What is The Formula/Equation? GCR Valuations To Plug Into The QFS. The World's Reserve Currency. How Much Value/Currency Fluctuation Will Be Allowed After The Fact? Get It Right The First Time.
There Is A Golden Ticket. Have we already, or will we even cash it in? Timelines For Implementation. (Follow The Money Series)
We are still living in this crazy “Dichotomy Economy”. I really hope this article makes some kind of sense by the end. Remembering all of the pieces that I have located and researched over the last 2 years as these new pieces come into the puzzle is very taxing on the old gray cells.
Once again, there is so much going on in the financial world, both in public and behind the scenes, it is unbelievable. The final stages of the Global Currency Reset, transition to the new QFS, settlement of decades old debt, the next stage of the Basel Accords, Tokenization of assets, establishing the values of RWA/Real World Assets, Cryptocurrency integration and so much more is all happening at record speed. All that, and I am but a humble researcher trying to fit together a global financial puzzle and I’ve lost the box, so I don’t even know what the puzzle looks like. Oh well, woe is me. Please, come along on this journey of Satori. I promise, that old deadhead Jerry knew what he was talking about.
I’ve told you guys for months we’ve been hearing a phrase used over and over again in the background from many sources and articles. That phrase is some variation of “Debt Settlement or Settlement Of Debt”. I have a question for each of you to consider. Is that U.S. Corporation debt, Republic Of The United States Of America debt, International or Global debt, Central Banking debt, Historical Treaty debt, Derivative debt or some combination of all of it and more? I believe in the “Combination” theory myself. Let’s see if you agree.
The Facts:
Let’s get the facts out of the way, so they don’t interfere with any speculation I may have in the rest of this article. I personally don’t believe any of these facts can be disputed, as I have shown you why I believe what I have already written about all of this information.
#1. In regards to managing Country to Country, International or “Global” debt, there is something called “The Global Debt Facility” duh…. This is involved with Derivatives, Real Estate and many other pieces of the Financial World we all inhabit. It is involved with the U.N., The IMF, World Bank and the BIS. There are actually articles out there saying this is a myth, but there are verifiable government websites and documents discussing this. I.E.
Please pay attention to all of that graphic above, but notice two points in particular. “U.S. Dollar Denominated” (It is the World’s Reserve Currency and they have to have something to value this debt against) and there is an “Unlimited” amount of Debt available to purchase. LOL. I’m sure there is, knowing how these crooked Banksters operate. If they run out of debt, I’m quite sure they will just make more. Just so we are clear, all of this global financial control grew out of the original Bretton Woods meeting in 1944. The establishment of the Federal Reserve notes backed by all of the Maharlikan Gold/Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement and the establishment of a worldwide Gold Standard. I have written extensively about this in many articles that I will reference below.
#2. The man in control of all of that gold had made it known in a letter to The Queen, before her death, that he made a new “Bilateral/Trilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement” with President Donald Trump in 2017 that is good for 20 years until 2037. He also made reference to it in other letters to The Queen and other World Leaders about the use of this Gold in backing the currency of “The Worldwide Federal Reserve System of Central Banks”.
#3. A document has been shown about President Trump and his knowledge of, and communication with, Leo Wanta in regards to the 32+ trillion dollar Wanta Fund and the dispersal of those funds. Once again, this screen capture notice was taken from Leo Wanta’s official website where it was posted in 2017 after President Trump took office.
#4. President Trump’s statement about the world needing to be “On An Even Playing Field” financially and his unbelievable trip around the world as shown in the ever so brilliant Bonfire Guy Documentary “The Great Awakening”.
Read the information, and watch “The Great Awakening” and verify in your own mind what I believe are “The Facts”. My interpretations of how those facts play into what we are witnessing in the banking world will be the rest of this article. I consider my articles as '“Informed Speculation”. There is so much secret stuff playing out behind the scenes that we will never know about until long after we are all in the ground. I have no illusions that I am exactly right about all of it, but I know I’m not wrong about all of it.
For those of you who may or may not know the history of how the U.S. Dollar became the World’s Reserve Currency, here is an excellent primer from Investopedia.com.
