Blackrock, JP Morgan & XRP. Aladdin. RLUSD. Who Controls The Money? Who Controls The Entities That Control The Money? Layers And Layers, Safeguards, Kill Switches.
Who's At The Top Of The Food Chain?
Remember the phrase “Assets, Liability, Debt and Derivative Investment Network.” and what each of those financial instruments entail.
My last brain cell hurts. If I blow this one out, it’s over. Too much information.
This may be more like a class with a whole lot of Q&A with the readers.
Here’s what I’m seeing, you tell me if I‘m wrong?
Question #1.
Is the information I’m bringing to the table in this article orchestrated, coordinated, facilitated, allowed, or some combination thereof?
I still hear conversations on a daily basis that say nothing out of the ordinary is happening in the world of finance. I guess ignorance really is bliss. I’ve never seen so much activity that is so far out of the norm, it’s mind-blowing.
In the last few days I’ve been doing extra research trying to fit these latest events into the global financial puzzle that we are watching being assembled right before our eyes.
A lot of very smart people have their interpretations of the events that are happening in the financial world right now. Some of those thoughts are very specific about certain pieces and others have a more broad overview of the bigger picture and how these puzzle pieces fit together. This article will be focused on the big picture overview.
I was already working on a few different articles when this popped up on a Telegram feed a few days ago. Blackrock purchased a massive amount of the remaining Ripple/XRP Tokens. Blackrock & JP Morgan Chase have been stealthily acquiring large amounts of this particular Crypto. Watching this video begs a number of questions. It mentions Craig Phillips, a director at Ripple who was formerly a leader at Blackrock. How long have these acquisition plans been in the works? Could that have been part of a much larger “Plan” all along. Is this just one more transitional asset that will be used as a bridge between traditional finance and the new QFS? Is Blackrock’s Aladdin A.I. telling them to go all in on Ripple/XRP? If so, why?
I’ve mention Blackrock’s Aladdin software in articles before. Bear in mind, this video is approximately 2+ years old and that 21 trillion number has most assuredly gone up, as well as the percentages of the market that Aladdin controls. As you watch the video below this screen shot I pulled off of the video, keep these numbers in mind. Especially the last line about currencies.
I am including a second video here about Aladdin because it has a different take and some additional information that should anger all of you. They obviously drew on a lot of the same data sets as both videos are about 2 years old. The second half of this video goes into some issues that will continue to affect all of us, especially that (End Game). There is a phrase mentioned here that I will comment on later in the article. That phrase is “The Biggest Shadow Bank In The World”. It will also establish a deeper connection between the U.S. Government, The Fed & The Treasury under the current administration. It also has cooler graphics. LOL.
In a recent article, I showed you some activity that has taken place on the Ripple/XRP Testnet. Quadrillions and even larger numbers with 80 digits were used for the possibilities of global transactions using these amounts. Don’t you find it odd that those tests and the acquisition of this massive amount of XRP by Blackrock all happened within a couple of days of each other? Coincidence, or planning and timing being executed flawlessly?
There is some other information here that begs another major question in my mind. The graphic above mentions something else we haven’t talked about. That is RLUSD and how it plays into this equation and my question #2 for you all to think about.
Question #2.
I have shown you in multiple articles the Crypto connection to official channels with the Fed & The Treasury. With the coins that are being issued on the Stellar network and the Ripple/XRP Blockchain, I have to ask the question; “What level of participation and control do these government agencies have with the public companies representing these Crypto assets?” Since it rather apparent that the Fed & The Treasury are working hand in hand with Ripple/XRP and their Blockchain, Stellar and their Blockchain and also working hand in hand with JP Morgan and Blackrock’s Aladdin software, are these companies alone providing the liquidity behind these tokens and the funding, or are the assets of the United States at their disposal? We know nothing about the inner workings of these public/private partnerships. Sure, they have press releases with hand shaking and photo-ops for the media, but do any of us know what deals have been cut with Fink, Dimon, Yellen, Powell & the management at these companies? These entities have finite resources, apparently the Fed & The Treasury do not, as long as we are talking FIAT money. Case in point from the Ripple website:
“Ripple USD will be fully backed by a segregated reserve of cash and cash equivalents and redeemable 1:1 for US Dollars”
If RLUSD goes live and quadrillions of dollars of assets are needed immediately for the world to take advantage of this transition, are these assets removed form the current liquidity pools of USD currency markets? Will it all be done on ledger accounts for a few months until all of the details are worked out? I don’t know. I do know that not everyone will participate at the same time and liquidity will still be needed for the legacy financial instruments and the new QFS financial instruments.
