"The Plan". He Did What? Banking Transitions. Force Majeure Assets. Bitcoin Ascendancy Assured. Stablecoins. Petrodollar Go Bye-Bye. Softwar.
Just One More Trump Card Being Played. It's Going To Be A Long, Hot Summer. Are You Ready? Have You Been Stacking Sats? Anyone Can.
Timing Is Everything.
You know how Congress, Banksters and the Power Brokers all over the planet have maligned Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies in the media, on Capitol Hill and in the world economic press in their Halls Of Power for years? It would appear that some plans that have been in the works for a few years are now coming to fruition. Puzzle pieces that were disavowed previously are now coming together to form an entirely different story than what we were led to believe. They knew all along, they just couldn’t say. Let’s get into Blockchains, Asset Backed Crypto, Math Backed Crypto and telling the Central Banks to kiss your A__ because you don’t need them anymore.
Prestidigitation/The Greatest Magic Trick Ever. LOL.
The word “Stablecoin” has been around over 10 years and the usage and current definition has morphed over time.
Stablecoins: Definition, How They Work, and Types.
The History of Stablecoins: The Reason They Were Created.
Stellar, Ripple/XRP and many other cryptocurrencies have been hotly debated in Congress for years. Are they a currency, a token, a commodity and how do we classify and regulate them? It would appear they have known for sometime what they were and how they would fit into the new Global QFS and what their purposes would be. My question to you is this. How much of this banking transition has been hiding in plain sight for all of us to see? NCSWIC.
As more and more of these financial puzzle pieces get revealed, this landscape is constantly being changed and updated. Please understand that there will be a million ways to decentralize your financial future and still be a part of the QFS. Think of the QFS as one simple thing. It will be an asset backed universal banking and accounting system for all financial transactions of every kind on a blockchain with safety protocols in place to protect everyone. I want to introduce you to the first “Force Majuere” Asset Token. IXINIUM.
As the mountain of new tokenizations bombard the world daily, we have to pay attention to history and what “Q” and the White Hats have told us. How long ago were recent events coordinated and made a part of “The Plan”? If historic events are already set on a timeline that you can use to your advantage, could you not incorporate them into your strategies to take down the enemy? Like I keep saying and have said since I started my Substack, “The Plan” to free the planet starts with taking down the Central Banksters and getting back control of the assets and resources of this planet. That’s why I have continued to “Follow The Money” and track and trace these historic assets. For those of you who are not yet up to speed on “Q”, let me introduce you to drop #140 and how it might play into what just happened with the demise of the Petrodollar.
What do you get when you cross Anons with people who understand and HODL Bitcoin? Some of the smartest, most powerful people on the planet because they understand parts of “The Plan” that most of us don’t. Events in the last few days took a massive turn for the better if you understand what is happening. Aside from the obvious question of why meet with a candidate instead of the current “P”resident? I think we all know why. I will post a few messages and set up the finale of this article. Please pay attention to details.
I saved this last one for a very important reason. Almost 2 years ago, Softwar author Jason P. Lowery sent out some very important thoughts that a lot of people missed, or didn’t have the forethought to project his statement into the future. Watch the first video below to understand the Energy of Bitcoin, on all levels. As you read this understand that as of today, June 12th as I’m writing this section, There are 19,711,475 of the 21,000,000 Bitcoins that will ever be minted already mined. That only leaves 1,288,525 Bitcoin left to be mined between now and 2140. On a strictly financial level that only leaves about 6% of the total amount of Bitcoins that will ever be made left to mine. Why would President Trump want the United States to be on the forefront of that mining operation? I know, do you?
Imagine a scenario where a high ranking official in the newest branch of the Military writes a book about the most expensive currency in the world and no one is paying attention. What are the odds that his CIC/Commander In Chief is unaware of that book? Zero. What are the odds that Space Force, all those “Starshield” Military satellites that Elon Musk launched, the QFS and Bitcoin are not connected in any way? Zero. I referenced this in an earlier article. Here is a free copy for you to read at your leisure. Major Jason P. Lowery-Softwar: A Novel Theory On Power Projection And The National Strategic Significance Of Bitcoin. Click the graphic to read:
If you want to continue on that Bitcoin education and delve deeper into “Softwar” and the implications, here is a very good interview from Coin Stories own Natalie Brunell.
How many people in the U.S. own Bitcoin? What percentage of the worldwide Bitcoin supply is controlled by governments? What percentage of Bitcoin have been lost in wallets? Will President Trump’s endorsement, and his embracing the importance of Bitcoin, have major implications on the projected price increase of Bitcoin? Pay attention. It’s hard to keep up with everything. Believe me, I know. That Satoshi was a troublemaker. LOL.
As I was finishing up this article and headed off to bed, This came across Telegram from GMONEY. Like I said, pay attention. The clues are all around us.
I have written many financial and other articles, some of which I have referenced here. I am including these links because along with that money comes the power to make these changes on a worldwide basis, and I believe they are all pieces of a global puzzle of control that is needed to free the planet.
“Financial History:Power Is Shifting/For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #10”
The Massive Web Of Control. Gold/GCR For Those Who Don't Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #9
“The Gold King & Now The Oil King”. The “Sandman” Cometh.
More Proof: “The Exchequer Files”. “For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #8”
“The Exchequer. The Hierarchy Of Money On Planet Earth”
“A King, A Queen And A President. Puzzle Pieces Of Freedom”
“GCR/Global Currency Reset. Preparations For QFS/NESARA/GESARA.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #6”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #5”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #4.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #3.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#2/The Gold”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#1”
“The Uniform Commercial Code/The UCC Connection.”
“The New IMS/International Monetary System”
GL-1/Global Layer One Asset Tokenization.
“What Was Supposed To Happen In 2012”
“Swissindo World Trust International”
Gold. Trump & Jackson. I Prefer Specie To Currency
The “QFS”/Quantum Computing And The Financial System
“The Committee Of 300/The Company You Keep”
“The Inner Sanctum/Serco-The Queen & Her Evil Empire”
“JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement”
“The Royal Kingdom Of Maharlika”
“Not That 13, The Real 13/The Black Nobillity”
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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