How the U.S. Dollar Became the World's Reserve Currency.
Here is an excerpt from that article to think about. “Backed By The World’s Largest Gold Reserves” or “The Maharlikan Gold” with the signing of the original “Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement” which I have written about extensively in my “Follow The Money Series” which will be listed at the end of this article.
This was all done to stabilize the world’s economy after WWII and to have some kind of consensus of the value of everything in the world based on a formula and the use of the “Federal Reserve Note/World’s Reserve Currency” as the financial instrument of that formula.
In 1971 President Nixon threw a monkey wrench in all of this when he took us off of the gold standard.
We have heard for months that the Central Bank/Federal Reserve Notes held by countries and used for international commerce are now Gold/Asset Backed. Laws dictated that international currency between countries could no longer be FIAT money. I cannot even begin to speculate how the M1, M2, M3 and other money supplies and their asset backing, or lack thereof, plays into the domestic Stock Markets, Commodities markets and other U.S. based markets. Apparently, all monies used inside the U.S. by the citizens are still FIAT currency.
I will make a bunch of statements, ask a lot of questions and give you my conclusions and you can decide if you want to call the guys with the straitjackets to visit my humble abode. Let’s go.
The main reason BRICS came into being was to get away from the control of the FIAT/Western Banking System. (I’m pretty sure I got that one right.)
We know about Treaties, Meetings, Accords and other International Agreements like Basel and others, but we also have much information from very credible sources, including the U.S. Congress, about Secret Treaties, dealings with the Queen, Presidents, The Committee of 300, The Council of 13 and leaders around the world for decades that have not been made public for various reasons. Interpreting what we do know, without knowing what we don’t know, is a very challenging task.
There has been much speculation by everyone, including myself, about what all happened on President Trump’s trip around the world in 2017. I have written in articles that I believe he got many countries to sign off on assets and get control back of funds that have been withheld for decades. He exposed corruption and forced capitulation or exposure of various “Crimes Against Humanity” and many heinous human trafficking atrocities committed by a number countries, organizations and people. After thinking about this another way, there may have been another element to that trip that I, and many others, have overlooked. That is the signing off on “Debt Settlement” between the U.S. and many other countries.
Everyone always talks about the U.S. and the National Debt of 35 trillion dollars. How much money is owed the U.S. by other countries and is never discussed in that equation? When President Trump made that trip around the world, he brought up the fact that NATO countries haven’t been making their payments for the military protection they have received for years. I’m quite certain there has been many other delinquent payments that have been moved to another column in the ledger so these countries could still function. Maybe a future favor for debt forgiveness, tit for tat, you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours, favor for favor. It’s all been making a deal with the Central Bank Devil that controlled this money printing anyway. Even though it has not been acknowledged publicly, how much of this debt was written off and “Settled” on that trip? The more I’ve thought about it, I believe a lot was taken care of. The power plays and the power players involved in that trip were many. I also believe that trip played heavily into the statement from President Trump about “An Even Playing Field” financially. You can’t hold debt against us if we can’t hold it against you.
We know the next stage of the Basel Endgame was implemented on October 1st with the new banking capital requirements. Hundreds of companies weekly are establishing “Tokens” for their businesses. Many other banking transitions are happening almost daily. The legacy banks and banking systems are being cleaned up or made irrelevant. Hundreds of bank closings happening quarterly, both here and around the world, as everyone prepares for the QFS. President Trump has talked about mining Bitcoin and even paying off the U.S Debt with Cryptocurrency.
Whether or not the BRICS countries and their cadre of followers de-dollarize and slowly move away from the USD, there still has to be a standard to value the assets of the world by, regardless if you are in the Eastern Banking System or the Western Banking System. That standard, for the time being, is still the Federal Reserve Note/USD that all of the Central Banks around the world have in their vaults. If, as we have been told, all Federal Reserve notes that are international are now asset backed, there really is no urgency to de-dollarize, even though the BRICS currency may eventually have many advantages over the current Central Bank currency.