For years we kept hearing that the Central Banks wouldn’t allow Bitcoin to exist because it could hurt them or even eliminate the need for the Central Banks entirely. Yet here we are, and it is very apparent that Bitcoin, XRP, Stellar and a few other key Cryptocurrencies are being integrated into, and will be a very import part of, the global financial infrastructure moving forward.
There are a number of other questions and it’s ridiculous to keep numbering them. From here on in this article, until I get down to my closing remarks, will be a bunch of questions and comments that have run through my mind regarding all of this stuff. I don’t know if any of it matters or we will ever know any of these answers, but they seem kind of important to me.
It’s Q&A time:
We alo have to think in terms of 5D chess after seeing this happen. Is this amount of XRP being taken out of the game so as to stop other bad players from controlling markets and these financial assets? Is it being allowed because someone can control JP Morgan and Blackrock? Are JP Morgan and Blackrock being allowed to do this to show their corruption? Many lenses to view this event through. Was it allowed knowing Blackrock and JP Morgan would tie up assets here they couldn’t use somewhere else? I don’t know, but I can guarantee you that there is more to this than meets the eye. The fact that it was made public only means it couldn’t remain hidden on the Blockchain.
Do any of us believe that Blackrock and JP Morgan aren’t exhibiting monopolistic behavior that is so far outside the law it’s not funny. It has to be being allowed for a purpose. Why is someone like Blackrock able to purchase massive amounts of XRP unless???? A private company doesn’t need to be in control of a strategic asset that can control the world’s financial system unless maybe they are acquiring it for another entity?
Back to that acronym for Aladdin/“Assets, Liability, Debt and Derivative Investment Network”. Is Aladdin the only thing that is keeping the Derivatives market from crashing the global economy? Is Blackrock/Fink/Aladdin working with the Global Debt Facility to offload derivatives at an acceptable pace that will keep the system functioning until the transition to the QFS is complete?
Are they doing this strictly for financial gain knowing that there will be some kind of coordinated asset value increase that will boost XRP/Ripple, Blackrock & JP Morgan instantly when the GCR happens? Will that be used to shore up or offset their Derivative losses? Are they becoming so valuable that the Fed & Treasury have to keep bailing them out until this Derivatives quagmire is straightened out? Is Aladdin’s control of the Derivatives markets the only reason it has been allowed to exist this long? That is the biggest elephant in the room.
It is not by happenstance that Blackrock & JP Morgan are doing this now. Along with everything else we see happening in the banking world and with Cryptocurrencies, is this part of the infrastructure they need in place by the end of the year? JP Morgan & Blackrock flipping their stance on Bitcoin and now making these major Crypto purchases. What other strategic Assets are needed?
Are they divesting FIAT and investing in Asset backed financial instruments? How much longer can anyone do that?
Let’s get in our time machine and go back to the beginnings of “The Plan” to save the world. They knew the endgame of freeing the world from the evil Banksters, even if they didn’t have all of the “How” in place to make it happen. As soon as he was elected, was Trump made aware of the power of the Aladdin software? Is that why the very early visit with Blackrock’s Larry Fink to bring him on board as an advisor? The video above states that it controls the actions of the U.S. Federal Reserve. Blackrock’s Aladdin already controls a large percentage of all stock market transactions. What better way to manipulate a soft landing for the economy and control the destruction until the “Exchequer” is back in place to finish this financial transition to the QFS. Or, they may just be an evil company controlled by an evil man doing very evil things? They could also be the tip of the financial spear being wielded by the greatest military General of all time following “The Plan” to save the world. To stop the world from collapsing and shepherd the world through this massive switch to the QFS, would it not be advantageous to control the “Biggest Shadow Bank In The World?”
Will there be a new Asset Backed Stock Market inside the QFS and a FIAT backed one that stays in place? Once the UST is announced to be asset backed, will that translate to all of the assets in the stock market now being asset backed as well. People think asset backing is just for the amount of physical currency, it’s not. Ledger accounts keep the stock market afloat as well.
