Financial History. Power Is Shifting. For Those Who Don't Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #10. How Important Has The United States Always Been? Agendas & Psyops.
What Do We Really Know About History.
I have to catch myself sometimes and go back and take my own advice and filter my thoughts through “The Art Of War”. Sometimes I literally wake up and have to run to my keyboard because another puzzle piece fell into place in my dreams and I need to put the thought down before it is gone. I’ve done a lot of reading in the last few days. Tons of new information to sift through.
History is written by the winners. Sometimes their version is all we have to go on. What if they didn’t want us to know the truth, for whatever reasons they had? History is most certainly a collection of bad memories, lies, half-truths with just enough truth sprinkled in to brainwash the reader into believing it all. Read some sanitized version in the history books, listen to the winners embellish their role and then get an account from the losers of events, motivations and activities surrounding a war and you will get 3 entirely different scenarios. Look at our current political situation that is playing out in the media. As always there is information, disinformation and misinformation (lies, lies, lies) to control the public narrative and rewrite history. It’s been going on for millennia.
Let’s start off with a little history lesson that I have danced around in a few articles and now I’ve found some more interesting pieces that pertain to what I have been saying. How long do you think the United States has been involved with the Kingdom Of Maharlika and all of that gold? I think you will be surprised. In one of these latest document drops I found a series of graphics that someone took a lot of time to put together. There are a few notations highlighted in red that also caught my attention. Here are those graphics and I will continue below. I have signatures on these documents from more than a dozen Presidents over the decades.
First off, this document was put together and signed on the day President Trump was inaugurated and sworn into office. Please note the reference to the “Embargo Act of 1807” written by President Thomas Jefferson and the
”Treaty Of Paris” signed by President Grover Cleveland. Both of those have direct implications and connections to all of this gold and how it was to be used for the good of humanity. I have mentions of these documents as well as links to the actual documents in previous articles. On to the next.
Here is an interesting document from 1976. Please read the entire document, but pay close attention to the second paragraph and the acknowledgement and reference to George Washington. This was a letter sent to a bank in Spain. The other major phrase you all need to pay attention too is the “International Banking Law Of Bailment”. (More on that later)
I am seeing more and more receipts that get very specific about what each of these gold transfers and deposits was supposed to be used for. Specifically the serial numbers of a new batch of currency that has been printed in the U.S., China and these other countries over the decades. That opens up a whole other list of questions and speculations involving the big picture, especially with the Federal Reserve. Were these new batches of currency supposed to be used for the World on an international level only? Were certain serial numbers printed up specifically to pay off debt or some other purpose? Were they originally printed as part of the M-0, M-1, M-2 or M-3 money supply? This is all way above my pay grade. but it is a very interesting point to ponder. This particular reference is to the C-1 & C-2 Victory notes from 1952-1976.
Here is a 1974 “Letter Of Instruction” from the PBOC and it involves many international laws and treaties. Including, once again, “The Embargo Act of 1807” written by President Jefferson.
Here is another from August, 1972. The original receipt was to “Finance The Infrastructure Projects Damaged During WWII”. Please note it was for a specific batch of “Uncut U.S.D. $50 notes” in the amount of $83 Trillion dollars. I also wonder if any authority was given over to President Trump, on behalf of The King, when the new “Bilateral/Trilateral” agreement was signed in 2017? Authority like what is described from the last line of section 2 in this document. “The discretionary power to move, remove and restructure the assets lodged in trust to different commercial prime banks around the world.”
I have one more document to show you in this article that I believe is of great significance to the ongoing conversations I keep having with you. I believe this “Certificate Of Entitlement” is from 1976. Since I have learned of the significance of “The UCC” and it’s usage in both domestic and international banking transactions, I have noticed it on multiple documents over the course of history. I have written many articles referencing the importance of “The UCC” to all of us. Those articles will be listed below. There is another reference I am seeing more frequently on all of these financial documents as well. That word is “Bailment”. That word is a very important word in the financial transitions we are going through at this moment. It is on two of these documents I am presenting here. There are many banking transitions and financial transactions taking place in establishing the history, provenance/ownership of gold, other precious metals, financial documents, historic bonds and a bevy of other financial instruments. Many of these have been listed as available for redemption on the OITC website.
