Draining Liquidity, Transitioning Assets To The Blockchain And Bypassing Banks And The Traditional Markets. The "CCIP". The Orderly Takedown Of The Evil Banksters. Asset Backing. Value Not Money.
CBDCs & Project Hamilton.
I need to apologize for my lack of articles of late. Too much going on in the real world to deal with. Cutting into my brain-clarity time. Still sifting through thousands and thousands of documents, info and photos as well as trying to keep halfway current on a couple of dozen Telegram feeds of information is very time consuming. I’ve started multiple articles about interesting stuff that ties a bunch of things together. Going back through and picking which ones to finish is where it gets crazy. Going deeper into research takes me down so many rabbit holes. It’s funny how many paths cross as you get deeper into these subjects. Especially the who, what, why, where and when they are related.
It is becoming more and more apparent, if one is paying attention, that the financial machinery is being put in place worldwide to walk away from the Globalist Central Banking model. I don’t just mean the banks themselves, I mean traditional stock, bond, futures and other markets and those financial instruments. Tokenization is taking control of the markets away from these centralized structures and putting it in the hands of the public. The barrier to entry is being made possible for the general public and taken out of the hands of only the wealthy.
This banking transition will be an ongoing event for years to come. The Deep State Globalist Banksters intentionally unleashed “Derivatives” and some of these other financial instruments on the world to make it almost impossible to unwind their treachery. Digitization and tokenization are going to be the only way to finally unravel these many centuries of deception. As with everything that is brought to bear in these markets, there will be good and bad financial products with advantages for them and advantages for us. Them being governments, banks and any kind of control structure and us being freedom loving human beings anywhere on the planet.
I’ve written about many of these financial transitions that are taking place. The concepts are simple and sound much better than the current slave banking system. The implementation of these new financial instruments, and all of the government and financial regulations along with the international aspects, is quite complicated and very time consuming. Along with timing, it is very strategic on how the final deployment and implementation of these new financial instruments will take place. Do any of you find it odd that one Presidential candidate is embracing the new digital economy in a big way and the other candidate has no clue about what is going on in the banking world? It’s almost like some long term plans, that are being assembled in the background are reaching fruition and will be brought online, ready to use strategically, at just the right moment when this political transition will happen. Coincidence? My writings speculate other possibilities. While absolute timing is a moving target, because of all of the international constraints and domestic regulations, it appears that much of this new financial architecture for the new banking system will be in place and functional by the end of 2024. The Basel and ISO regulations are pointing to that timeline as well. Just in time for …. Many pieces and layers will be added over the coming years as this transition takes place. We not only have to keep the current evil Central Bank model functioning through this transition, while limiting their financial chicanery, collusion and graft, but we are having to deal with derivatives, debt and this asset backing that is needed for the transition.
I think many of us keep thinking in our mind that all of a sudden we will just flip a switch and start functioning in our new financial world. Yes, at some point there will be a switch that completely turns off the old SWIFT Central Bank system forever. We are still in that transition period between the old and the new, and until the new system reaches critical mass we must live with this financial dichotomy. Whether we like it or not, we will all have to play in the QFS at some level. Bitcoin is one asset on a totally different level than other controllable Cryptos and Tokens. The magic that is happening in the background to make all of these new Cryptos and Tokens play nice with each other, and be able to move assets back and forth with ease, involves the Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP). CCIP will be one of the major keys to the future of global finance, payments and daily usage.
