reserve Treasury Vaults in January of 1966, months before the million tons and that receipt with the ASEAN Summit. This new amount is 10 million metric tons/$500 followed by 54 zeros at 4% interest.
These historical documents have different dates and I have so many letters, receipts, correspondence and other paper work from the past centuries it would blow your mind. It has mine.
Think of me finding a new batch of documents. After I calm down, I hit the “Download All” button and sit back and watch the digital folders pile up on my computer. After they finish downloading I go get a roll of duct tape and wrap it around my head before I start opening files to keep my brain from exploding. LOL. Something like that.
Thoughts to consider:
Doesn’t it almost sound like there might be some gold and other assets in place to fund the GCR and this transition to the new asset based QFS. Is it possible that a portion of the Maharlikan gold becomes the world’s reserve currency after the currencies of the world revalue and are tokenized? Will these pieces of this global financial puzzle finally be moved into place so the world will experience and benefit from NESARA/GESARA and escape from the evil control of the Central Banking system that has enslaved the planet? I don’t know for sure, but it looks as if something like what I have described here is happening in the background. As long as I have coffee, I will continue to research into the wee hours of the morning scouring the internet for clues. I do have to go get some more duct tape for………
I have written many financial and other articles, some of which I have referenced here. I am including these links because along with that money comes the power to make these changes on a worldwide basis, and I believe they are all pieces of a global puzzle of control that is needed to free the planet.
“The Gold King & Now The Oil King”. The “Sandman” Cometh.
More Proof: “The Exchequer Files”. “For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #8”
“The Exchequer. The Hierarchy Of Money On Planet Earth”
“A King, A Queen And A President. Puzzle Pieces Of Freedom”
“GCR/Global Currency Reset. Preparations For QFS/NESARA/GESARA.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #6”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #5”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #4.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #3.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#2/The Gold”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#1”
“The Uniform Commercial Code/The UCC Connection.”
“The New IMS/International Monetary System”
GL-1/Global Layer One Asset Tokenization.
“What Was Supposed To Happen In 2012”
“Swissindo World Trust International”
Gold. Trump & Jackson. I Prefer Specie To Currency
The “QFS”/Quantum Computing And The Financial System
“The Committee Of 300/The Company You Keep”
“The Inner Sanctum/Serco-The Queen & Her Evil Empire”
“JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement”
“The Royal Kingdom Of Maharlika”
“Not That 13, The Real 13/The Black Nobillity”
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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Specie, I am not familiar with BelangP and his Youtube channel. There are so many assets and debts in play right now it is insane. Assets being re-categorized from M-0, M-1, M-2, M-3 & M-4. Thanks for pointing me in the direction of some more research. I'll look into it.
Hi Anthony, i'm not sure if you are aware of BelangP. His youtube channel has been addressing the federal reserve, federal reserve notes, cash in circulation, treasury bonds and gold.
As I understand it, if the U.S. does away with Federal Reserve all of the treasury securities the Fed holds are netted out and all that is left are actual currency in circulation covered by all the U.S. treasury gold.
RIght now that would result in paper money being devalued by 75%. And by my estimation, the country would be in pretty good shape.