Click this “Bailment” graphic for the Investopedia information about the detailed definition of this important term.
“Bailment” makes that old adage more prescient. Especially the second part which I believe is the problem the King has had since giving up the physical control of these assets. I also believe he has a partner in gaining back control of those assets again for the good of humanity and not the global elite.
All these historic financial documents I am presenting are from the same source. I still have a few hundred of these documents and files to go through from the King. What an education I have gotten and shared with you guys on all of the financial underpinnings of Planet Earth.
The Art Of War is all about control and turning a disadvantage into an advantage. Using the resources of the minds and hearts of your men and that of the enemy as well as the physical resources in the world and the battlefield around you. When President Trump signed that new agreement in 2017 he took away the control of these financial assets from the Deep State. He made allies with The King, Putin, Xi, The BRICS, Saudi Arabia and anyone else that has been so deeply wronged and screwed over by the evil Deep State/Banking Cabal for decades. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”. The Globalists have made a lot of enemies and I believe the time is here to “Pay The Piper”.
Why was this fledgling country so important even back when President Jefferson initiated the “Embargo Act Of 1807”? Is the King working with Trump? Absolutely. The King has an agenda for the people of the Philippines and all of the wealth he controls. President Trump has an agenda for the United States, that is multi-layered, involving money and wrestling away control from an evil defunct Corporation and giving it back to the Republic. Putin & Xi have an agenda for their respective countries as well. When those agendas align and overlap against a common enemy, you have “The Great Awakening”. The wars, the corruption, the media, the elite, all of the evil is being exposed to the world on a daily basis. It’s almost like we are living in two versions or reality that are starting to overlap and distort each other. One playing out in public and one playing out behind the scenes. The political and societal chaos is playing out in public and the new financial structure is being orchestrated and assembled behind the scenes. Total exposure of both sides of this coin are almost here.
I don’t believe we have seen the worst of the financial carnage that the world will have to experience before we get this puzzle fully assembled. As we get deeper into “The Storm”, don’t forget the important foundations that have been put in place from “Q” , The Art Of War and the White Hats. There are many parts to the war. Narrative warfare, physical warfare, financial warfare, psychological warfare and more. I believe there are many ghosts in the SWIFT Machine that have been haunting the Deep State Banksters for some time. There are ghosts in the machine for a reason.
There is a big difference in “Playing Not To Lose” and “Playing To Win”. The Deep State is on its last leg. The White hats are executing a strategy while the Deep State is reacting instead of implementing their own strategy. The Queen is gone, Klaus is gone, Soros is gone, Jaimie Dimon is leaving and the rest of the Globalists are bleeding power and influence like crazy. The banking world is changing, the power structure of control is moving from East to West away from the Deep State. As President Trump, “Q”, The King, BRICS and the Alliance continue to remove the bad players from the chessboard, they are simultaneously gaining control back of the resources and the financial assets of the world. I believe a better future is on the horizon. Don’t blink or you will miss a lot.
I have written many financial and other articles, some of which I have referenced here. I am including these links because along with that money comes the power to make these changes on a worldwide basis, and I believe they are all pieces of a global puzzle of control that is needed to free the planet.
The Massive Web Of Control. Gold/GCR For Those Who Don't Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #9
“The Gold King & Now The Oil King”. The “Sandman” Cometh.
More Proof: “The Exchequer Files”. “For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #8”
“The Exchequer. The Hierarchy Of Money On Planet Earth”
“A King, A Queen And A President. Puzzle Pieces Of Freedom”
“GCR/Global Currency Reset. Preparations For QFS/NESARA/GESARA.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #6”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #5”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #4.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #3.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#2/The Gold”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#1”
“The Uniform Commercial Code/The UCC Connection.”
“The New IMS/International Monetary System”
GL-1/Global Layer One Asset Tokenization.
“What Was Supposed To Happen In 2012”
“Swissindo World Trust International”
Gold. Trump & Jackson. I Prefer Specie To Currency
The “QFS”/Quantum Computing And The Financial System
“The Committee Of 300/The Company You Keep”
“The Inner Sanctum/Serco-The Queen & Her Evil Empire”
“JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement”
“The Royal Kingdom Of Maharlika”
“Not That 13, The Real 13/The Black Nobillity”
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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