For decades we have had debt, insurance, stocks, bonds, real estate, autos, bank loans, shipping, aid, services of all kinds, commodities, treaties, agreements, and any other transaction that involved anything other than barter have been denominated in FIAT based money or currency. Here’s where this all gets really crazy and I want you all to join me in this bout of insanity by thinking about a few things. These are the reasons, in my mind, that I believe it is imperative to get this Global Currency Reset, the transition to the QFS and the implementation of NESARA/GESARA right, because there will never be another change to fix this mess again. Ever. This financial transition has been in the works for decades.
I need for you to think about a few financial terms. Value, Buying Power, Inflation, Fees, Cost, Depreciation, Appreciation, Ratios, Interest and Payments. There are many more that are used in the financial world, but these are some I will bring up and discuss in the context of this article.
Keep in mind, the Federal Reserve Note/USD is the World’s Reserve Currency and the value of the World is denominated in USD. Also keep in mind the fluctuations in a currency by supply and demand vs. a drop or a revaluation. The dollar cannot be allowed to crash because it will take the whole world with it. Unless there is something waiting in the wings to replace it.
Think about the final “Formula/Equation” for the GCR/QFS and what calculations that entails. It’s almost like one would need a “Quantum” computer to prepare for this transition to a new “QFS/Quantum Financial System”.
There has to be a master currency or asset to be valued against to establish that value. When we were on the Gold standard, the USD was the paper currency used to facilitate that value.
We have to think big picture here. We all know that the U.S. Stock Market is manipulated by Blackrock and the Aladdin software. All the major players use it or another just like it in all of their trading. Gold, Silver and the other precious metals markets have all been artificially held down for years. Bitcoin and Crypto are being manipulated as well. Is all of this happening to allow Governments, Countries, Central Banks, Major Banks and certain Power Players to acquire multiple assets with FIAT money before the big change to the QFS goes live? All of these groups are also being allowed to pay off the FIAT debt that has accrued over the decades with FIAT money or, as I have mentioned here and in other articles, negotiate or “Settle” that FIAT debt once and for all. I believe that time is coming to an end. How much longer can you buy RWA/Real World Assets with FIAT money? Were countries given a time frame years ago for this transition? Are there other codicils involved with BASEL that have not been made public?
Has every Treaty, still in effect worldwide, had to be rewritten and renegotiated in an asset backed currency?
Could price stability controls be put in place worldwide to stop Real Estate, Precious Metals, Autos, the Stock and Commodities markets from being so volatile through this transition? There are already breakers in place on the Stock Exchanges when a stock has a major swing. I believe it is possible in some coordinated effort between all the participating countries who want to be involved in the GCR.
Many countries still have USD reserves sitting in their vaults as part of the asset base for their net worth and the value of their currencies. Even with the fluctuations, the USD is still relatively stable compared to other currencies. As part of the “Formula/Equation”, have countries been given time to transition to more Gold, Silver and diversify their holdings? Absolutely.
Moving forward with the QFS and the GCR, currencies and assets will be given a value based on what? Equated to what? The World’s Reserve Currency. Here’s where the problem comes in. The United States uses the Federal Reserve Note as it’s currency. The United States is accruing massive amounts of debt against that currency and the world does not necessarily agree with the creation of all of that debt and what it is being used for. The BRICS nations, tired of all of the game-playing and manipulation by the Federal Reserve Banks and the U.S. Government, Formed an alliance with Gold/Asset backed currencies to bypass and sidestep the legacy banking system.
Another piece of information to throw into this equation is the bankruptcy that was filed on behalf of the U.S. Corporation. I have spoken with multiple people in the financial world who acknowledge the filing of the bankruptcy and I have seen the paperwork. What no one can confirm is that the final paperwork for the completion of the bankruptcy process and the discharging of the final debt has occurred. We’re dealing with that dichotomy of life in between a defunct corporation and a revitalized Republic. Is the Republic responsible for the debts of the Corporation? Will it ever be made public? Is there a way to divorce the two in the eyes of the world?
Since the Bankruptcy was filed, can they still be allowed to print money to assist the world until the Bankruptcy is completely discharged on a world stage and the Republic Of The United States Of America recognized internationally as a sovereign nation again and not a corporation?
