"Official Digital USD". Gold Shall Destroy Fed. Many Paths To This Solution. Are You Familiar With The McFadden Act Of 1927? QTT. Tokenization & Digitization Are Picking Up Speed. Strategic Assets?
Bitcoin. Chess Pieces Being Re-positioned. (Follow The Money Series.)
As the onslaught of financial information pounds our eyes and ears on a daily basis, I feel like a piece of taffy in a pulling machine. Tons of information that gets rolled around in my head and mixed with good and bad ingredients from the Deep State and the White Hats, with just enough sugar coating to make it all believable, and it’s getting more confusing. My little pea brain is stretched and assimilated just like taffy. I’m not sure I even know what to believe as both sides of this financial tug of of war vie for control of the planet. Here’s my take on a few things and you can decide if those rollers have done too much damage.
While delving into a few historical articles and pieces of info, I ran across a another piece of information that might be important in the grand scheme of things. Before I go any further, I need to clarify a few things and get you guys involved in the Q&A that goes on in my head all the time. The Federal Reserve had a 100 year charter that expired in 2013. I have found no concrete proof anywhere that says it was extended (unless I missed something, which is possible). Think in terms of Bretton Woods in 1944 and making the USD, from the Fed, the world’s reserve currency. Think in terms of the United States transitioning back from a Crown Corporation back to a Constitutional Republic. What parts of the business dealings, laws, international agreements and a million other things that transpired under the guise of the “Corporation” would the Republic be responsible for going forward, and how much would have to be revised or removed because of different circumstances? Even if the United States issues it’s own asset backed Treasury notes, the Federal Reserve notes, as the world’s reserve currency, will still exist until they are replaced. What if a law was put in place that said we couldn’t remove the Federal Reserve forever? Would that apply to the new Republic? Would a new law have to be implemented that negated the old law? It’s all way above my paygrade, but I did find something that might play into why the Fed is still alive and kicking. Let’s see what you think.
Back in 1927, 14 years after the Federal Reserve was officially started, The McFadden Act was passed.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but “perpetuity” is a long time, right? LOL. Does this mean we are stuck with the Fed forever? Can the Fed be removed until this act is repealed?
I have brought up “Q” post 2619 in numerous articles for a variety of reasons, mostly related to Gold. Here is that statement from “Q” and some recent developments I will go over with you.
I was always under the impression that this “Q” drop meant that when the United States released it’s own Gold and asset backed Treasury notes that the Fed/USD Reserve Currency would be no more. (Of course there would be a transition period. It’s not some switch that can be flipped and every single Federal Reserve note anywhere in the world becomes worthless.) Once again, in the context of “Q” being a global movement, is “We” the world and not just the United States, and could everybody else establishing their Gold and asset backed currencies be what destroys the Fed by negating the need for the world’s reserve currency once everyone gets on an even playing field? I don’t know, but the world is ramping up the asset backing and the tokenization of their currencies and resources. Here are a few more examples and then I will continue below.
Stablecoins: Definition, How They Work, and Types.
We know that some states here in the U.S. and even some countries overseas are already rejecting the future use of CBDCs because of their absolute control over someone’s money and their complete lack of individual privacy. Banks, Governments and many key players are coming up with alternatives on a daily basis to try and garner participation from the masses. Their are so many options it’s mind-blowing. I do believe part of their plan is to confuse the public by giving us choices, most of which are not good for us. This next one really blew my mind. We know about multiple Stablecoins like Tether that are pegged to the USD but this is different. How is this not a CBDC/Central Bank Digital Currency?
We know that the U.S. Treasury, The Federal Reserve, along with countries, banks and companies worldwide are joining with Stellar to tokenize our world. The Stellar blockchain is just one of many that will access the wealth of the planet. Please pay attention to what each of these tokens describe.
I’ve heard a phrase that has been used by President Trump, Joana Cotar of the German Parliament and some others recently that I believe is of great significance. The phrase itself has been around in financial circles and banking for a long time. Maybe I just haven’t been paying attention. Seeing that phrase used in relation to Bitcoin, by multiple people within a few short days of each other, gives it much more validity and power. That phrase is “Strategic Reserve Asset or Strategic Reserve Currency”.
We know President Trump has been embracing the digital world for a few years because he launched his NFTs. I recently found another piece of information that you should pay attention too. I’m not going to go into this any further. Surely you guys can figure this out. Click the graphic for the website and pay attention. “QTT” (What a double entendre!) LOL.
Digital assets are being activated and triggered to stabilize and capitalize on this banking transition we are experiencing right now. The Deep State Assets of control and the White Hat Assets may commingle for a time inside the world of QFS. Honestly, there is so much going on that none of us are aware of yet, it boggles the mind how anything is still functioning between the world of RWA/Real World Assets & DLT/Digital Ledger Technology. There are so many competing technologies and assets classes I don’t know how we’ll ever sort it out. The digital world is coming at us like a runaway train.
Countries all over the world are going full speed ahead with tokenization. The BRICS nations and many countries in Asia and the Middle East are running away from the Central Banks and their control structure. Tokenizing these assets, establishing values that can be utilized worldwide and setting up cross-border payments are helping the world free itself from decades of control. Knowing that President Trump signed that new 20 year agreement with the King to keep the Federal Reserve notes as the world’s reserve currency backed by those Gold assets, what was “Q” referring too “gold shall destroy Fed?” I guess we’ll have to wait a little longer for the final scene of this “Movie” we are all watching.
I’ll keep trying to sort out this mess as I (Follow The Money).
I have written many financial and other articles, some of which I have referenced here. I am including these links because along with that money comes the power to make these changes on a worldwide basis, and I believe they are all pieces of a global puzzle of control that is needed to free the planet.
“Financial History:Power Is Shifting/For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #10”
The Massive Web Of Control. Gold/GCR For Those Who Don't Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #9
“The Gold King & Now The Oil King”. The “Sandman” Cometh.
More Proof: “The Exchequer Files”. “For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #8”
“The Exchequer. The Hierarchy Of Money On Planet Earth”
“A King, A Queen And A President. Puzzle Pieces Of Freedom”
“GCR/Global Currency Reset. Preparations For QFS/NESARA/GESARA.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #6”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #5”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #4.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #3.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#2/The Gold”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#1”
“The Uniform Commercial Code/The UCC Connection.”
“The New IMS/International Monetary System”
GL-1/Global Layer One Asset Tokenization.
“What Was Supposed To Happen In 2012”
“Swissindo World Trust International”
Gold. Trump & Jackson. I Prefer Specie To Currency
The “QFS”/Quantum Computing And The Financial System
“The Committee Of 300/The Company You Keep”
“The Inner Sanctum/Serco-The Queen & Her Evil Empire”
“JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement”
“The Royal Kingdom Of Maharlika”
“Not That 13, The Real 13/The Black Nobillity”
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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I don't pretend to know any further information about General Brown's visit to the Philippines other than the official statements that have come out on the DOD website. https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3840300/brown-meets-with-key-leaders-in-philippines/ There are many military, strategic and financial reasons the Philippines remain important to the World. There are so many past and present puzzle pieces to try and fit into this global monetary picture and have them make sense. I keep writing about the historical importance and trying to figure out the future ramifications. I'm sure there were clandestine reasons as well as the public reasons for his visit. Yes he does.
Hi Anthony,
I don't understand all that you write about the Philippines but i thought it was interesting that the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff is visiting the Philippines now. And everybody there is trying to figure out his real purpose for visiting.
He has a very special Middle Initial.