What is blockchain interoperability: A beginner’s guide to cross-chain technology
In recent articles I have shown you many U.S based, asset backed, Tokens being issued by the Fed and the U.S. Treasury, including “The U.S. Precious Metals Reserve”, “Government Bonds”, “The Digital U.S. Dollar” & “U.S. Gold” Tokens. I’m sure that somewhere, in some seemingly innocuous office at either the FED, the Treasury or both, there are individuals determining what amounts of these assets will be allocated for these projects, then moving those assets into a different line on a ledger and removing those assets from the different money supplies like the M0, M1. M2 or M3. I’m sure they frequently confer with Yellen & Powell about these asset amounts so they can plug them into their financial equations. If these Tokens are becoming part of the new QFS, then they will have to be legitimate parts of the current and future financial infrastructure moving forward. Would that not be draining liquidity from the old system and moving it into the new system now? Is this tokenization one of the reasons the liquidity is drying up in the legacy banking system? I believe it is, and it’s being slowly rolled out so as not to crash the old system. Another piece of this tokenization puzzle was issued this week and that is USH. Many of these Government issued Tokens are backed with the assets of the United States. They can’t all be backed by the same specific assets. Percentages have to be allocated to each Token.
The U.S. Government and these Tokens all being issued on the Stellar Blockchain Network is very interesting. It begs the question once again about how long this financial transition has been in the works and when the assets started being positioned for this transition? Almost sounds like part of “The Plan” that we know has existed on many levels involving the 17th letter and a certain individual. International agreements, gold contracts, treaties and other details have been moved into place to assist the world in this transition. Has the use of Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, Tether, Stellar and a few others all been a part of the plan for over a decade? Acknowledgement and backing of these diverse blockchains seems to be gaining momentum and will infuse liquidity into the QFS and tokenize the world. Why reinvent the wheel when some of the most brilliant minds in the world have been innovating in the crypto space for over 15 years. As with all of my articles, I dig into the backgrounds of these issues so I can understand the historical context. Connections are important. The Stellar blockchain was launched in 2014 by Jed McCaleb, who also founded Mt. Gox and co-founded Ripple. Here is a little history for those of you unfamiliar with “Stellar”, from Investopedia:
Stellar Blockchain: Overview, History, FAQ
There is still this ongoing debate in the U.S. Congress and the banking system about issuing a CBDC for the United States. President Trump has stated he won’t allow it. With the tokenization of these varied assets, what need is there for a CBDC? Why have one all encompassing financial instrument other than total control. This debate has been going on for quite some time and there have been many working papers and committees assembled to plan your future slavery with a CBDC. The Federal Reserve Bank Of Boston issued one such paper entitled “Project Hamilton”. (Click the graphic for the article).
The Fed and all of those branches have been paying attention for a long time trying to get a handle on how to stop Bitcoin & Crypto from making them totally irrelevant. I think they came to the realization of that old adage “If you can’t beat “em, join ‘em”. Here’s another working paper from the St. Louis Fed:
The Blockchain Revolution: Decoding Digital Currencies.
And yet another couple of articles from the main Federalreserve.gov website:
Tokens and accounts in the context of digital currencies.
Tokenized Assets on Public Blockchains: How Transparent is the Blockchain?
Wealthy individuals and international companies are also embracing tokenization and the inevitable digitization of our world. Here is an excerpt posing a very significant question as well as a great article from Private Banker International entitled:
Q&A: what is asset tokenization, and why is it on the rise?
I personally believe that the Fed was testing the waters a couple of years ago to see if anyone was paying attention when they started FedNow. There has been so much push back about the thought of an all controlling government CBDC and they took some baby steps. From Coin Desk:
Fed Dramatically Speeds Up U.S. Payments With FedNow, but Downplays Any Tie to CBDCs.
I realize this financial transition is very daunting to most of us, myself included. We didn’t grow up in the digital age like most of the people under 40. Like it or not, We have to get comfortable moving around inside a digital world. It’s like nature “Adapt Or Die”. Change is inevitable and it is gaining speed as we head towards the full implementation of the QFS. There will be a learning curve and an education process just like reading, writing and math back when we were all in school.
I look forward to getting away from the current banking model. Peer-to-Peer transactions are much more efficient, and done properly, are safer and better. Take the evil Banksters out of the process and let the citizens and the government reap the profits and lower taxes with all of that transaction profit instead of letting it go to the Globalists. Back in the day, we printed our own money before the Central Banks came along and we will be fine in the future without their heavy-handed tactics controlling everything.