I believe one of the power plays that has been going on in the background with all of the Debt Settlement and re-negotiations going on is this: The GCR will be allowed to finally happen if all countries agree to settle their inter-country debt first once the reset has happened. The U.S. has massive debt owed to China and other countries. In turn, many of these countries owe the U.S. for outstanding debts as well. Countries can’t be expected to pay their debts once the GCR is triggered if they don’t get what is owed them first. That is why I believe debt settlement is the first thing on the agenda once the GCR happens. Settle the debt so we know what assets are left to value every country’s currencies against.
That brings me to one of my my main reasons for writing this article. Many of the funds that are sent overseas by the U.S. to aid other countries have been sanctioned and requested over the decades by the U.N., the BIS and the G-20 nations. Some of the debt that is part of our 35 Trillion dollar national debt isn’t really our debt, it is the world’s debt printed by the U.S. on behalf of the world. That being said, Congress has authorized a lot of stupid money laundering on behalf of the American people that will have to be dealt with. We hear the phrase “Congress has authorized 100 million dollars to be sent to this country or that country” and we automatically assume it’s a gift or there are no codicils or terms on the authorization for those funds. That would be a very faulty assumption. Will money being sent overseas be written off as an expense just to keep the illusion alive until the correct timing of the GCR transition happens? Which I believe is very near.
Were laws only broken on behalf of a now defunct corporation at the behest of it’s leaders or was Treason committed against a sovereign nation? Sorting that out legally may take decades. All laws that have been broken since the bankruptcy was filed on the corporation, that’s a whole other set of circumstances. I’m not a lawyer, can we separate the two entities legally since Congress and the President have spoken for, and on behalf of, both entities for decades? I don’t know.
I’m reminded of that old Biblical passage “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” In this case it’s God & Country or Money.
Think about this one very powerful statement. “Once the final implementation of QFS happens, and all financial transactions and valuations worldwide will be with an asset based currency, all remaining FIAT debt that has been created for decades will have to be repaid with asset backed currencies.” No more shenanigans with the banks and money. This is one reason why I believe “Tokenization” and the upcoming use of Cryptocurrencies is so very important.
In a digital Blockchain world, are banks even needed? Let the governments and treasuries make all of the profit on interest to pay off this legacy debt and reduce taxes and increase infrastructure spending for the people. Take the greedy Bankster middlemen out of the equation and let the world prosper.
I mentioned in a recent article that 10 Quadrillion XRP was moved on the XRP testnet as proof of functionality for an amount that large. It sounds to me like they are preparing for the transition to the QFS. Over the last year or so, a number has been tossed around by several different entities. I do not believe these people are in contact in any way, so it begs the questions about them relaying the same information. We have heard that a parallel ledger system for global banking has been running to mirror SWIFT. Apparently a test transaction was ran on that parallel financial network in the amount of 4 Quadrillion dollars. I got to thinking about that amount and why something so large would be needed in the new asset backed QFS. This is pure speculation on my part. I mentioned “The Golden Ticket” in the subtitle of this article. Stay with me here for a minute. I mentioned in a previous article that the man in charge of all of that gold made an offer to the world shortly after President Trump took office. Here is that offer and I will continue below.
I got out my calculator and did some math. I looked up the total debt for the world and it comes in under 400 trillion dollars. I’ve mentioned that the total Derivative debt out there is between 1.5 and 3 quadrillion dollars. The numbers vary so much I don’t believe any of them. My point is this, They did a test transaction with 4 quadrillion dollars worth of gold that would cover the debt of all countries in the world and take care of the derivatives so every country could have asset backed currency and participate in the world’s economy on “An Even Playing Field” as someone mentioned. They could finance out the debt and pay these funds back over 100 years so that it wouldn’t burden any country excessively. This would allow countries worldwide to implement NESARA/GESARA in stages and free the planet from the evil Banksters. I have no idea what all of those details would be, but I am showing you what has been presented as an option to the world. What was talked about in the “Great Awakening” video and what I have shown you and written about President Trump being the “Exchequer” for planet earth by signing that new 20 year agreement is a very real possibility. Was this always part of “The Plan” and “Q” all along? Not every country would need those amounts, but the funds are there. Will countries, or have countries, signed off on this already? We should know shortly.