President Trump has mentioned many times that we have to have an even playing field for the world to join and experience this new prosperity that awaits. Prosperity for the world is much more contagious than capitulation.
We have to ask ourselves what moves are part of “The Plan” and what moves are countering a move by the Deep State to make sure “The Plan” stays on track? “The Plan” in hindsight will look markedly different than it did trying to figure out how we get from where we were to the “Endgame” of taking back the world from the Deep State.
The fewer pieces of a complicated plan, the easier they are to control. A handful of key players can control enough of the board, and the economy, to avoid destruction by the Deep State. There are rumors that JP Morgan is basically going to be the new Treasury. Black Rock and Aladdin will oversee the new Financial & Stock Markets. Elon Musk/Starlink/Starshield are another strategic chess piece that will control communications and provide a digital backbone for the new QFS. Trump has already said he will immediately fire Gary Gensler and get control back of the SEC/Securities & Exchange Commission. It sounds to me like a limited number of players facilitating everything that is needed. Are they the safeguards and the kill switches that have been put in place?
Are we witnessing the final stages of the destruction of the Deep State control of the banking system? To quote our old friend Hannibal Smith.
As with everything we have been witnessing, timing is everything. We are coming up on an election. The “Endgame” is static. Return to the Republic, seize control of the banks from the Deep State and free the planet from their control. “The Plan” has been well thought out, even though the situation with completion and timing remains fluid. Multiple players are having to execute their part. Is their continued participation voluntary or coerced? How many bad actors have been flipped? Will the GCR and the revaluation of the physical currencies be augmented by the revaluations and usage of all of these digital assets? There seems to be a whole lot of overlap suggesting they will all be equally important participants in the new QFS. So many international banking regulations, contracts and tokenizations are all being targeted to be completed by the end of the year. Is that a coincidence? I think not.
Someone is at the top of this chain of events. They are orchestrating this financial “Endgame” with military precision. I have said who I believe that is. No one but the “Exchequer” can wield enough power to force capitulation or coerce participation on a global level and back it up.
The dots are here. Have I connected them in the right way to paint a picture of the financial landscape moving forward? Is this just another holographic layer of deception on top of the global banking sector to confuse and befuddle the public? I don’t know. It’s all those things that I, and everyone else don’t yet know, that will still be the closing act in this Shakespearean Financial Play of Biblical proportions.
How much of what we are watching everyday is that “Movie” that “Q” told us about to entertain and placate the masses, and how much is the actual plan being orchestrated behind the scenes, for the time and place of the reveal of the “Endgame” to the public?
That’s enough. It’s intermission time. I need more popcorn. Like it or not, you’ve got to admit it’s a helluva show.
I have written many financial and other articles, some of which I have referenced here. I am including these links because along with that money comes the power to make these changes on a worldwide basis, and I believe they are all pieces of a global puzzle of control that is needed to free the planet.
“GCR/Multiple Digital Asset Valuations”
“Draining Liquidity & Transitioning Assets.”
“Jamaica Accords/The End Of The Original Bretton Woods Agreement”
“Official Digital USD/Strategic Assets/The McFadden Act of 1927”
“Financial History:Power Is Shifting/For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #10”
The Massive Web Of Control. Gold/GCR For Those Who Don't Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #9
“The Gold King & Now The Oil King”. The “Sandman” Cometh.
More Proof: “The Exchequer Files”. “For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #8”
“The Exchequer. The Hierarchy Of Money On Planet Earth”
“A King, A Queen And A President. Puzzle Pieces Of Freedom”
“GCR/Global Currency Reset. Preparations For QFS/NESARA/GESARA.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #6”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #5”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #4.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #3.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#2/The Gold”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#1”
“The Uniform Commercial Code/The UCC Connection.”
“The New IMS/International Monetary System”
GL-1/Global Layer One Asset Tokenization.
“What Was Supposed To Happen In 2012”
“Swissindo World Trust International”
Gold. Trump & Jackson. I Prefer Specie To Currency
The “QFS”/Quantum Computing And The Financial System
“The Committee Of 300/The Company You Keep”
“The Inner Sanctum/Serco-The Queen & Her Evil Empire”
“JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement”
“The Royal Kingdom Of Maharlika”
“Not That 13, The Real 13/The Black Nobillity”
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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