Ultimately, we human beings just need a way to transfer energy and value peer-to-peer from one person to another. Cash/Money was always just a means of transfer that is now becoming antiquated. The keys to the future are asset valuations and transfer protocols. No middleman is needed once these two things are established. Having some kind of recourse should things go south where physical goods are involved and customer service, which is already non existent anymore, will by the biggest concerns. Stock brokers, banks, real estate agents and everything to do with some kind of middleman will become so much more cost effective, efficient and transparent when it is put on the blockchain and everything finally gets tokenized.
We need all of this innovation to take us to a better world. Many of the old models, not just in banking, are no longer viable for humanity and the planet. I honestly can’t see the complete endgame as countries, central banks, private companies and publicly owned banks all issue their own tokens. We just need to pay attention through this transition and not let them put one over on us. You know, like the magician with the sexy assistant over here while the real trick is happening over there. I don’t trust anything to do with the legacy banking system until this transition is finished. Let’s kill off SWIFT and get all of these government and banking regulations out of our lives. Blockchain can solve a lot of the nightmare we have all been living with on a business and personal level.
I guess I’ll finish up with a couple of thoughts and a short video to make you all think about something. We need financial freedom not control as we head toward a cashless society in the not too distant future. We need to access our own assets and liquidity instead of letting the bankers use us and our assets for their profit, then pay us pennies on the dollar in interest as they make billions in profits. With this tokenization, it appears we will be able to interact with the assets of the United States in new ways. I don’t know exactly how these tokenized Bonds, CDs, Securities, Stocks and other financial products will be regarding interest rates and maintaining and growing our wealth. I do believe they will ultimately be better for the country and all of the citizens when the bankers are limited in their scope as middlemen. It’s no coincidence that hundreds of banks have gone under in the last year with hundreds more on the chopping block. They are no longer needed in this new digital world. Just give me an account with the Treasury and let’s all deal directly with the people who make decisions about our future. It’s coming. Get ready and pay close attention. I don’t think they can as soon as someone is back in office, but keep an eye on the banks and don’t let them slip a CBDC into our reality or we will end up just like the guy in this short video clip. It’s definitely not the world I want to live in. I don’t think you do either. This is the world that Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Bill Gates and all of the other globalists want for you and your families as part of Agenda 2030. Stay vigilant. I keep hearing and seeing so many things that are happening behind the scenes as we transition to a new, better world.
I have written many financial and other articles, some of which I have referenced here. I am including these links because along with that money comes the power to make these changes on a worldwide basis, and I believe they are all pieces of a global puzzle of control that is needed to free the planet.
“Jamaica Accords/The End Of The Original Bretton Woods Agreement”
“Official Digital USD/Strategic Assets/The McFadden Act of 1927”
“Financial History:Power Is Shifting/For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #10”
The Massive Web Of Control. Gold/GCR For Those Who Don't Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #9
“The Gold King & Now The Oil King”. The “Sandman” Cometh.
More Proof: “The Exchequer Files”. “For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #8”
“The Exchequer. The Hierarchy Of Money On Planet Earth”
“A King, A Queen And A President. Puzzle Pieces Of Freedom”
“GCR/Global Currency Reset. Preparations For QFS/NESARA/GESARA.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #6”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #5”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #4.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #3.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#2/The Gold”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#1”
“The Uniform Commercial Code/The UCC Connection.”
“The New IMS/International Monetary System”
GL-1/Global Layer One Asset Tokenization.
“What Was Supposed To Happen In 2012”
“Swissindo World Trust International”
Gold. Trump & Jackson. I Prefer Specie To Currency
The “QFS”/Quantum Computing And The Financial System
“The Committee Of 300/The Company You Keep”
“The Inner Sanctum/Serco-The Queen & Her Evil Empire”
“JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement”
“The Royal Kingdom Of Maharlika”
“Not That 13, The Real 13/The Black Nobillity”
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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