Back to my original “Facts” that I used to start this article.
I believe President Trump put many things in place on that trip around the world in 2017. Many of those plans are still playing out right before our very eyes. I believe he was asked to extend the “New Bilateral-Trilateral Breakthrough Successor Agreement” for another 20 years and use that gold to stabilize the world’s economy through this banking transition and to allow the Central Bank/Federal Reserve/USD to remain the world’s Reserve Currency to facilitate that stability. The “Queen” was going to be gone and someone had to oversee that process.
I don’t believe President Trump would have agreed to Pay Leo Wanta his 4.5 trillion dollars unless he had already gotten control of the Wanta Funds. No one knows where those funds are now. I’ve asked people at all levels of the financial world and no one can answer that question. I also believe the remaining 27.5 trillion, after Leo’s fees, were put into some kind of account accruing interest or were used to purchase Gold and other hard assets and set aside to kickstart the U.S. Treasury notes that will liquify the banking system for the Republic once the Corporate bankruptcy is finally settled and discharged.
Don’t you agree that there has to be a ”Formula/Equation” used for the final determinations on valuations that will be plugged into the QFS? There will be a day when the actual valuations that end up on stock markets, gold and precious metals, currency markets and all of the globalist trade and asset markets will all be updated simultaneously when that final switch is flipped. It’s taken a very long time to bring this to fruition. Something tells me it will be worth the wait when it finally happens.
I have brought a few of these pieces together for this article. I’m quite certain there are hundreds, or even thousands, of other variables that we know nothing about that are also part of this equation. None of us are naive enough to believe that crooked politicians and bankers will become none existent once this change is triggered. But, starting with a clean slate in the new QFS should make it much easier to catch the anomalies and the bad actors. It should create a whole new level of transparency and accountability.
This Formula/Equation is more complicated than E=MC2. I’m quite certain Einstein would have laughed at the variables. How can you come up with an equation when the variables are constantly changing?
Wouldn’t it make a great movie playing out like it was reality……..Wait, isn’t that what’s…..I’m having a Philip K. Dick moment “Is this all just the reality of an illusion or the illusion of reality?”. I personally think it’s one of the greatest magic tricks ever. They fooled the whole world with this banking illusion. I think that’s everything. Seriously, I’m finished.
I have written many financial and other articles, some of which I have referenced here. I am including these links because along with that money comes the power to make these changes on a worldwide basis, and I believe they are all pieces of a global puzzle of control that is needed to free the planet.
“Nothing Is Happening. Don’t Be Distracted By The Movie”.
Blackrock, JP Morgan & XRP. Aladdin. Who Controls The Money?
“GCR/Multiple Digital Asset Valuations”
“Draining Liquidity & Transitioning Assets.”
“Jamaica Accords/The End Of The Original Bretton Woods Agreement”
“Official Digital USD/Strategic Assets/The McFadden Act of 1927”
“Financial History:Power Is Shifting/For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #10”
The Massive Web Of Control. Gold/GCR For Those Who Don't Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #9
“The Gold King & Now The Oil King”. The “Sandman” Cometh.
More Proof: “The Exchequer Files”. “For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #8”
“The Exchequer. The Hierarchy Of Money On Planet Earth”
“A King, A Queen And A President. Puzzle Pieces Of Freedom”
“GCR/Global Currency Reset. Preparations For QFS/NESARA/GESARA.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #6”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #5”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #4.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #3.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#2/The Gold”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#1”
“The Uniform Commercial Code/The UCC Connection.”
“The New IMS/International Monetary System”
GL-1/Global Layer One Asset Tokenization.
“What Was Supposed To Happen In 2012”
“Swissindo World Trust International”
Gold. Trump & Jackson. I Prefer Specie To Currency
The “QFS”/Quantum Computing And The Financial System
“The Committee Of 300/The Company You Keep”
“The Inner Sanctum/Serco-The Queen & Her Evil Empire”
“JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement”
“The Royal Kingdom Of Maharlika”
“Not That 13, The Real 13/The Black Nobillity”
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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Thank You Hannaq. I'm glad you enjoyed it. All the best.
Great article! As usual! Thank you!